What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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Literally a conversation I just had with a constituent:

Constituent: I file my taxes on time all the time.
Me: Well, you filed 1988-89 in 1995, CRA had to file 2008 and 2009 for you in 2011 because you didn't file those, you filed 2010 in 2012 and 2013-15 in 2016.
Them: Are you calling me a liar? Well they never told me about this 68k debt!
Me: Well, actually, they sent you several letters per year for decades now.
Them: Are you calling me a liar?
Me: Um.. I have them all in my hand...
Them: So you're calling me a liar?
Me: Um, yeah I guess.

You where talking to a wall, not a person.
I'm back from my final session of Manual Software Testing class and passed it; not only am I one step closer to a Software Testing job but I'm also one step closer to:

1) Moving out of my mom's house and into my own house

2) Getting married

3) Getting a Software Engineer position at Capcom
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I'm back from my final session of Manual Software Testing class and passed it; not only am I one step closer to a Software Testing job but I'm also one step closer to:

1) Moving out of my mom's house and into my own house

2) Getting married

3) Getting a Software Engineer position at Capcom

Awesome dude! Keep going!! :smile:

I recommend the Silmarillion. You may want to try the audiobooks instead, they're on youtube. I have read the book but is kind of hard at first to read and a lot of people find it hard to comprehend so they get tired and quit...but they're missing out... That's why i recommend the audiobook. My favorite English narrator for this audiobook is an old man, i don't know his name but he's definitely the best. I can't find his audiobook of the Silmarillion, there's only one narration i found of him so far and is about the kings and rulers of Numenor but there are other narrators non the less so give it a try if you like it. They are very relaxing to lay down and listen. It is also very good for when you wanna go to sleep while listening to something nice.

This is the audiobook. Is not my favorite narrator but his fine.

And this is my favorite narrator but i can't find his Silmarillion audiobook, it used to be on youtube but is gone now :sad:

Anyway, hugs.
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LOL, I don't know if you guys have been following the Star Wars Battlefront II gambling fiasco, but man, it is blowing up HARD in EA's face, and you know what? I f*cking love it! Belgium already launched a campaign looking to regulate or outright prohibit the sale of BF II and other games using a similar P2W/loot box system in Europe on the grounds of it constituting gambling (and let's be honest, it IS basically gambling), and now Hawaii's joining in on the fun.

Is it bad that I literally read all that in the voice of Rocket Raccoon? ****, the first two sentences were spot on.

CT: I am so ****ing pumped for the Games away. Next Thursday is going to fully reveal a massive "Insane" 6th main entry of a major gaming franchises. While a bread trail of crumbs have left huge hints to what series it will be; there's nothing certain to prove but HOT DAMN! I'd love to see everyone guesses. Geoff Keighley promises this to be the biggest Game Awards ever and he's finally got to do something he's always dreamed of. Oh and ****... I think the internet might blow up.

As to those who guesses Soul Calibur 6, which is not only long over due, but also allegedly had it's announcement leaked for the PSX. I'm not sure if that is the game that's being teased. For one Soul Calibur 6 isn't exactly a game that "Some people want, others do not" as Geoff put it. Likely in reference of its fanbase. I also heard some people say it's Devil May Cry 5, arguing that it's technically the 6th entry in the series but I don't think it's going to have a 6 sitting nicely at the end of the title. Regardless I won't argue that fact that fans are polarized over which direction Capcom should take the DMC series in. Some really like DmC and other fans didn't. Some even feel that DMC4 was a huge weak point and it could be tough to course correct a sequel.

Speculate away :D

Anyone you recently saw with a cross through their name is the troll. ;)

Aha, I remember this but can't recall her username. My particular favourite was Silverback who started off really cool and then got all Carrie's mom on us. :D
We've had a good number of memorable members here, but my favorite is Strikesback5 from 2009. That was some kind of.... character. His original account Strikesback5 was only here for about two weeks, but I still remember him, eight and a half years later. :biggrin:

This community was so thrilled when his first account was banned that they spontaneously made a thread of celebration. They even talked about this on another Resident Evil forum where he also was a member. Some members of that forum emigrated to our forum when Angel banned him here.

Later he came back though, with new accounts several times, but the first encounter is what was most memorable. I had never seen something like that, and I've not come across anything that is remotely similar later, either. I guess they broke the mold when they made that guy.
He was not ill-behaving, just extremely spammy of nature, and got on everybody's nerves.

Memories. :smile:
I think that I have to agree with Hel and say that The Darkening Sea was my most memorable, especially when she made an account purely to agree with herself and say how smart she was. :lol:

Awesome dude! Keep going!! :smile:

I recommend the Silmarillion.
Thanks for your recommendation. I'll look into it, though I think I'd prefer reading it. I'm not really a fan of audio books. :smile:

Is it bad that I literally read all that in the voice of Rocket Raccoon? ****, the first two sentences were spot on.

CT:As to those who guesses Soul Calibur 6, which is not only long over due, but also allegedly had it's announcement leaked for the PSX. I'm not sure if that is the game that's being teased. For one Soul Calibur 6 isn't exactly a game that "Some people want, others do not" as Geoff put it.
I'd actually fall into the category of people that wouldn't want Soul Calibur VI, as I was really disappointed that V got rid of some pretty major characters (Sophitia, Taki, Seong Mi-na). I didn't actually pick up the game in the end, but from what I've read the story just focuses on Sophitia's children, and I preferred it when each character had their own story to follow.

As for what the game could be, could it not be GTA VI? Seems unlikely, but I'd freak if it was. It's been too long since GTA V, though I think there would be a hell of a lot more rumours about it if it was that.

CT: Yesterday at work, somebody called me 'the quiet one'. This is a person that I've worked with for a couple of months now, but it kind of surprised me. I'm usually chatty with everyone, I say hello to all my co-workers as I see them and ask how they're doing. When I questioned her about why she thought I was quiet, she said that I seemed to keep to myself a lot lately. Apart from discussions I don't want to get involved with (such as detailed ones regarding the sex lives of my coworkers which do make me uncomfortable; that stuff should be kept between you and your partner in my opinion) I thought I usually talked quite a bit at work.

This made me ask one of my closest friends at work if I was quiet, and she told me that lately I've not been as chatty and seem more withdrawn. It concerned me a bit because aside from this last week (I've been working tons and my grandad was admitted to hospital on Wednesday because of his heart and needs a pacemaker fitting) I thought I'd been acting normally.

I guess I just need to put a bit more effort into being chatty again...
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I think that I have to agree with Hel and say that The Darkening Sea was my most memorable, especially when she made an account purely to agree with herself and say how smart she was. :lol:

Thanks for your recommendation. I'll look into it, though I think I'd prefer reading it. I'm not really a fan of audio books. :smile:

I'd actually fall into the category of people that wouldn't want Soul Calibur VI, as I was really disappointed that V got rid of some pretty major characters (Sophitia, Taki, Seong Mi-na). I didn't actually pick up the game in the end, but from what I've read the story just focuses on Sophitia's children, and I preferred it when each character had their own story to follow.

As for what the game could be, could it not be GTA VI? Seems unlikely, but I'd freak if it was. It's been too long since GTA V, though I think there would be a hell of a lot more rumours about it if it was that.

CT: Yesterday at work, somebody called me 'the quiet one'. This is a person that I've worked with for a couple of months now, but it kind of surprised me. I'm usually chatty with everyone, I say hello to all my co-workers as I see them and ask how they're doing. When I questioned her about why she thought I was quiet, she said that I seemed to keep to myself a lot lately. Apart from discussions I don't want to get involved with (such as detailed ones regarding the sex lives of my coworkers which do make me uncomfortable; that stuff should be kept between you and your partner in my opinion) I thought I usually talked quite a bit at work.

This made me ask one of my closest friends at work if I was quiet, and she told me that lately I've not been as chatty and seem more withdrawn. It concerned me a bit because aside from this last week (I've been working tons and my grandad was admitted to hospital on Wednesday because of his heart and needs a pacemaker fitting) I thought I'd been acting normally.

I guess I just need to put a bit more effort into being chatty again...

I hope all goes well for your grandpa. Maybe that’s how you handle stressful situations, and it’s very understandable. I wouldn’t feel wrong or bad for detaching yourself from social interactions if something is weighing on your mind. But don’t be afraid to communicate this with some close friends! It’s good that you’re aware of what is going on and can go about working on things.

I’m always told that I’m the quiet one and it annoys me sometimes. For the most part I don’t mind being the type who sits back to observe but I do try to put myself out there. I feel like whenever I do try to go out of my way to make conversation though most don’t really reciprocate and then when I think ‘screw it’ and keep to myself, people come around and talk more or even say things like “hey you’re not talking much today, something wrong?”. Seems like I can’t win sometimes. :p
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When you don't talk much, the conversation always turns to you and how you're always quiet.
How about "I'm an introvert who doesn't have any gossiping to do"?

But I will say: If you don't talk much, people are more likely to listen when you do.
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When you don't talk much, the conversation always turns to you and how you're always quiet.
How about "I'm an introvert who doesn't have any gossiping to do"?

But I will say: If you don't talk much, people are more likely to listen when you do.

tell them:
"Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something." - by Plato
I think that I have to agree with Hel and say that The Darkening Sea was my most memorable, especially when she made an account purely to agree with herself and say how smart she was. :lol:

Thanks for your recommendation. I'll look into it, though I think I'd prefer reading it. I'm not really a fan of audio books. :smile:

I'd actually fall into the category of people that wouldn't want Soul Calibur VI, as I was really disappointed that V got rid of some pretty major characters (Sophitia, Taki, Seong Mi-na). I didn't actually pick up the game in the end, but from what I've read the story just focuses on Sophitia's children, and I preferred it when each character had their own story to follow.

As for what the game could be, could it not be GTA VI? Seems unlikely, but I'd freak if it was. It's been too long since GTA V, though I think there would be a hell of a lot more rumours about it if it was that.

I can get what you mean. Soul Calibur is my favorite fighting game along with Smash bros and runner up DoA. For a traditional fighting game Soul Calibur is my favorite hands down. SCV was by far the worst in the series. Not only were the new characters silly, they got rid of a lot of the older characters or completely changed them. Kilik (a favorite) no longer uses his bo-staff. Instead he is the new edge master that gets a new weapon each time if I recall correctly. The new characters were mostly lame and really anime like. The story was not good. The game was completely off balance. Nightmare for example was unbelievable OP. He's not only one of the strongest characters in terms of damage, he is also the fastest. Slightly slower than maybe Maxi, but with a **** ton of range. They increased the fight speed over all so the game is much more fast paced which upsets the whole combat flow of the series. For example guarding and guard breaks feel less effective to use. Weapon combat doesn't have that realistic feel anymore as you just flail your weapons around. Also it feels pointless to master your characters, button mashing seems to get the job done. Just move in circles and spam attacks. SCV was truly a disappointment, but I want a SCVI. I want them to make up for that game. I know 100% that Project Soul can make a better game, and they have proven to do so over and over again. SCII was a masterpiece, even the first one and Soul Edge. Soul Calibur IV was way better than given credit for and I would even rate it as the second best in the series. People like to **** talk it online, but in person I see a totally different reception of that game. It was great on PS3 (Yoda was a mistake for Xbox xD).

Well there were some rumors a while back about GTA VI. I recall something a while back about Kotaku looking into something that could hint to a return to Vice City. GTA: VIce? lmao. Miami would be pretty bitchen in next gen. Hopefully we get a full GTA Online again. Rockstar really handled that well with GTA V. Personally I'm not sold that it's going to be GTA though. I think Rockstar wants to focus on Red Dead Redemption 2 first. They might not be a one game studio, but they do tend to focus on marketing of one game at a time. At least more recently anyways. They spend a lot of time on developing their games and really strive for quality and high levels of polish.

PS. I wish the best for your grandfather.
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If someone asks why you're so quiet or why you don't talk more, just turn it around and ask them why they're so noisy and talk so much. That should shut them up.

CT: I've always wondered why so many humans keep their washing machines in the kitchen. The kitchen is the room for storing, preparing and (if you don't have a separate dining room) eating food, what does laundry have to do with it? Wouldn't the bathroom, the place where you also wash yourself, be more fitting? I realise most people have smaller bathrooms than kitchens, so it's a space problem, but that's definitely a design flaw. Bathrooms should be built in a way that leaves space for a washing machine.
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CT: I've always wondered why so many humans keep their washing machines in the kitchen. The kitchen is the room for storing, preparing and (if you don't have a separate dining room) eating food, what does laundry have to do with it? Wouldn't the bathroom, the place where you also wash yourself, be more fitting? I realise most people have smaller bathrooms than kitchens, so it's a space problem, but that's definitely a design flaw. Bathrooms should be built in a way that leaves space for a washing machine.

I guess whoever designed my suite had the same idea. My washer and dryer is in my bathroom where a bathtub would have been.

But my shower stall is also the size of a phonebooth
I hope all goes well for your grandpa. Maybe that’s how you handle stressful situations, and it’s very understandable. I wouldn’t feel wrong or bad for detaching yourself from social interactions if something is weighing on your mind. But don’t be afraid to communicate this with some close friends! It’s good that you’re aware of what is going on and can go about working on things.

I’m always told that I’m the quiet one and it annoys me sometimes. For the most part I don’t mind being the type who sits back to observe but I do try to put myself out there. I feel like whenever I do try to go out of my way to make conversation though most don’t really reciprocate and then when I think ‘screw it’ and keep to myself, people come around and talk more or even say things like “hey you’re not talking much today, something wrong?”. Seems like I can’t win sometimes. :p
Thank you, chick. It's just taking a while to get him a pacemaker because his blood results aren't right for operating, so it's just a waiting game at the minute.

I've felt the exact same way as you before, haha. A lot of the time people do seem like they're not interested in what I'm saying so I go quiet, and then suddenly they notice you're quiet. :P

PS. I wish the best for your grandfather.

Thanks a lot. :)

CT: I've always wondered why so many humans keep their washing machines in the kitchen. The kitchen is the room for storing, preparing and (if you don't have a separate dining room) eating food, what does laundry have to do with it? Wouldn't the bathroom, the place where you also wash yourself, be more fitting? I realise most people have smaller bathrooms than kitchens, so it's a space problem, but that's definitely a design flaw. Bathrooms should be built in a way that leaves space for a washing machine.
I always assumed that it was because the washing machine is an electrical appliance, and therefore wouldn't really be safe in a bathroom where water could get splashed around with a bath. Maybe that's just a British thing though, we don't even have plug sockets in bathrooms or anything. As an appliance, it just seems to belong with the other appliances in the kitchen.
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If someone asks why you're so quiet or why you don't talk more, just turn it around and ask them why they're so noisy and talk so much. That should shut them up.

CT: I've always wondered why so many humans keep their washing machines in the kitchen. The kitchen is the room for storing, preparing and (if you don't have a separate dining room) eating food, what does laundry have to do with it? Wouldn't the bathroom, the place where you also wash yourself, be more fitting? I realise most people have smaller bathrooms than kitchens, so it's a space problem, but that's definitely a design flaw. Bathrooms should be built in a way that leaves space for a washing machine.
In Norway and Sweden, nobody have their washing machine in the kitchen. But I've seen on the telly that it's common abroad, and also I have wondered why people did laundry in a kitchen. I guess it has to do with space, maybe old houses have too small bathrooms. But we also have lots of old houses in this county, with small bathrooms, but I have never seen a washing machine in a kitchen.

I guess whoever designed my suite had the same idea. My washer and dryer is in my bathroom where a bathtub would have been.
And you have a bathtub in the kitchen or the living room? Sounds good, and it probably looks even better.. :razz:

I always assumed that it was because the washing machine is an electrical appliance, and therefore wouldn't really be safe in a bathroom where water could get splashed around with a bath. Maybe that's just a British thing though, we don't even have plug sockets in bathrooms or anything. As an appliance, it just seems to belong with the other appliances in the kitchen.
Washing machines are designed for a humid climate, they have grounding (is that the English term for it?) and their electric design has an additional safety feature that I'm not able to put in English. Unless you aim your shower directly at it and hose it, or submerge it in water, it won't be damaged. Plug sockets in wet rooms must have grounding and have a lid.

Thank you, chick. It's just taking a while to get him a pacemaker because his blood results aren't right for operating, so it's just a waiting game at the minute.
Jen dear, I hope your granddad will be fine. Best wishes
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Hm, are seperate laundry rooms not common elsewhere? I watch a lot of house hunting shows, but they tend to mostly ignore laundry. I've almost always had a seperate laundry room.

@Jen I hope your grandfather is okay. <3
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Hm, are seperate laundry rooms not common elsewhere? I watch a lot of house hunting shows, but they tend to mostly ignore laundry. I've almost always had a seperate laundry room.

@Jen I hope your grandfather is okay. <3
Separate laundry rooms are common, but a room that contains a washing machine and a shower (perhaps a bathtub also) is far more common here. To not have a bathtub in the bathroom is very common too, and if there is a bathtub, people don't use it for taking baths, they stand in it while showering. I'm glad to say, bathing is a thing of the past, when people liked to sit in their own filthy wash water. :D
Unfortunately I don't have a washing machine at all, both my bathroom and my kitchen are too small, so I use the one in the attic of my apartment building. If I had enough space, I would be happy with my own washing machine no matter where I'd have to put it, but it just makes no sense to me that putting it in the kitchen has become the norm in so many places. Maybe the original idea was that you can wash your clothes where you also wash the dishes? I don't know.

History teaches us much weirder habits, though. Not too long ago, there used to be a time when it was normal for the bathtub to stand in the middle of the bedroom or even in the living room, and this is actually still a thing in some flats/houses nowadays. Another thing I don't understand - sure, the concept of separate bathrooms in every home is not that old when you look at it historically, but... really, in the living room? Did people want their entire family to watch them take a bath?

And yes, I'm also one of those people who shower while standing in the bathtub. I think everyone does it, or at least prefers to do it that way nowadays, because bathing is just such a huge waste of time and water.
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Well having the kitchen and the bathroom in the same room doesn't sound that bad. specially if you were living alone.

Another thing I don't understand - sure, the concept of separate bathrooms in every home is not that old when you look at it historically, but... really, in the living room? Did people want their entire family to watch them take a bath?

That's actually something i used to do when i started playing the sims 3 for the first time.