WAIT!? Like Kamloops B.C.? Hahaha I used to live in Vernon YEARS AGO! Small world I guess xD
At least you didn't have a Bear break into your house and steal $500+ worth of chocolate and then clean out the fridge, freezer, and pantry.... Ripped multiple industrial bags of flour and threw it around making the room white! LOL It climbed up into the second story on the stucco (no one knows how) and broke through the library and kept coming back every day for the course of 3-4 days while we were on a trip in Osoyoos. This was when we were living in Nelson. Somehow my cat survived and the bear smashed his head in the wall. He got away but trappers came and got him after we had to report it to the insurance company :'( He did manage to get the food out of the trap without triggering it the first time. The bear was very smart! Then again he was the master of unlocking!
I saw somewhere you've been to Nanaimo too, ever been to the Cowichan Valley?