What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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I'm hyped af too, can't wait to watch it :)

That theory about Rey turning to the darkside and Kylo being the last Jedi seems very possible. At the end of the trailer it could be that Rey is talking to Snoke and Kylo is reaching out his hand to Luke.

Making Kylo Ren the hero now would be very lame. He already killed Han Solo, that little piece of sh*t is irredeemable. Getting behind him as the hero would be very difficult/near impossible.

I believe there's a lot of misdirection in that trailer purely because of how it was edited and because a lot of it seems to purposely fall in line with theories that it almost feels like they're just trying to f*ck with us.
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Well, well, well, just when EA finally gives us ample reason to get excited for one of their upcoming games, they pull the rug from underneath us and put a bullsh!t loot box upgrade system in Star Wars: Battlefront 2:

Goddammit, EA! Way to kill excitement for the only AAA game of yours I give a damn about. I was hyped for this game, too. It looks so much better than the first Battlefront, it's not even funny. I was ready to put down money for this game, and then they go and do this. Even worse, it basically forces you to spend real money to get the loot upgrades because it takes hours to earn them in-game, f*ckin' A!

I agree with you 100%! I played the Beta on PC and man does the game look beautiful, especially when you force scale the resolution to 200%! The difference is just insane and instantly noticeable. That being said the lootbox system is really killing the deal for me. The fact that these bonuses have a MAJOR effect and impact on gameplay is insane. It's very much a "pay to win" kind of deal in a game that is PvP. My hype in the multiplayer aspect of this game very quickly dwindled by the fact I could barely gain enough points to try a hero class because I wasn't playing enough, now imagine how much worse it will be after people pay for the lootboxes? Simply put, I was not having fun with the system in the beta state and the full implementation is just going to annoy me eve more. I'll probably still get the game at some point when it's cheaper. Or maybe even earlier on depending how important the single player story is, which is canon to the films and is one part of "Operation Cinder" which was a huge aspect of Emperor Palpatine's contingency plans. It's pretty clear that his legacy will leave a finger print in the new trilogy but it's unclear as to how.

But that's EA for you. They pretty much ran Mass Effect into the ground with Andromeda, let's not forget. It's not even being supported via DLC, anymore because of how badly it tanked.

This is an assumption and not a fact. I really don't want to argue about it but I do want to point out that it isn't true. What is true is that EA implemented one engine across all their studios and that is the Frostbite 2 engine. A decision that had huge consequences despite making since from a business and corporate point of view of unification of assets across the companies. One that I don't agree with for this very reason because while it is a very powerful engine, there is a lot of things that it can't do, things that are essential to BioWare games. BioWare Montreal had to build on to the engine just to do basic functions relating to detecting choices, picking up items, random loots, 3rd person, amongst many other things which effected the base core of the game. That being said the majority of the issues surrounding Andromeda have little to nothing to with EA's decision to push Frostbite 2 happened later. Mass Effect Andromeda had a development cycle of nearly 5 years (Including it's very long pre-production phase). The final game that was released was in development for roughly a year and a half and all those other missing years are gone. Lots of staff coming and going, major leaks on the game came out in 2015 which was done by a ****ed off employee, there was simply a lot of internal issues and even drama that was the source of the failure of this game. I know Kotaku did some digging into the situation and I'm pretty faithful to believe that they were nearly spot on with what they said and it's worth a read. Something similar happened with ME3 near the end of development as well and fans falsely accused EA. Now I'm not defending EA here. There was one BioWare title that they absolutely screwed up on and after that they distanced themselves more with BioWare and gave them more independence and only stepped in on more major issues. EA is pretty faithful in BioWare overall and I really hope this is still the case as of right now. I'm pretty confident EA was really surprised by the flop. Honestly, there are parts of the story that most fans aren't privy to nor aware of and at the end of the days if you're a fan of BioWare... I always say that you should be thankful for EA rather than hate them. The alternative option was a lot worse.
There is one misuse of a word that I kind of like. Literal.
Since everyone has begun to say things are "literally x" regardless of how true it is, literal's definition was officially expanded to include the opposite of literal in the dictionary.

Who cares?

Easy. Trolls like me.

Say you're debating someone on a website like this one. You've done debates with internet strangers before but you really don't like this person, their logic, or their conclusions. You've got tons of facts but there's one of them you're just not sure of. State it as "literally." It's a trap. If they call you on it, cite that "literally" technically renders the statement meaningless: because it does. If they protest, cite the dictionary. 100% of people don't expect it and 100% of the people will despise you and concede your point with great aggravation.

Furthermore, you can straight up bait people by throwing in obviously false statements using literally. It's so much fun.
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CT: I have a love-hate relationship with The Sims 4 like I've never had one before. On the one hand the game has so many cool features, and CAS is better than ever, but on the other hand it's just so fricking broken that I can hardly believe how it could even be released in such a state. Does no one ever test new things anymore before they are released nowadays? Because I don't think restaurants are supposed to make you wait for your food for 10+ hours until your sims are tired and starving and decide to go home and cook their own meals. It's more likely a stupid bug, and because of that bug, Alex Wesker probably doesn't like me anymore because I invited her to that restaurant to become better friends, and instead we both nearly died... :rolleyes:
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CT: I have a love-hate relationship with The Sims 4 like I've never had one before. On the one hand the game has so many cool features, and CAS is better than ever, but on the other hand it's just so fricking broken that I can hardly believe how it could even be released in such a state. Does no one ever test new things anymore before they are released nowadays? Because I don't think restaurants are supposed to make you wait for your food for 10+ hours until your sims are tired and starving and decide to go home and cook their own meals. It's more likely a stupid bug, and because of that bug, Alex Wesker probably doesn't like me anymore because I invited her to that restaurant to become better friends, and instead we both nearly died... :rolleyes:
I've experienced weird waiting times with The Sims 3 Pets on the Xbox 360. Just recently I was playing it and there was a line-up at the fridge because one Sim was just standing there holding a plate and wouldn't move.
They say there used to be a similar problem with one of the premade restaurants in Sims 4: A decoration was in the way preventing cooks from doing their jobs properly, and as a result guests couldn't be served. (That's why I said, why doesn't anyone test that $hit before releasing it?) But the restaurant I tried to eat in wasn't that one, the issue has since been fixed anyway, and all the other guests were served, only my sims weren't for some reason. I couldn't even complain to the waiter, but I did scribble nasty things on the table cloth before leaving. FEAR MY REVENGE, suckers!

You know, I'm trying my best to look past these flaws and not become one of those annoying people who spread negativity on the Sims forums by constantly complaining about everything, but this game is making it really hard for me. There's a bug around every corner, and while I do acknowledge that the developers are at least trying to fix their mess by releasing a new patch every month, I also have to wonder why some of those bugs made it past the testing phase in the first place (if there even was one), and question their logic because they often prioritise fixing minor annoyances over game-breaking bugs that players have been reporting since day 1. Yes, those annoyances should be fixed too, and I'm happy about every single one that goes away, but... Priorities, people.

Oh well, no restaurants for me then. At least my writers club seems to be working better than I expected (although knowing this game, I honestly didn't expect much to begin with).
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CT: having mixed feelings about someone. I want to forgive that person because of a promise i made to a friend 10 years ago. but on the other hand i don't want to forgive that person because i almost lost someone important to me.
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Finally made myself get my ear cartilage pierced, after wanting to have it done for years. Honestly, I don't know why I waited so long. It barely hurt when it was done and still doesn't hurt two days later. It also looks pretty cute too. I'm happy. :)
CT: I have a love-hate relationship with The Sims 4 like I've never had one before. On the one hand the game has so many cool features, and CAS is better than ever, but on the other hand it's just so fricking broken that I can hardly believe how it could even be released in such a state. Does no one ever test new things anymore before they are released nowadays? Because I don't think restaurants are supposed to make you wait for your food for 10+ hours until your sims are tired and starving and decide to go home and cook their own meals. It's more likely a stupid bug, and because of that bug, Alex Wesker probably doesn't like me anymore because I invited her to that restaurant to become better friends, and instead we both nearly died... :rolleyes:

I absolutely love The Sims 4 for the wrong reason. I like to make celebrities in the character creation area. I made Bruce Campbell and when I took a picture of him to upload, he made that kissy face with that model hammy pose and I lost it lol. I mean, the game is alright but I stop playing after I make celebrity characters.

CT: I'm so excited for school. I'm finally enrolled in my local tech school to take Network Security classes full time. Got my high school transcripts sent in (which is kinda funny because I graduated almost 12 years ago :x), got my fafsa done, just have to take the placement test and they are going to try to get me in by January :D I'm so ready to be out of grocery store delis.
Pretty happy.

I've been away from the forum for a long while now due to reasons.

My mum is coming home today (she has been in hospital for the last few weeks due to a brain aneurysm. Thankfully she has pulled through okay, although will require up to a year off work)

I am also moving out and may be in my own place by the end of november