Oi, merci beaucoup my ducky.

Oi, merci beaucoup my ducky.
As reasonable a point as any.Fair enough. My only point was that - and my position has softened considerably in the past few years - radical feminism, which is what you all are talking about, is only one strand of 'feminism'. And yes, it's obnoxious and annoying, because it's the loudest. But I think to lump all feminists in with radicals is the same as lumping all Christians in with Westboro or all Muslims in with fundamentalists. Same league, different ballpark. Or would it be the opposite? I dunno.
I approach feminism from a liberal/socialist perspective - in that I think political, social, and legal structures are inherently gendered to favour patriarchy and heteronormativity and I'm not terribly thrilled about it. Hell, when Belinda Stronach crossed the bench to join the Liberals, who wasn't calling her a whore? For a simple political move that had been done hundreds of times before. Look at the structural deficiencies in welfare and social assistance, child care, single parenthood, domestic violence - I've been watching question period religiously and I can't remember the last time issues are ever brought up as a policy platform. Coincidence? Not really. They're non-issues because they effect the private sphere of society. If you look at America, some jurisdictions have policies which charge women for rape kits. So, I mean - feminism isn't entirely useless yet. I don't like radical feminism either - mainly because I'm against basing any kind of platform on structural inequality and I think the whole idea is counter-productive. But radical feminism is just one sector - the loudest yes, but not representative of the entire group.
Tis all.
Do I get tax returns on that?
Ct: I need to stop smoking when I drink. Bleh.
Even if you're not American? I donated quite a large amount of money a few years ago to an American charity who said they were tax deductable... and then when the time came around I got nothing back, e-mailed them and they said it didn't apply to international contributors. Hmph.
With regards to staying at home vs being in the workplace, certainly feminism is a part of that, but I believe this shift also has something to do with the fact that costs of living have sky rocketed in the past half-century - almost to a point where duel incomes are required to live comfortably, and certainly luxuriously unless one partner is rolling in dough. My mother works not because she wants to, but because she needs to, otherwise they couldn't keep with their mountain of payments.Whether this is the result of radical feminism or not I don't know - but I see a shift which is just as unhelpful as a predominantly male-orientated society. It's as if nobody really knows how to behave anymore and so the women are led to believe they must become superwoman to be regarded as anything other than "her at home".
Yup. It's pretty much lose-lose for everyone. Anyway, I agree completely with you. Everyone should just do whatever the hell they want and everyone else needs to butt out and mind their own business. It's so irritating when people try to dictate the way you're expected to live your life. Life's too short for that crap, just do what makes you happy.If you have kids and work, you're a crap mother. If you choose not to have kids and pursue a career, you're a ball-breaking old hag who probably hates men anyway. If you have kids and drop your career to raise them, you're an insipid, vacant breeding machine whose only interests in life consist of having babies and reading crappy women's magazines.
Wellllll Tremor, i have to agree.CT: I get tired of people telling me that I shouldn't smoke weed. I've been doing it since I was 15 years old. I work five days a week. I make my money, and I don't spend it all on weed either. I'm not a "dumbass pothead" either. People really don't have any business talking about something that they know nothing about.
I'm going to do what I want to do, and I DARE someone to try and get in my way. I hope you're ready to get steamrolled.
Wellllll Tremor, i have to agree.
Other than your health, i don't see why people should be concearned. It's not like you're standing on the edge of a bridge, you've made a choice and sticking to it.
I personally don't consume such things, as that's just me, i prefer to remain sharp,plus, my mother said i was born chilled out anyways so i've never had a need for anything of the kind.
People need to learn or remember that there is something called a '' private '' life, and the clue is in the title. We're getting a little toooooo nanny like these days.
Live and let live, we're all ending up face down in the dirt one way or another.
Life be too short for such noseyness