Hell if I know.Because we all know Belle goes out at night with her glock, robbin banks at gun point, screwin' bitches left and right, then coming home to her beast after a long night of being pimp.
CT: What in the actual hell did I just say?
Hell if I know.Because we all know Belle goes out at night with her glock, robbin banks at gun point, screwin' bitches left and right, then coming home to her beast after a long night of being pimp.
CT: What in the actual hell did I just say?
I just don't like Chris anymore... they changed him too much in RE6 for him to be likeable to me at all!
CT: I come back to REN, such a innocent little place... then it all turns to sex. Yup, that's when you can tell I'm back!
Just sitting around with a glass of wine, wrapping Christmas presents with Miss Puss Puss, listening to some Gangnam style.
I was actually talking aout my cat that time.
STORY! Welcome back dolly. And Tremor is also back at the same time! I think you two have been somewhere together... I hope and think it was all consensual.You know what's even worse? When you're allergic to garlic and can't enjoy those amazing creamy garlic dipping sauces ;_; Oh well... least my breath won't suffer the consequences.
Oh, hey guys. *waves*
Who is that woman? There's something familiar about her face but I have no idea who it is.CT: I've... I... have fallen in love with Leon. WTF is wrong with me? I fully support Lelena. Oh god... Why did Chris have to be so out of character in RE6? And why did Leon start becoming hot? I am so ashamed... I feel like taking a shower, a hot shower...This is all too weird for me... My feelz just.... geez. *ashamed*
AKA the awkward looking Vampire Girl.^That is the beautiful Kristen Stewart, and thank you!
AKA the awkward looking Vampire Girl.