What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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Why is kneeling seen as disrespectful? Perhaps I'm too medieval, but to me nothing shows respect like kneeling.
A half a century ago, black American athletes protested by raising a fist under the national anthem. A fist displays aggression, kneeling is submissive. And submissive is about as far from disrespectful as you can get.
This is how I see it where I'm coming from.

The story about athletes in the US protesting made its way all over to here, thanks to Trump.
Why is kneeling seen as disrespectful? Perhaps I'm too medieval, but to me nothing shows respect like kneeling.
A half a century ago, black American athletes protested by raising a fist under the national anthem. A fist displays aggression, kneeling is submissive. And submissive is about as far from disrespectful as you can get.
This is how I see it where I'm coming from.

The story about athletes in the US protesting made its way all over to here, thanks to Trump.
I wish I could like this twice.
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Because normally you stand with your hand over your heart during the national anthem.

I personally like this guy's perspective... But I'm bias since I have brothers who serve/served in the military and one now serves on the police force. :rolleyes:

Sure its freedom of speech for them to protest against something but what is it that they are trying to achieve here? If its their intension to continue to divide this country then they are doing a great job. But if they actually want to make a difference and unite this country then go about the protests in another way other than the one part of the football game that all the fans can come together before they bash each other over the teams they support.
People have actually compared this kneeling to Rosa Parks' protest on the bus- which is absolutely ridiculous as one situation is completely different from the other. Their kneeling to the national anthem is something that can easily be misconstrued as if to show disrespect to our country- especially when these football stars go off to other countries and stand for the anthem of another country but sit for ours.
What started it all was one player who felt like he shouldn't stand because of "police brutality" as if that is an epidemic going on in the country. Honestly it disgusts me how people even speak to police now just because of how the media has covered these issues.

I'm not saying there aren't bad cops out there because that would be wrong, but most police officers are good people who are actually actively trying to keep their communities safe/better. Racism and bad people are riddled everywhere though and there's plenty of proof out there that racism still exists on BOTH sides. The vast majority of Americans are decent people who don't support racism but everyone is getting caught up in the media and political aspects to the point where is doesn't even feel like they want to make a change but just divide one another even more.

So many have the ignorance to ask "well when is it a good time to protest" and to that I would like to ask you to take a hard look at how individuals have been protesting. Have you ever been caught in the middle of a Black Lives Matter march? I have and I got to hear first hand the ignorance that was preached during that march as they marched down the streets of San Fran with their megaphones shouting to everyone about how "ALL" cops were racist and that THEY were the ones repressing black people... All while police officers surrounded them and the general public making sure neither side got hurt or started any trouble. One white bitch having the nerve to run up right next to me to shout out "F*CK YOU PIGS"... it took everything in me to not say a word to her...

BLM brings to light another point for me and the protests from NFL players... when the shooting occurred during a BLM march in Texas, while all the BLM supporters were running away from the gun shots the police were running towards the gun shots and 5 officers lost their lives that night... the Dallas Cowboys football team wanted to represent those officers at the next game but guess what- they were not allowed to- the NFL had the audacity to tell them they coudn't. But here the NFL is now... allowing THIS protest to go on during the national anthem. It's honestly the main thing that annoys me most about the kneeling. How is the NFL going to act like they don't want to get involved for one situation but now lets protests happen for another. Otherwise I would be like- "hey freedom of speech".

It's easy to protest and bitch about what's going on but when it comes to actually doing something about it and coming up with solutions that can make a real positive impact... well that's where everyone sucks. I just love all these actors/actresses/celebs who will gladly come out and voice their comments against institutional racism (and sexism) and how its everywhere- but they always seem to leave out that little fact about the industry they work in and how blatantly racist/sexist it is. I can only assume because they're afraid of backlash from the industry (i.e. no job offers)... well look at you guys go- fighting that good fight as you kneel to the national anthem and post your memes on social media... How about actually calling out your industry of work that you know makes racist and sexist decisions so that the problem can actually be addressed and some people can be held accountable. DO something that is gonna make a positive impact on your community or f*ck off with your hypocrisy.
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I think politics should be kept out of sports generally, I'm not too happy about seeing it mixed. But if you have a message of any kind, a sports arena is one of the better places to get out your message, so I can understand that they chose the time and place that they did.

In Europe, it has happened that football (soccer) matches has started with some kind of markings, like a minute silence or some other way to pay attention to something, like deaths, accidents, or racism. The clubs organize it and I'm not aware of any controversies because of this. Though personally I would prefer to leave out everything that is not a necessity for the sports game.

And if you are going to protest something, kneeling is perhaps the most harmless and least offensive way you can do it, even if it is during a national anthem, or anywhere else. They chose a smart way of doing it, they protested by being more respectful than protocol. They chose a form so unorthodox, archaic and extremely respectful that many people took offense. And you can't really charge someone for having been too respectful, even antiquated respectful, so in that way they did a good job.

I'm not one of Trump's many critics, but it's a bit special to hear him accuse others for being disrespectful, his credibility as judge on just that particular topic is not very high.

I'm not saying there aren't bad cops out there because that would be wrong, but most police officers are good people who are actually actively trying to keep their communities safe/better. Racism and bad people are riddled everywhere though and there's plenty of proof out there that racism still exists on BOTH sides. The vast majority of Americans are decent people who don't support racism but everyone is getting caught up in the media and political aspects to the point where is doesn't even feel like they want to make a change but just divide one another even more.
++++ For this, well put.

So many have the ignorance to ask "well when is it a good time to protest" and to that I would like to ask you to take a hard look at how individuals have been protesting. Have you ever been caught in the middle of a Black Lives Matter march? I have and I got to hear first hand the ignorance that was preached during that march as they marched down the streets of San Fran with their megaphones shouting to everyone about how "ALL" cops were racist and that THEY were the ones repressing black people... All while police officers surrounded them and the general public making sure neither side got hurt or started any trouble. One white bitch having the nerve to run up right next to me to shout out "F*CK YOU PIGS"... it took everything in me to not say a word to her...
That movement I know nothing about, and I'm sorry you had a bad experience.

BLM brings to light another point for me and the protests from NFL players... when the shooting occurred during a BLM march in Texas, while all the BLM supporters were running away from the gun shots the police were running towards the gun shots and 5 officers lost their lives that night... the Dallas Cowboys football team wanted to represent those officers at the next game but guess what- they were not allowed to- the NFL had the audacity to tell them they coudn't. But here the NFL is now... allowing THIS protest to go on during the national anthem. It's honestly the main thing that annoys me most about the kneeling. How is the NFL going to act like they don't want to get involved for one situation but now lets protests happen for another. Otherwise I would be like- "hey freedom of speech".
That sounds completely unfair! I don't understand why they would disallow one and allow the other, and I can guess that NFL are getting a lot of questions regarding that.
So NFL are allowing this kneeling protest? Why are the athletes taking the criticism then (Trump wanting them fired)? It should be directed at NFL.

actors/actresses/celebs who will gladly come out and voice their comments
This is another thing that can be annoying. Just because someone are good at something in arts, they get a microphone to voice their political opinions whenever they ask for it. Sorry Mr./Mrs Artist, but your fame doesn't make your opinions any more sound or valid than anyone else's. Stick to what you are good at.
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I think politics should be kept out of sports generally, I'm not too happy about seeing it mixed. But if you have a message of any kind, a sports arena is one of the better places to get out your message, so I can understand that they chose the time and place that they did.

In Europe, it has happened that football (soccer) matches has started with some kind of markings, like a minute silence or some other way to pay attention to something, like deaths, accidents, or racism. The clubs organize it and I'm not aware of any controversies because of this. Though personally I would prefer to leave out everything that is not a necessity for the sports game.

And if you are going to protest something, kneeling is perhaps the most harmless and least offensive way you can do it, even if it is during a national anthem, or anywhere else. They chose a smart way of doing it, they protested by being more respectful than protocol. They chose a form so unorthodox, archaic and extremely respectful that many people took offense. And you can't really charge someone for having been too respectful, even antiquated respectful, so in that way they did a good job.

That's actually not a bad idea- where they take a moment before the game to represent something that is going on or something they feel- rather than show disrespect to the national anthem... At the end of the day, yes, kneeling is the most harmless way but the NFL should not have shown support for one situation but not allow for support/respect towards the other- that's where the freedom of speech argument is mute.

All its done is make a large portion of America- both black and white- mad and has even effected their ratings to some extent. It hasn't helped the real issues of little black kids on the streets doing drugs and petty crimes, unemployment rates, failing schools, etc. They're being reactive rather than proactive as they take part in something "trendy". As everyone wants to jump to the occasion to go against something Trump is talking about- even if the message came out harsh there was still some truth behind it. Do I think the guy should have kept his mouth shut- perhaps- at the very least approached it a different way. But that's not how it happened and its really no surprise...

Maybe once everyone is ready to get proactive we can get off our knees and on our feet to correct some things that can really assist these issues- such as the education and criminal justice systems.
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This shooting in Vegas has truly brought out some of the ugliest f*cks- let alone the maniac with the gun firing into a crowd. Somehow its completely OK to think that it is good that 'Trump supporters died'... not like they're assuming who these people voted for or anything.
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I’ve seen those three tweets you are referring to and yes, they were not kind and they were sad to read. I’ve had to learn, for my own sanity, not to give those sorts of comments power. There will always be terrible people saying terrible things. That's just life. Just last week a Liberal MP - one of my boss’s closest colleagues - here in Canada died of cancer, and we got two calls from people stating they were glad he died because it was 'one less liberal'. They obviously did it to try to hurt us - but I never thought that these sentiments reflected the entire sentiment of conservatives - so I chose not to pull back.

And that’s precisely what this has boiled down to - a bloody game of tug-a-war. We pull and we pull and we pull but we get no where and eventually, all of us are going to end up in the mud. All of us are going to lose if we haven’t lost already. I've resolved to stop picking up the rope. We need to try to listen to one another. We need to have compassion and empathy for one another. We need to acknowledge that other people, other groups of people have different life experiences. It means that maybe I listen to them and try to understand instead of assuming I know what’s best for them (because that is patronizing), or assuming that they are ignorant for not having the same reality or priorities or values as me. Perhaps we need to ask them to teach us.

The reason I haven’t been here lately (apart from deleting spam and addressing reports), is that I’ve chosen, for the most part, to disengage from all social media apart from work accounts. It’s exhausting and I don’t think it is serving society well. The constant, never-ending hate, the anger, the fear is exhausting. It’s physically, mentally, exhausting to hate people. It’s exhausting to hate people because of their political affiliation. It is exhausting to hate people because of who they voted for. It’s exhausting to hate people for the colour of the skin, or for whom they pray to or for how much or how little money they have or whether or not they behave in a way that you approve. I don’t understand how people keep it up. I’m sure keeping your cortisol levels at a constant 11 is going to do nothing but drive you into an early grave.

My friend Fernando died about ten and a half months ago today and I learned not long after that I have an illness that.. y'know. I’ve been thinking a lot about life and death and how in the grand scheme of this earth we really are nothing more than inconsequential little butterflies. Life is too short. My heart breaks for all those people who died in Vegas yesterday. My heart breaks that nothing beyond finger pointing will be done about it. I don’t know what the answers are, but I know each one of those people were too young to die, and no amount of online vitriol and twitter wars is going to bring them back. The least we can do is maybe be decent to each other.

Now excuse me as I go nurse my yeast infection.
I’ve seen those three tweets you are referring to and yes, they were not kind and they were sad to read. I’ve had to learn, for my own sanity, not to give those sorts of comments power. There will always be terrible people saying terrible things. That's just life. Just last week a Liberal MP - one of my boss’s closest colleagues - here in Canada died of cancer, and we got two calls from people stating they were glad he died because it was 'one less liberal'. They obviously did it to try to hurt us - but I never thought that these sentiments reflected the entire sentiment of conservatives - so I chose not to pull back.

And that’s precisely what this has boiled down to - a bloody game of tug-a-war. We pull and we pull and we pull but we get no where and eventually, all of us are going to end up in the mud. All of us are going to lose if we haven’t lost already. I've resolved to stop picking up the rope. We need to try to listen to one another. We need to have compassion and empathy for one another. We need to acknowledge that other people, other groups of people have different life experiences. It means that maybe I listen to them and try to understand instead of assuming I know what’s best for them (because that is patronizing), or assuming that they are ignorant for not having the same reality or priorities or values as me.
My dearest, this is one of the wisest posts I've ever read.
Good post/points @La Femme Fatale, it is all very exhausting. I’ll be staying off of social media too at this point- I’ve almost written off Facebook but looks like Instagram may be next.
Also lolz at your ending to the post. :biggrin:
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Good post/points @La Femme Fatale, it is all very exhausting. I’ll be staying off of social media too at this point- I’ve almost written off Facebook but looks like Instagram may be next.
Also lolz at your ending to the post. :biggrin:

Just stay off Tumblr. The kind of human garbage I've read on that godforsaken site is unparalleled, worse than Reddit. Every time I do, I feel like I'm losing IQ points.
The weather is so nice today. Cool, getting a break from the usual heat, and gentle rain. Don't get me wrong, I like thunderstorms, they just make it hard to sleep and I get up at 4am to open the grocery store I work at lol. But I do love the rain. :3
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The weather is so nice today. Cool, getting a break from the usual heat, and gentle rain. Don't get me wrong, I like thunderstorms, they just make it hard to sleep and I get up at 4am to open the grocery store I work at lol. But I do love the rain. :3
That makes sense considering your username :biggrin:

I'm used to getting rain here so I don't mind it too much. Would really like to get some snow over the winter this year though. Been too long since we got any.
I actually chose the username because Rain from Resident Evil is one of my favorite fictional characters, and it was only strengthened by the fact that when I was growing up, Michelle Rodriguez was a good, strong influence for me when I otherwise didn't have one, but that's a whole 'nother story that I won't go into. As time has gone by she has become less of a role model, because as I've grown older and gotten my life on track after being in a rut for several years, I have far more confidence in myself as a person and no longer need someone like her or her characters to look up to. It was something I desperately needed at the time, and Michelle and her strong roles filled that need for me.

Anymore, like I said, it's no longer about having a role model, rather I just like the character. I've always been interested in law enforcement, which touches on the commando stuff, I like the wardrobe, and perhaps least importantly, I've been told that I resemble her, so it makes it easy to take my love of the character to the next level with things like cosplay or usernames.

All that being said though, I've spent all my life in areas of the US where it rains a lot and so I have become fond of it :3
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