Damn. Had a pretty intense night terror.
I don't have these things too often, but just often enough. And they freaking suck.
I don't have these things too often, but just often enough. And they freaking suck.
Damn. Had a pretty intense night terror.
I don't have these things too often, but just often enough. And they freaking suck.
Eyep. I have tons of sleep problems. Which is a drag, but I still manage to get sleep later in the day which is grand. And resting itself is of no issue. But sleeping and mornings are my worst enemy.What do you mean a night terror?.
Edit: Nevermind, someone just explained it to me, Sleep paralysis.
Eyep. I have tons of sleep problems. Which is a drag, but I still manage to get sleep later in the day which is grand. And resting itself is of no issue. But sleeping and mornings are my worst enemy.
No clear trigger. You wake up in this super alert and dreadful state. Like how in movies you see the protag wake up from a dream that causes them to bolt up right and usually scream?Ok. Could you explain to me what is it that made you felt that night terror, like, did you saw something or heard something? if it´s not too much to ask of course.
Relate.Argh. Why is my brain so stupid? Why am I getting so wound up about applying for a job? It's not even like I'm guaranteed an interview so there's no need to even get nervous yet, but I already feel anxious just about applying...
No clear trigger. You wake up in this super alert and dreadful state. Like how in movies you see the protag wake up from a dream that causes them to bolt up right and usually scream?
That's actually a night terror is. But without the dream. The dream part makes them nightmares. Usually, most scream while waking up. I don't, but still get a variety of the symptoms. Such as waking up instantly and the feeling of intense dread and fear, accelerated heart rate, sweating, and all that jazz.
I tend to have night terrors first, then when going back to bed (If I can.) A nightmare right after.
So, my job has screwed me over majorly. Somehow the pay & benefits person tacked on an extra 4.6% onto my pay that I shouldn't have received (although it never appeared on my stubs so how was I supposed to know) and now I owe several thousand dollars right over the holidays. Bleh.
That's what I ended up doing. I knew it had to be done so I just cracked down and did it.Relate.
I say just let it go and treat it like another thing in your day. It does wonders over getting worked up over it.
Yeh. Terrors are to be frank awful. Sucks to be my dad though. He always ends up waking me up after them and I end up attacking him for it. Although he shrugs it off and literally forgets 10 mins later what happened.That's what I ended up doing. I knew it had to be done so I just cracked down and did it.
I also relate to your situation. Night terrors suck, I hate the racing heart you get afterwards. It's also embarrassing when it happens because I get the screaming too.
@La Femme Fatale, that's not fair at all. Do you have to pay it back all in one go?
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I reckon that if they can afford to spend that much on one painting, they actually have way more money than that to begin with and it's nothing to them. They probably bought it just to say that they have a Da Vinci. As for the charity aspect, how do they know that he doesn't donate to charity already? I agree with you, it's his money to spend how he wishes.CT: Just read an article about some rich guy buying a Da Vinci painting for 450 million dollars, and I don't know what to be more confused about - why some people actually spend that much money on something so useless, or that the whole world is freaking out about how he didn't use his fortune to help some charity instead. I mean... it's still his money, right? As harsh as it sounds, being rich doesn't mean you have to give to the poor. I don't understand it either, but maybe he just really wanted that painting. So worry about your own problems instead of wondering why someone you don't even know used his money for his own pleasure rather than donating it to you.
I'm sorry for your situation, it's not fair.They've halved my pays until the end of January. I tried to argue that they should take off 4.6% for a year because fair is fair but they were a no go.
The federal government pay system here in Canada has so many issues - it took me 2-3 months to even start getting paid and then once I do the amounts are totally out of whack.
That sucks, I'm sorry to hear that. I can't even imagine what it would be like to be stuck in a foreign country without the money to get back home. Does she at least have somewhere to stay?Welp. Just found out that my family is now officially broke, no money in savings and father is struggling with the rent while mother is stuck in a foreign country without the money to come back.
Fun times yeah?