CT: Watching YouBoob... I mean YouTube. Boobs.
Performing barefoot means all that? How little I know....I stopped taking her seriously when she wrote that song called 'Innocence' about Kanye West and performed it barefoot as if he'd sexually assaulted her or something.
Give me a break, sure Kanye's a jackass but you can't buy that kind of publicity, so stfu.
You're not the only one, that's what I got out of it too. I mean I was disgusted by his behavior and it was unnecessary and uncalled for and the fact that a video with three women in black leotards dancing in front of a white backdrop is "one of the best videos of all time!" despite Michael Jackson's amazing innovativeness and the tiny little fact that Taylor's video actually told a story that went along with the song means he doesn't really have the best judgement in the world but she sort of...milked it, for lack of a better term, for publicity.That's definitely what I got out of it.
I don't think God hates you, I think he just wanted to demonstrate how much loved you are, you're welcome to sit in anyone's lap. LolCT: I'm thinner and weigh less than I've ever weighed(as an adult obv), but I just sat down in my favorite chair and broke it. God hates me. ;_;