What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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Is it wrong of me to call him Big Balls Barry Burton? I play as Barry in Raid Mode with my Fianceé, and I just came up with the name to make him seem like a tough guy lol

She complains about his backpack getting in the way of her aim, because it's so big. So I said it was just Big Balls Barry Burton's Bulging Bulky Backpack. Alliteration for the win!
I just told her that I couldn't afford it and she was okay with it, she understood. It's a load off my mind but I still feel a little bad about it. It's done now, at least.

Thanks for the advice. :)
Take her out for a cup of tea or something, as a small apology and a fun time together.
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Take her out for a cup of tea or something, as a small apology and a fun time together.
Good idea. :) We're also going to see a comedian (I paid for the tickets for us last year) so we'll still have fun.
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I am getting a super kick out of this Kim Davis story. She's the court county clerk that refuses to sign marriage licenses in protest of the supreme court ruling on same-sex marriage. What's AMAZING is that she's been married four times, husband #2 is also husband #4 and she asked him to take care of husband #3's kids when she was married to husband #1.

I just don't get it. How in the world can this bitch claim to be 'upholding the sanctity of marriage' when she herself is an adulterer who's been divorced three times? I'm amazed at the audacity she has to impose her own religious beliefs on others when she clearly doesn't follow them herself. And people are paying her taxes. Ugh.
R.I.P Duncan White Spot. I had my birthday dinner there this past year. Many memories there. I'm actually really sad it burned down. xD Last year the Christmas house, this year White Spot. Sigh.
I am getting a super kick out of this Kim Davis story. She's the court county clerk that refuses to sign marriage licenses in protest of the supreme court ruling on same-sex marriage. What's AMAZING is that she's been married four times, husband #2 is also husband #4 and she asked him to take care of husband #3's kids when she was married to husband #1.

I just don't get it. How in the world can this bitch claim to be 'upholding the sanctity of marriage' when she herself is an adulterer who's been divorced three times? I'm amazed at the audacity she has to impose her own religious beliefs on others when she clearly doesn't follow them herself. And people are paying her taxes. Ugh.
I worked in eastern Kentucky for a year and I have to say her behavior is pretty consistent with some of the characters I've met over there. I can easily picture many of them having no problem with her convictions and instead pointing the finger of scrutiny at the evil government trying to tell her how to do a job she was elected into.

It's kind of strange how agreement can crop up. Many of her friends and family probably agree with her that it's wrong, but they would wind up siding with you because they'd recognize her efforts are pointless and her family is more important than fighting a losing battle.

They take family values incredibly seriously down there, in their own way.
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CT: I thought I had found a semi-perfect solution to my bad-eyes-but-not-willing-to-wear-glasses problem: Contact lenses. When I wore them yesterday, everything was fine, except that it took me half an hour to put them in for the first time. (Not that it was any easier the second time...) But today I wonder if I might be wearing them the wrong way around. Internet says you should notice that immediately because your eyes start burning and tearing. Well, that's not the case. But my eyesight is definitely blurrier than yesterday, even though I can actually see pretty far. Or am I imagining things because I'm still not used to it?
CT: I thought I had found a semi-perfect solution to my bad-eyes-but-not-willing-to-wear-glasses problem: Contact lenses. When I wore them yesterday, everything was fine, except that it took me half an hour to put them in for the first time. (Not that it was any easier the second time...) But today I wonder if I might be wearing them the wrong way around. Internet says you should notice that immediately because your eyes start burning and tearing. Well, that's not the case. But my eyesight is definitely blurrier than yesterday, even though I can actually see pretty far. Or am I imagining things because I'm still not used to it?
You can usually feel it if you're wearing them inside out, there will be a slight discomfort. It can also be the type of lenses that might not be suiting you - I started off on daily lenses but they didn't fit as well as monthlies so I was changed to monthly ones. It may be the fit of the lens that isn't right for you. I don't know for sure, I'm just talking from my experience. Maybe go back to your optician and ask what they recommend?
coming back from vacation only to find out the lightning killed my modem and doorbell

I read that as "Coming back from vacation only to find out Lightning killed my mother's dockhand". xD
But anyway, that sucks. Bad things always happen to me right after vacation. It's like, trying to make up for all our relaxing and/or fun. :P
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I start school on Tuesday for game development. I'm so nervous because it's 8:30 to 4:30 every day and no holidays. It's going to be very intensive and I have some pretty sever sleeping issues :( I really hope I can do this and not lose my $14'000....

I mean it's something I have a passion for and love it and I have some prior skills for this but I'm worried because of my health.
I start school on Tuesday for game development. I'm so nervous because it's 8:30 to 4:30 every day and no holidays. It's going to be very intensive and I have some pretty sever sleeping issues :( I really hope I can do this and not lose my $14'000....

I mean it's something I have a passion for and love it and I have some prior skills for this but I'm worried because of my health.
try to train your self to sleep from 9~10 pm to 4:30 ~ 5:30 am, or try to wake up at those times everyday no matter what time you've slept.

LIKE ME!! :)

might take a while, but it's totally worth it
I got two days to do it. I'll try. I'm some hard sleeping pills and I just took some. I should get bed now then. Ugh I've had some very un-pleasurable experiences trying to sleep :(

Thank you though :) I'll try my best!
CT: You know what annoys me? Video games that won't let you level progress until you've collected a certain amount collectibles. It's just a cheap way to get force players to explore the entire level.

Now, I'm not against level exploration, but for something, like Sonic Boom: ****tered Crystal, it's just a hindrance to go all over that 2D level.
Welp, this latest trip to my aunt's in Kamloops has certainly been eventful. First some girls from the Indian Reserve tried breaking into our car, then a windstorm over night, and now there's a black bear lying in the tree in the front yard.
Never a dull moment.

WAIT!? Like Kamloops B.C.? Hahaha I used to live in Vernon YEARS AGO! Small world I guess xD

At least you didn't have a Bear break into your house and steal $500+ worth of chocolate and then clean out the fridge, freezer, and pantry.... Ripped multiple industrial bags of flour and threw it around making the room white! LOL It climbed up into the second story on the stucco (no one knows how) and broke through the library and kept coming back every day for the course of 3-4 days while we were on a trip in Osoyoos. This was when we were living in Nelson. Somehow my cat survived and the bear smashed his head in the wall. He got away but trappers came and got him after we had to report it to the insurance company :'( He did manage to get the food out of the trap without triggering it the first time. The bear was very smart! Then again he was the master of unlocking!