What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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So tomorrow's weather forecast for my city has twelve hours of heavy snow, and the rest of the evening is light snow. I don't really know how I feel. If it does snow too much I don't have to go to work so that's good, but it's bad because we can't get around at all tomorrow...

I really want a day off work though. :P
Children can't consent to sex (as an aside, I hope that sick f*ck gets thrown in gen pop where he'll get skinned alive).

Speaking of pedophilia, I just saw something that sickened me beyond belief: a "support" group called Heart Progress listing pedophilia as just another sexual orientation (they literally refer to them as pedosexuals FFS, talk about sugarcoating a mental disorder) and claiming that pedophiles should be awarded the same rights as those in the LGBT community. They even demanded it get named LGBTP in order to include them. Wow, there are literally no words for the kind of depravity shown by this group trying to normalize pedophilia and deny children their rights in doing so. Read this sick (archived) Tweet from the founder of said group going as far as to "teach" kids how to consent to sex with adults.

LGBTP, huh? Great! As if there weren't already enough people who put (especially male) homosexuals on the same level as paedophiles... I really don't know what to say to this. While I do think that the restrictions concerning teenage sexuality might be a little strict in some countries, it shouldn't even be in question when it comes to children. Like you said, they can't consent, not really anyway, because sex is not something a child actually wants. They may make silly jokes about it, but there's a difference between that and actually doing it... What's next? LGBTPA, with the A standing for animal love?

@bSTAR_182, you seem to think that I'm against people who keep the baby if it was conceived by accident, which is not what I'm saying. In fact, such an attitude would go against what I am saying. If you told me that you got pregnant and want to abort it, be it because you're not ready or not in a stable relationship or for any other valid reason, I would support you. If you told me you want to keep it, be it for personal or moral or religious reasons or because you think it was a happy accident, I would support you too. The only reason I wouldn't support is "because X wants me to (not) keep it", which appears to be what happened with your friend, but I would acknowledge that it's still your decision in the end. That's all I'm asking when I say people shouldn't be against abortion, not that abortion should become the new law that applies to all unborn children who weren't conceived at the exact right point in someone's life.

You're free to think of me as heartless, immoral, stupid, or contradictory for this, just please stop reading too much into this silly embryo/sperm comparison which was never meant to be offensive, but a humorous exaggeration on the same level as banning masturbation. (Then again, it does make me wonder who or what exactly gets to decide on when and where life actually begins.)
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I'm sure smokers also understand the risks that come with smoking, but that won't stop them from doing it anyway, and most of them are adults. If it helps, imagine a situation where the boy told the girl he would pull it out in time, and naïve and inexperienced as she was, she just believed everything would be fine. I once believed a salesman who told me his special face lotion would help against a certain something in my face I was desperately trying to get rid of at the time, and I ended up spending more money than I'd like to admit on something that - you guessed it - didn't help in the end. So yeah, I think it happens to all of us at some point, you just have to be naïve, desperate, or horny enough.

I'm pretty sure most people who are faced with such a big decision don't handle it nonchalantly, but it seems to me that your married friend didn't even consider her unborn child or her own happiness when she made hers, she did it to please her husband. Unless that man meant the world to her (which he obviously didn't, or else they wouldn't be divorced now), that is messed up indeed. But my point still stands, it's not society's or any man's decision what a woman does with her body, especially if she got into that situation unwillingly.

Too many people resort to using an arbitrary interpretation of God's will to justify everything they say and do, even if it goes against the law, scientific findings, other people's rights, or who knows what else, and that's just wrong. If you don't do this, then you're not one of the people I was talking about, and so far I never got any "Carrie's mother" vibes from you, so sorry if you felt offended by my words. It's definitely not impossible to be religious and sensible at the same time, and I know a few living examples of that. (Not many, I admit, but enough to make a case.)

Idk, when you have individuals who think a human embryo is equivalent to a sperm cell, and that we need natural selection because of over population, anyway, it kind of makes you wonder. But yes, there are individuals who are stuck making that call who are struggling with the right decision to make. Then you have to ask yourself why they're struggling with making such a decision in the first place, especially when everyone's argument is that it is not a growing/living being.

I don't keep in touch with that girl anymore but who is to say that there wasn't a point in time where he/their relationship didn't mean the world to her/them. Their relationship crumbled and it was partially due to the fact that she went through with the abortion and felt guilty afterwards- at least that's what she told me one night. Even if she did go through with the pregnancy whos to say their marriage would have ever worked out- though that is not relevant to this topic nor my point about her story.

I agree that if a woman in unwillingly impregnated then yes, by all means, allow her to have the option of abortion. But in most cases of abortion (which rape and incest make up a very small amount), it has everything to do with people being careless and they're not always little 14 year old girls but rather adults who should know better. Maybe they need to get smart if they're gonna take part in sexual activity (if they do something risky, like sex without a condom, then buy the plan B pill instead of gambling and risking putting themselves in that position weeks or months later), or maybe they need to find another hobby.

I understand a pro-choice's perspective when it comes to questioning the government's involvement though. Obviously, as you guys have pointed out, there are scenarios where it should be allowed and a no brainer. My main reason for even bothering to comment on this subject is to show that there are valid perspectives from both sides. I'm not necessarily a religious person (even though I like to think things happen for a reason and feel comfort in the thought that maybe there is something more) but sometimes an atheist's perspective on things isn't always right and grounded by the utmost truth/logic. Especially when they want to contradict themselves by saying a human embryo doesn't count for life.

Yes, no problem with the right to abort but it´s true that most of the time is just people being reckless. Take the dam pill!, it might make you sick at first but is all good afterwards xD
Either way:

So tomorrow's weather forecast for my city has twelve hours of heavy snow, and the rest of the evening is light snow. I don't really know how I feel. If it does snow too much I don't have to go to work so that's good, but it's bad because we can't get around at all tomorrow...

I really want a day off work though. :P

LOL! :lol:
(even though I like to think things happen for a reason and feel comfort in the thought that maybe there is something more) but sometimes an atheist's perspective on things isn't always right and grounded by the utmost truth/logic. Especially when they want to contradict themselves by saying a human embryo doesn't count for life.

To me, it's always been an argument of pragmatism and emotion, not religion or irreligion. The internet has introduced me to too many staunch, irrational (and hypocritical) atheists and I know too many levelheaded and calm religious people who keep their beliefs private to think of it that way. And not to mention, if anyone is going to base their world view by utmost truth and logic ALL THE TIME with no human bias, they'd have to be Mr. goddamn Spock.

As for me, I'm probably mirroring someone else when I say I think a woman should absolutely have a right to choose and the government should not interfere with a clinic's entire operation, but that I'm personally disgusted when it's used constantly and with little regard.
The worst I've ever heard about is someone getting an abortion because they found out they were having a son, not a daughter.

On a lighter note, though: Just cleaned house for a party tomorrow, so I'm going to have a glass of wine and listen to music.
On a lighter note, though: Just cleaned house for a party tomorrow, so I'm going to have a glass of wine and listen to music.

Sounds like a good plan. I kinda visualize you right now drinking that wine in front of a fireplace inside a mansion while listening to this and smoking a cigar, Cheers!

Sounds like a good plan. I kinda visualize you right now drinking that wine in front of a fireplace inside a mansion while listening to this and smoking a cigar, Cheers!

Hmm, I do love me a good stogie.
Spent quite a few snowy nights last February sitting on the porch watching the snow fall with a good Cuban.
Hmm, I do love me a good stogie.
Spent quite a few snowy nights last February sitting on the porch watching the snow fall with a good Cuban.


CT: Even though I had my doubts at first, I've come to the conclusion that subscribing to Netflix was a one of the best decisions I've made this year. I've already watched a couple of cool shows on it, some of which I had never even heard of before my introduction to Netflix, including Stranger Things, Shadowhunters, Orphan Black, Nowhere Boys, 13 Reasons Why, and Dark. Having only two episodes left of the latter, I wonder what to watch next. Any suggestions?
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@bSTAR_182, you seem to think that I'm against people who keep the baby if it was conceived by accident, which is not what I'm saying. In fact, such an attitude would go against what I am saying. If you told me that you got pregnant and want to abort it, be it because you're not ready or not in a stable relationship or for any other valid reason, I would support you. If you told me you want to keep it, be it for personal or moral or religious reasons or because you think it was a happy accident, I would support you too. The only reason I wouldn't support is "because X wants me to (not) keep it", which appears to be what happened with your friend, but I would acknowledge that it's still your decision in the end. That's all I'm asking when I say people shouldn't be against abortion, not that abortion should become the new law that applies to all unborn children who weren't conceived at the exact right point in someone's life.

You're free to think of me as heartless, immoral, stupid, or contradictory for this, just please stop reading too much into this silly embryo/sperm comparison which was never meant to be offensive, but a humorous exaggeration on the same level as banning masturbation. (Then again, it does make me wonder who or what exactly gets to decide on when and where life actually begins.)

No, I never thought that you were against individuals deciding to keep the baby- that would be silly. Nor do I think less of you, or think you’re heartless, stupid, etc. because of your views (which I do agree with you in some instances). I’ve made plenty of natural selection jokes just driving on the highway every day... or at work dealing with customers... or walking around Disneyworld... or the crowded shopping malls around Xmas time... Anyway, my point was how I think some individuals try to detach themselves from the act of having an abortion by saying that it is not a living thing ( even when the scientific term of a living being matches that of an embryo perfectly). That’s why I do believe some individuals are careless when it comes to abortions- or at least the conversation of abortions (because if they were put in the shoes of actually having to make that decision, they may find they feel differently- and that can be said for either side of the coin).

Personally I’m not the type who will ever belittle someone who decides to have an abortion. But when I hear case by case scenarios, I’m going to have my own personal thoughts and feelings- as most people do.
People who question where life begins should maybe consider the reaction of a mother who is excited to find out she is pregnant- planned or not. They know it’s alive inside them and in need of all the right nutrients to continue to grow and thrive.
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Well, I'm glad you don't hate me now. I think the best term I can come up with to describe what I think of an embryo would be "life in development": The main ingredients, a sperm and an egg, have been combined, now the cake is in the oven and staying there until it's ready to come out and say hi. And of course the expecting mother already loves it, because... well, I'm not a mother, never will be, but I kind of have my own children in the form of my novels, which I write because I like them, and I already like them while they're still works in progress. As weird as this comparison might seem to some, it gives me a sense of what it means to be fond and protective of something I've created myself that isn't even fully there yet. My babies consist of words, not of flesh and blood, and the thought of letting them go into this mean world, where they will be judged by other people who don't know them nearly as well as I do, really drives me crazy, so maybe the comparison is not that far-fetched after all. :geek:

Concerning my Netflix post above: Now that I'm through with Dark, I started watching Good Witch, and as chance would have it, one supporting character is portrayed by Catherine Disher, who provided the voice for Jill in RE3! I didn't even know what she looks like, but immediately recognised her name in the opening credits and looked it up to see if it's the same person. And it is her indeed! :biggrin:
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So tomorrow's weather forecast for my city has twelve hours of heavy snow, and the rest of the evening is light snow. I don't really know how I feel. If it does snow too much I don't have to go to work so that's good, but it's bad because we can't get around at all tomorrow...

I really want a day off work though. :P
You guys are hogging all the snow :p

All we've been getting here is rain...
Well, I'm glad you don't hate me now. I think the best term I can come up with to describe what I think of an embryo would be "life in development": The main ingredients, a sperm and an egg, have been combined, now the cake is in the oven and staying there until it's ready to come out and say hi. And of course the expecting mother already loves it, because... well, I'm not a mother, never will be, but I kind of have my own children in the form of my novels, which I write because I like them, and I already like them while they're still works in progress. As weird as this comparison might seem to some, it gives me a sense of what it means to be fond and protective of something I've created myself that isn't even fully there yet. My babies consist of words, not of flesh and blood, and the thought of letting them go into this mean world, where they will be judged by other people who don't know them nearly as well as I do, really drives me crazy, so maybe the comparison is not that far-fetched after all. :geek:

Concerning my Netflix post above: Now that I'm through with Dark, I started watching Good Witch, and as chance would have it, one supporting character is portrayed by Catherine Disher, who provided the voice for Jill in RE3! I didn't even know what she looks like, but immediately recognised her name in the opening credits and looked it up to see if it's the same person. And it is her indeed! :biggrin:

Girl, I can’t hate you! *hugs*
I can’t hate anyone for differing views, everyone has their own reasons for feeling a certain way about something.

CT: It’s pretty chilly for Florida weather, 37 degrees Fahrenheit! My bed is pushed against my window and it’s the best as it keeps my pillows cold.
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After eleven days of delays for my Grandad's operation due to his blood levels not being right to operate, he's finally had the procedure he needed today. They said it was successful and couldn't have gone any better. I'm so happy, it's such a weight off my mind. :smile:
Glad to hear, Jen!

So I met Justin Trudeau again today... man... I know I'm biased because I work in the party and all but that man is truly special. I've been around dozens and dozens of politicians, and there isn't anyone who is as consistently warm and gracious and generous with his time.

I was a bit worried flying up to Ottawa so close to my surgery (nothing major), but I'm so glad I did because that totally made my night/week/month.
Glad to hear, Jen!

So I met Justin Trudeau again today... man... I know I'm biased because I work in the party and all but that man is truly special. I've been around dozens and dozens of politicians, and there isn't anyone who is as consistently warm and gracious and generous with his time.

I was a bit worried flying up to Ottawa so close to my surgery (nothing major), but I'm so glad I did because that totally made my night/week/month.

Justin Trudeau wow. I´m jealous...of him xD

Btw a surgery?. Only thing i need to know is that you´re totally ok. That´s the case right?
It finally happened today, folks, it's now official: Disney acquires 20th Century Fox in landmark deal.

The X-Men and Fantastic Four are coming home at long last. :biggrin: It looks like we may finally get a GOOD F4 movie and a proper iteration of Doom. Too bad a number of the main Avengers won't live to crossover with the X-Men after Infinity War.

And on that note:

Sorry, couldn't resist.
It finally happened today, folks, it's now official: Disney acquires 20th Century Fox in landmark deal.

The X-Men and Fantastic Four are coming home at long last. :biggrin: It looks like we may finally get a GOOD F4 movie and a proper iteration of Doom. Too bad a number of the main Avengers won't live to crossover with the X-Men after Infinity War.

And on that note:

Sorry, couldn't resist.

On top of not being excited for superhero properties at all, I'm also not thrilled about properties becoming homogeneous because Disney happens to own everything under the sun.
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