Who is your favourite enemy (or boss)?

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Who is your favourite enemies and boss in RE world?

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tyrant definitly on my list just because his scariness... no matter what type of tyrant you deal with in which game hes just intimidating with that expressionless face
My vote is to salazar.It was fun to use TMP on that guy.

I guess there could be a worst boss poll as there are many.krauser is my worst boss.I havent met wesker in RE 5 though. Might change my mind.:lol:
There are quite a few enemies missing up there^, but anyway, Alexia Asford. That B is twisted and insane in more ways than one... don't forget, she kicked Weskers ass. If she so much as grabbed you, you were screwed! Also, she was impossible to hit with the Linear Launcher.... soooo annoying.
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I guess my favorite enemy is chainsawman/woman, even though i'm scared to death of them in RE4, especially chainsaw women! I don't know why but they are so creepy. :wacko:
Mayby it's because you can see chainsaw women's faces, but all chainsaw men have bags on their faces!
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Regenerators are awesome when you first encounter them without the thermal scope. I think they were the only enemy I ever actually ran from.
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alonecrow;704 said:
Hey, all, i want to ask in you in a poll.
After playing RE series so far, which enemies and bosses do you like most?
You can vote up to 10 votes, cause the option is many.
Alert and tell me if i'm mistaken in typing a name, and tell me if i miss an enemy in the games.

Blind slasher is the Garrador isn't it?you know the guy that has eyes stiched up.
I would have to say the most daunting/awesome enemy is either the Hunter or those hellish dogs (Not sure if those are on the list, do not know their name). Both are tough and fun to fight, and they have some disquieting features. In reality, if their were dogs like that running around the city tearing **** up, survival would be REALLY tough. They got super speed, and they jump at you from like seven feet away, and all it takes is one bite and your done.
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Definitely Lisa. Not only was she a strong and dangerous B.O.W. who was nearly impossible to kill (she could only be stopped by having Wesker trap her underneath a chandelier just seconds before the Spencer Estate completed its self-destruct sequence, and one could always assume she managed to crawl out from underneath the chandelier before the mansion and labs blew up), but she had a tragic back-story that made her an interesting and empathetic character.

Honorable mentions go to Nemesis, the Crimson Heads, and Alexia in Darkside Chronicles (not that I dislike her in C:V/C:VX. I just find her overall character more appealing in Darkside Chronicles, including her mutated forms).
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Some of my favs are missing... Garrador, Regenerator, Iron Maiden, Alexia (oddly enough), and Wesker (he's fun to fight if you're not trying to get a good accuracy score. He's even more fun to fight in Lost in Nightmares.)
All in that order.
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wesker. because ive only played RE4 and RE5 (played RE1 but dont remember much of it).

wesker, because of the sole reason that he's plain B.A, even without his uroboros form <3
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Ramon Salazar, because i detest little men with a chip on their shoulder.

So it was good to fire a rocket into his puss!
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The Ndesu from RE5...not really, that's probably my least favorite.

I liked the fight with the Tyrant in the REmake, espeically with Chris, if you had the flash grenades equipped as your self defense item, it was cool to have the T-002 pick you up, then drop a grenade and see it take it down.
Tyrant- He is the original that we would dread back in tha 90s
Dr. Marcus- The creator of the T-virus, looked cool when he was young and I loved both boss fights though they was easy
Chief Mendez- Really wicked, sick looking boss fight.