What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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I finally got to go see I.T. and IT was amazing :D I really liked the Losers and I was surprised how good it was. The characters were fantastic as was the story. There's only one thing I just don't get. Why does Pennywise actually eat his victims if he's essentially an "energy vampire" which feeds on people's fear. Is it just to juice a high threshold of fear due to the terror felt before a gruesome death? Surely there are terror tactics that can juice out more fear than running at someone and gnawing on them. The psychological torture he does should be amped up to 11 and he'd be feasting a fine wine and dine.
Nobody is letting me sleep in today.

My mother calls me to tell me she thinks she forgot to turn her hair curlers off. I go downstairs and she did switch them off. I text her to say that she didn't forget and then fall asleep again. She then calls me again to tell me that she couldn't remember turning them off...

I go back to sleep and then wake up to my brother asking me what my mum wanted when she called.

I tell him and go back to sleep. Then the downstairs phone rings. I get up to answer it and a sales guy asks if he's talking to my father. Do I sound like man?

And finally a magpie is now chirping really loudly on the window ledge outside.

Sigh. No more sleep for me.

I've had days like this; I hate them. Maybe get a nap in later.
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TGS 2017 just kicked off their pressers. A few games caught my attention, one of those being a... Zone of the Enders VR from Konami? :confused: WTF am I watching? Is this a troll presentation?

Goddammit, I really don't want to support those pieces of sh!t by giving them my money (I've already vented long and hard as to why). I'd buy it used, but second hand copies of this are going to be awfully hard to come by. Why couldn't Sega give us an Alien: Isolation VR? I'd happily buy and play that new on my PSVR, heart attacks be damned.

Also, Monster Hunter World gets a January 2018 release date and Square-Enix announced a new mech game from the designers of the Metal Gear and Armored Core series called Left Alive. Sounds interesting.
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I'm so tired of all these athletes protesting the national anthem. Think what you want of our president but don't disrespect our nation's history; which is what the national anthem represents.

It wasn't a song written for Trump or his tenure as president or his administration, it was written for our country and our soldiers and we should never turn our backs or kneel instead of stand when referring to the hard work, time away from home, selflessness or sacrifices that our men and women make every single day in the name of our protection and service to ALL of America. The sacrifices that allow people and know it all athletes to sit on their asses and protest the government without prosecution.

These people get paid way more than our soldiers and get a lot more credit for doing absolutely nothing.

They have no idea what real work is.
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I'm so tired of all these athletes protesting the national anthem. Think what you want of our president but don't disrespect our nation's history; which is what the national anthem represents.

It wasn't a song written for Trump or his tenure as president or his administration, it was written for our country and our soldiers and we should never turn our backs or kneel instead of stand when referring to the hard work, time away from home, selflessness or sacrifices that our men and women make every single day in the name of our protection and service to ALL of America. The sacrifices that allow people and know it all athletes to sit on their asses and protest the government without prosecution.

These people get paid way more than our soldiers and get a lot more credit for doing absolutely nothing.

They have no idea what real work is.
I don't want to start a big flame war here, but they aren't protesting against the National Anthem or America, they're protesting against police brutality and racial injustice. They have nothing against their country, they want equality.
(please don't kill me.)
I don't want to start a big flame war here, but they aren't protesting against the National Anthem or America, they're protesting against police brutality and racial injustice. They have nothing against their country, they want equality.
(please don't kill me.)
Forgive me, I remember not one line in the national anthem saying that police brutality is okay and that's what they didn't give the proper respect to.

I don't mean to start a flame was either. I have no problem with protesting police brutality, it needs to be protested but protest what you mean to. Protest something that actually has to do with police brutality. Lower yourself to protest outside of the courthouses and the trials with the normal people who are taking their issues to the root of the problem, not the song that tells of how our country got off its feet on television at a football game.
I have no problem with protesting police brutality, it needs to be protested but protest what you mean to. Forgive me, I remember not one line in the national anthem saying that police brutality is okay.
Nothing has to do with the National Anthem, they are just doing what they can to spread the message for the protest. If it turned your head, (which it did, even if misinterpreted) it worked.