That sucks. At least the bank found out though! I was frauded once and they had taken over £1000 from me before I had noticed :/CT: Got a text from my bank last night to ask if I recognised some transactions and I didn't, so I sent back no. They called me back a minute later (at about 1am) to go through some of my transactions and it definitely looked like someone had been taking money from my account, only about 5 transactions of around £10 each, but still... that sucks. So my bank cancelled my card and have refunded me for the money taken which is cool, now I'm just gonna be cardless for about a week :/
Very satisfied with my bank right now. If they didn't tell me about this, I don't know how long it would have taken me to see this was happening.
Completely unrelated though, my way of getting money has stopped right now, csn I borrow a tenner?