What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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Women's rights are cool, but hot dayyum, some people just take it too far and way too seriously. Surely you all know what I mean.
I know exactly what you mean lol, however i find both sides of the fence to be as bad as eachother,nothing but a distraction and a waste of time. People need to rediscover what it is to be alive.
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Well I was thinking shizznit 'cause I just banjaxed my Blur account to try out the Legendary Mode which IS NOT WORTH IT! DO NOT LET PEOPLE TELL YOU IT IS! I lost my beautiful Rona and Carina and the gorgeous pearlescent paint I earned for them all for some crap Class D car when I'd already fine-tuned one to better stats. I'm highly agitated.

Seeing the post above me though, I'm recalling my thoughts on feminism. There's a difference between being a strong independant woman and being a feminist. Feminists could learn something. Feminists almost feel like they're trying to be men. I very much prefer women who act like women and tell men to **** off and speak their mind when they feel the need. Isn't that the true purpose of feminism? To be accepted? Be accepted, not to be equal (it's impossible.) Men and women are inherently unequal in many facets mental and physical, what needs to happen is acceptance and fair treatment for acknowledging those differences. (I say this because equal is often unfair as well.) The only problem being... people have different ideas of "fair." (Pricks and trash primarily)
Though when I think of feminists I think of the extremists who belittle other women for cooking or wearing dresses and other such nonsensical type things because they're the only ones who ever talk about feminism. Though I really don't understand anti-feminists because they're too far gone. Anti-feminist women will forever be a mystery to me.
My ideas are unrealistic however. So... best leave things as they are I suppose.
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Germaine Greer has some interesting thoughts on those who claim to be feminists - interesting in that she thinks they're just ball-breakers trying to make life harder for women, not better. I'm not a feminist by any stretch of the imagination but I do agree with her on this point.

Anywho, CT: Such a beautiful sunny day out there and I'm stuck in here working. Crappity crap.
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@Rusty :I agree largely,like many ideals, they attract alot of good and alot of talented people, but the problem is in the foundations.I firmly believe there are differences between men and women, but i also firmly believe, that in value, they are equal, men+women=the world go round...they are the best tag team the world has ever seen lol.It's just a pity there are people trying to over-throw that balance.

@Angel : Have to agree, As you know Angel in Britain, the feminist movement has bitched about equal pay for a donkeys life. Quite right, there should be a better pay,but we also know,that in Britain, when they get that,feminism collapses.Equal pay is their trump card, which is why they are taking there sweet time about it.They won't make that noise until they themselves have their bank accounts sorted,like i keep saying, this isn't a man/woman thing, this is an idealist thing,ideals don't work without a moral back bone.
@Tremor: Result !:cool:
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Forget equal pay - I think it sucks that a man can commit a crime and get a certain length of jail time yet if a woman does the same crime she gets off lighter. This is not right yet I don't hear any feminists bitch about that sort of equality...funny, that.

CT: Well that's just rude. You don't know anything about my beliefs, as is clear from your disjointed and disrespectful response. My guess is you fall into one of three categories: 1) The child of overbearing religious parents, 2) Someone who reads nothing but Dawkins and keeps an eye on the activities of morons like those at Westborough Baptist or 3) The internet is your source of all things related to faith. Here's an idea - do your OWN research before bashing the crap out of someone who thinks differently to you. Makes you look less ignorant and downright stupid.
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On this topic about feminism i think its absolutely ridiculous.You think as somewhat intelligent human beings we gotten over this whole man vs women mentality but its still prominent in this society.To think one is above the other is nonsense, we have all these differences and we instantly put them into a category and judge it.To make yourself believe one is better then the other is to wage an invisible war on ourselves.And just quickly when someone gets hurt through love and they instantly 'hate all men or women' is even more ludicrous.We got work to do!

Wants a delicious coffee...must be my 5th one today.
Forget equal pay - I think it sucks that a man can commit a crime and get a certain length of jail time yet if a woman does the same crime she gets off lighter. This is not right yet I don't hear any feminists bitch about that sort of equality...funny, that.

CT: Well that's just rude. You don't know anything about my beliefs, as is clear from your disjointed and disrespectful response. My guess is you fall into one of three categories: 1) The child of overbearing religious parents, 2) Someone who reads nothing but Dawkins and keeps an eye on the activities of morons like those at Westborough Baptist or 3) The internet is your source of all things related to faith. Here's an idea - do your OWN research before bashing the crap out of someone who thinks differently to you. Makes you look less ignorant and downright stupid.
ummm who is that aimed at ?
you're having a bad day :eek:
LOL - my CT is not aimed at anyone here (I'd call them out by name if it was) - it's some idiot elsewhere. Nothing new, just gets to me after a while...
Quick question - and I don't mean to be snarky or anything, but do you guys know that there's more than one type of feminism? Or do we kind of assume that all feminists are radical butch lesbians running around with 'off with his balls' signs? Like a one-size fits all kind of thing?
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The only type we see anything of around my neck of the woods is the type that don't deserve the moniker with regards to how it used to be. They're the women who believe men should be kept under the thumb and shown no respect whatsoever, the women who belittle every female who chooses family over career and the women who think that to "win" they have to be bitches to everyone, especially men. I don't think it's feminism in the intended sense of the word but seeing as they call themselves feminists, I refer to them as such.

Personally I've got no time for clawing my way up the career ladder at the expense of everyone else or treating men like crap because I can. We're equal but not the same - I think there are some out there who struggle with that concept. I don't hold a lot of truck with how many women behave these days in the name of feminism because I don't think they've even looked into what it was intended to be in the first place. But anywho, I'll just sit quietly in the corner, bake some cakes and reproduce - that seems to annoy them the most anyway...
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I'll just sit quietly in the corner, bake some cakes and reproduce - that seems to annoy them the most anyway...

Who said you could move from the kitchen sink to type that lol
It's the same up here Angel, place is crawling with militant liberal Fems
Fair enough. My only point was that - and my position has softened considerably in the past few years - radical feminism, which is what you all are talking about, is only one strand of 'feminism'. And yes, it's obnoxious and annoying, because it's the loudest. But I think to lump all feminists in with radicals is the same as lumping all Christians in with Westboro or all Muslims in with fundamentalists. Same league, different ballpark. Or would it be the opposite? I dunno.

I approach feminism from a liberal/socialist perspective - in that I think political, social, and legal structures are inherently gendered to favour patriarchy and heteronormativity and I'm not terribly thrilled about it. Hell, when Belinda Stronach crossed the bench to join the Liberals, who wasn't calling her a whore? For a simple political move that had been done hundreds of times before. Look at the structural deficiencies in welfare and social assistance, child care, single parenthood, domestic violence - I've been watching question period religiously and I can't remember the last time issues are ever brought up as a policy platform. Coincidence? Not really. They're non-issues because they effect the private sphere of society. If you look at America, some jurisdictions have policies which charge women for rape kits. So, I mean - feminism isn't entirely useless yet. I don't like radical feminism either - mainly because I'm against basing any kind of platform on structural inequality and I think the whole idea is counter-productive. But radical feminism is just one sector - the loudest yes, but not representative of the entire group.

Tis all.
Fair enough. My only point was that - and my position has softened considerably in the past few years - radical feminism, which is what you all are talking about, is only one strand of 'feminism'. And yes, it's obnoxious and annoying, because it's the loudest. But I think to lump all feminists in with radicals is the same as lumping all Christians in with Westboro or all Muslims in with fundamentalists. Same league, different ballpark. Or would it be the opposite? I dunno.

I approach feminism from a liberal/socialist perspective - in that I think political, social, and legal structures are inherently gendered to favour patriarchy and heteronormativity. Hell, when Belinda Stronach crossed the bench to join the Liberals, who wasn't calling her a whore? Had she been a man she wouldn't have experienced that kind of backlash. Look at the structural deficiencies in welfare and social assistance, child care, single parenthood, domestic violence - I've been watching question period religiously and I can't remember the last time issues are ever brought up as a policy platform. Coincidence? Not really. They're non-issues because they effect the private sphere of society. If you look at America, some jurisdictions have policies which charge women for rape kits. So, I mean - feminism isn't entirely useless yet. I don't like radical feminism either - mainly because I'm against basing any kind of platform on structural inequality and I think the whole idea is counter-productive. But radical feminism is just one sector - the loudest yes, but not representative of the entire group.

Tis all.

holy sh!t
Sorry kid, but the internet is not going to censor itself so you don't have to deal with other people's opinions.