What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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Another thing I don't understand - sure, the concept of separate bathrooms in every home is not that old when you look at it historically, but... really, in the living room? Did people want their entire family to watch them take a bath?

Taking a bath is my last concern. I think it’s even worse when the kitchen is right outside the sh*tter!
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That's actually something i used to do when i started playing the sims 3 for the first time.

I don't think they liked you very much for it.

tell that to the Japanese

Listen, Japanese people, you're wasting time and water!

Taking a bath is my last concern. I think it’s even worse when the kitchen is right outside the sh*tter!

I was going to say something to this, but for the sake of good taste (both literally and figuratively), I'll keep it to myself. :razz:

CT: I wouldn't even be so anti-social if society wasn't so disgusting. Looking around, I always wonder, how can you not be anti-...that?
CT: Trump, pls pls pls pls pls pls don't announce Jerusalem as the Israeli capital pls pls pls pls pls. do as almost every American president did and promised to do that in the election but actually not doing it. years of peace talks will be literally down the toilet with that move.
CT: Trump, pls pls pls pls pls pls don't announce Jerusalem as the Israeli capital pls pls pls pls pls. do as almost every American president did and promised to do that in the election but actually not doing it. years of peace talks will be literally down the toilet with that move.

He leaves no stone unturned.

CT: I'm in the midst of writing a reimagining of RE5 and dammit I suck with writing interchangeably between past and present tense. Such a newbie. At least I caught on sooner rather than later I guess. :P
AHHHHHH! It's like the night before Christmas and you know Santa is going to bring you the toy you want. Except with video game shows and world premiers! The Games Award is going to be a ****ing Joy this year! LOLOLOLOL YAY! :3
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Unfortunately I don't have a washing machine at all, both my bathroom and my kitchen are too small, so I use the one in the attic of my apartment building. If I had enough space, I would be happy with my own washing machine no matter where I'd have to put it, but it just makes no sense to me that putting it in the kitchen has become the norm in so many places. Maybe the original idea was that you can wash your clothes where you also wash the dishes? I don't know.
Why can't they make the washing machine a bit bigger and move it to the garage? One machine that washes your dishes, clothes, and your Volkswagen Golf.

History teaches us much weirder habits, though. Not too long ago, there used to be a time when it was normal for the bathtub to stand in the middle of the bedroom or even in the living room, and this is actually still a thing in some flats/houses nowadays. Another thing I don't understand - sure, the concept of separate bathrooms in every home is not that old when you look at it historically, but... really, in the living room? Did people want their entire family to watch them take a bath?
Really? In the living room? But when you say "not too long ago", it is perhaps 600 years ago..... But it's still a thing? lol I'd like to see that.
A very long time ago (for me very long, I don't think my parents were born), it was common to not have a bathroom at all. Public bath houses were common.

Taking a bath is my last concern. I think it’s even worse when the kitchen is right outside the sh*tter!
Yeah that sounds like a bad idea. :p Here are some building regulations that prohibit that, I believe it says there must be two doors separating the sh!tter and a kitchen. But I have seen at least one house where the door to the bathroom/toilet was beside the kitchen sink.
Really? In the living room? But when you say "not too long ago", it is perhaps 600 years ago..... But it's still a thing? lol I'd like to see that.


So... yeah, you can watch a movie while washing yourself, I guess? But imagine how cold it is when you get out... Nah, I wouldn't want that.

CT: Just watched the Newtmas 3 trailer, and I'm excited again. They certainly picked a very interesting thumbnail for the video on Facebook.
Dem VGAs was quite the show, eh? All them new reveals: new From Software game, Bayonetta 3 for the Switch and of course, new DEATH F'ING STRANDING! I haven't been this pumped since Sony's E3 2016 presser.

Not to mention there's still more to come tonight and all of this weekend. I think I'm about to have a heart attack from all this hype.
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CT: Okay, I get it, everyone gets to have an opinion, even if it's the dumbest thing anyone has ever said. So in the light of current events, I will tell everyone my opinion: I don't like people who are against abortion. Because if you value the life of an unborn fetus, which is not even really alive yet, over that of the woman carrying it, I really don't know what else to say to you. So you think a 14-year-old girl who made a mistake out of curiosity should pay for it for the rest of her life by taking on a challenge she's definitely not ready for? Or that a woman who was impregnated by a rapist must keep the thing that will forever remind her of the rape? And don't tell me you would be okay with giving up the baby for adoption in these cases, because that still involves roughly ten months of pregnancy and a risk of dying in childbirth, for something the girl or woman never wanted in the first place.

But yeah, let's criminalise abortion, and while we're at it, why don't we also ban condoms, male masturbation, and any kind of sex that doesn't involve the train entering the correct station? Because if an unborn fetus is a life, then so is a sperm cell, and the things I've mentioned stop a sperm cell from getting to a place where it can continue its so-called "life". It's not like the world already has a problem with overpopulation or anything, so let's keep the unwanted children as well.

There, that's my opinion, and there's nothing you can do about it. And now stop touching your private parts, you selfish jerk, or you'll go to prison for killing several millions of unborn children.
CT: Okay, I get it, everyone gets to have an opinion, even if it's the dumbest thing anyone has ever said. So in the light of current events, I will tell everyone my opinion: I don't like people who are against abortion. Because if you value the life of an unborn fetus, which is not even really alive yet, over that of the woman carrying it, I really don't know what else to say to you. So you think a 14-year-old girl who made a mistake out of curiosity should pay for it for the rest of her life by taking on a challenge she's definitely not ready for? Or that a woman who was impregnated by a rapist must keep the thing that will forever remind her of the rape? And don't tell me you would be okay with giving up the baby for adoption in these cases, because that still involves roughly ten months of pregnancy and a risk of dying in childbirth, for something the girl or woman never wanted in the first place.

But yeah, let's criminalise abortion, and while we're at it, why don't we also ban condoms, male masturbation, and any kind of sex that doesn't involve the train entering the correct station? Because if an unborn fetus is a life, then so is a sperm cell, and the things I've mentioned stop a sperm cell from getting to a place where it can continue its so-called "life". It's not like the world already has a problem with overpopulation or anything, so let's keep the unwanted children as well.

There, that's my opinion, and there's nothing you can do about it. And now stop touching your private parts, you selfish jerk, or you'll go to prison for killing several millions of unborn children.
Something that bothers me is the 14-year-old. Is she really that stupid?
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Yes, you do sometimes make stupid mistakes when you're young.

Just to clarify, I'm not talking about anyone particular in the above post, and I'm not pregnant myself, there's just this disagreement I had with a conservative Christian a while ago, and since people who think they have God on their side won't listen to any logic no matter how you present it to them, I thought my rant would be better off here.
I have mixed views and can see valid arguments from both sides, and can agree that when you are dealing with rape victims or when the mother’s life is on the line, then I’m absolutely in support of abortion, if the mother chooses to do so.
It’s not really religious views or anything for me (and I understand why that should not be a valid reason for government to step in and have any say in the matter) but my personal feelings stem from morals in general. I had a married friend who had an abortion because her husband was against having a second child at the time... to me that sounds so messed up. You’re not just dating- you’re f*cking married and you make it work. She was completely against having one but did it anyway and to this day regrets doing it and is divorced.

It is a human life, no matter how small and no matter how someone wants to twist it, and I don’t think an embryo should be compared to the life of a sperm cell. Sometimes these types of accidents can be beautiful and bring all new opportunities and meaning to life regardless of age. To use it as another form of contriception is where things really get questionable. I think the vast majority of abortions take place because the individual is scared and that’s a feeling even parents who actually plan to have kids have. Ultimately the act of abortion is something that I don’t think we should handle nonchalantly, like many proabortionist tend to have the attitude of... it shouldn’t be a right but a privilege.
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What I meant was, like... does this 14-year-old not understand the risks/consequences?

I'm sure smokers also understand the risks that come with smoking, but that won't stop them from doing it anyway, and most of them are adults. If it helps, imagine a situation where the boy told the girl he would pull it out in time, and naïve and inexperienced as she was, she just believed everything would be fine. I once believed a salesman who told me his special face lotion would help against a certain something in my face I was desperately trying to get rid of at the time, and I ended up spending more money than I'd like to admit on something that - you guessed it - didn't help in the end. So yeah, I think it happens to all of us at some point, you just have to be naïve, desperate, or horny enough.

Ultimately the act of abortion is something that I don’t think we should handle nonchalantly, like many proabortionist tend to have the attitude of... it shouldn’t be a right but a privilege.

I'm pretty sure most people who are faced with such a big decision don't handle it nonchalantly, but it seems to me that your married friend didn't even consider her unborn child or her own happiness when she made hers, she did it to please her husband. Unless that man meant the world to her (which he obviously didn't, or else they wouldn't be divorced now), that is messed up indeed. But my point still stands, it's not society's or any man's decision what a woman does with her body, especially if she got into that situation unwillingly.

as a religious person myself, this kinda stings a bit :(

Too many people resort to using an arbitrary interpretation of God's will to justify everything they say and do, even if it goes against the law, scientific findings, other people's rights, or who knows what else, and that's just wrong. If you don't do this, then you're not one of the people I was talking about, and so far I never got any "Carrie's mother" vibes from you, so sorry if you felt offended by my words. It's definitely not impossible to be religious and sensible at the same time, and I know a few living examples of that. (Not many, I admit, but enough to make a case.)
So you think a 14-year-old girl who made a mistake out of curiosity should pay for it for the rest of her life by taking on a challenge she's definitely not ready for? Or that a woman who was impregnated by a rapist must keep the thing that will forever remind her of the rape? And don't tell me you would be okay with giving up the baby for adoption in these cases, because that still involves roughly ten months of pregnancy and a risk of dying in childbirth, for something the girl or woman never wanted in the first place.

Not to mention, in many states, the rapist would have parental rights to that child and could not only prevent said adoption, but actually get visitation from her and the kid if he so chooses. Horrific thought, I know, but it does happen.

Even if that weren't the case (which sadly, it is), the people arguing "just put the kid up for adoption" would still be missing the underlying issue: she doesn't want to f'ing have a rapist's kid and I honestly don't blame her in this regard. Funny how most of the people saying this sh!t have penises (yeah, I know they might throw a flag on that one). I wouldn't call what took place between Elizabeth Thomas and that sicko, Tad Cummins "consensual sex", either: he f*cking took advantage of and groomed (read: raped) her. Children can't consent to sex (as an aside, I hope that sick f*ck gets thrown in gen pop where he'll get skinned alive).

Speaking of pedophilia, I just saw something that sickened me beyond belief: a "support" group called Heart Progress listing pedophilia as just another sexual orientation (they literally refer to them as pedosexuals FFS, talk about sugarcoating a mental disorder) and claiming that pedophiles should be awarded the same rights as those in the LGBT community. They even demanded it get named LGBTP in order to include them. Wow, there are literally no words for the kind of depravity shown by this group trying to normalize pedophilia and deny children their rights in doing so. Read this sick (archived) Tweet from the founder of said group going as far as to "teach" kids how to consent to sex with adults.
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I'm pretty sure most people who are faced with such a big decision don't handle it nonchalantly, but it seems to me that your married friend didn't even consider her unborn child or her own happiness when she made hers, she did it to please her husband. Unless that man meant the world to her (which he obviously didn't, or else they wouldn't be divorced now), that is messed up indeed. But my point still stands, it's not society's or any man's decision what a woman does with her body, especially if she got into that situation unwillingly.

Idk, when you have individuals who think a human embryo is equivalent to a sperm cell, and that we need natural selection because of over population, anyway, it kind of makes you wonder. But yes, there are individuals who are stuck making that call who are struggling with the right decision to make. Then you have to ask yourself why they're struggling with making such a decision in the first place, especially when everyone's argument is that it is not a growing/living being.

I don't keep in touch with that girl anymore but who is to say that there wasn't a point in time where he/their relationship didn't mean the world to her/them. Their relationship crumbled and it was partially due to the fact that she went through with the abortion and felt guilty afterwards- at least that's what she told me one night. Even if she did go through with the pregnancy whos to say their marriage would have ever worked out- though that is not relevant to this topic nor my point about her story.

I agree that if a woman in unwillingly impregnated then yes, by all means, allow her to have the option of abortion. But in most cases of abortion (which rape and incest make up a very small amount), it has everything to do with people being careless and they're not always little 14 year old girls but rather adults who should know better. Maybe they need to get smart if they're gonna take part in sexual activity (if they do something risky, like sex without a condom, then buy the plan B pill instead of gambling and risking putting themselves in that position weeks or months later), or maybe they need to find another hobby.

I understand a pro-choice's perspective when it comes to questioning the government's involvement though. Obviously, as you guys have pointed out, there are scenarios where it should be allowed and a no brainer. My main reason for even bothering to comment on this subject is to show that there are valid perspectives from both sides. I'm not necessarily a religious person (even though I like to think things happen for a reason and feel comfort in the thought that maybe there is something more) but sometimes an atheist's perspective on things isn't always right and grounded by the utmost truth/logic. Especially when they want to contradict themselves by saying a human embryo doesn't count for life.
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