What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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Does that actually happen? :lol:

It won't surprise me tho, i was in Austin once when i was 16 years old and my brother and pals left me and my friend ouside a club hangin out because we couldn't get inside and the cops showed up and told us we needed to go home because it was over 10:00 PM. They went inside the club looking for my bro, draged him out and forced him to take us home lol It was surreal i was like WTF is this! xD
But yeah, let's criminalise abortion, and while we're at it, why don't we also ban condoms, male masturbation, and any kind of sex that doesn't involve the train entering the correct station? Because if an unborn fetus is a life, then so is a sperm cell, and the things I've mentioned stop a sperm cell from getting to a place where it can continue its so-called "life". It's not like the world already has a problem with overpopulation or anything, so let's keep the unwanted children as well.
Outlaw sex! Sex, not my old smoking car is the reason for global warming. But the climate is already in change, so what do the politicians do? They raise the fuel taxes instead of outlawing sex. :mad:

My above statement is made crazy on purpose, but there is sense under the nonsense. The big elephant in the room that is mostly being ignored in environmental policy, is overpopulation.

Back to abortion:
I support the right to abortion, for any reason the mother might have. And maybe the father should have an equal right to choose abortion? Because the child will become his responsibility as well.
In most of those cases of unwanted pregnancy it was poor planning and irresponsibility, but done is done so let the Dr fix it. Is this heartless? I don't know, maybe, it depends on how you look at it. Many kids grow up in homes where they are neglected, and they would have been better off never born. I don't know, but my guess is that if a baby is born after unwanted pregnancy, it is a higher risk that the parents aren't ready for it.

Is abortion morally wrong? I'm sure it can be argued both ways, but I see it as morally OK. But please don't use religion as an argument. In religion you can find support for almost any thinkable view, and the same religion can teach contradicting views. Remember that thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, have been killed by the Church in "the name of God". I believe they all read the same Bible.

Speaking of pedophilia, I just saw something that sickened me beyond belief: a "support" group called Heart Progress listing pedophilia as just another sexual orientation (they literally refer to them as pedosexuals FFS, talk about sugarcoating a mental disorder)
Them living out their sexuality is sickening, but can we say that any sexuality is a mental disorder? Some years ago everything except heterosexuality was seen as a disorder. Sexuality is sexuality, whether you are attracted to the opposite sex, same sex, or a wheelbarrow. When can we call it a mental disorder? What is a disorder? If a condition/trait/orientation is uncommon enough, or jut too immoral to most of us, is that enough to call something a mental disorder? Morale is fluid and change over time, so should it have any influence on the answer of what is or is not a disorder?

It happens many times that I change my mind on subjects, but right now I'm thinking that you can either call a lot of sexual orientations for disorders, or you can't call any a disorder at all. I do not talk in defense for pedophiles and their sickening form of sexuality, I just point out that it can perhaps be problematic to call it a mental disorder. I don't believe that morale and feelings should have a place in medical science.
In my opinion someone who's committed sexual crimes against a child should be imprisoned for life, or surgically or chemically castrated. I have no mercy on this.
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Them living out their sexuality is sickening, but can we say that any sexuality is a mental disorder?

Scientists say blue eyes are a mutation, but not a harmful one, and that's the point. Whether any kind of sexuality is a disorder or not (and I won't pretend to know what does and doesn't constitute a disorder, because I don't), what's important is whether or not it hurts anyone. And no, that doesn't include "hurting" the moral views of old-fashioned people who think sex should only happen between one man and one woman, with both of their genitals involved, after marriage, for the sake of reproduction. It also doesn't include anyone else who isn't taking part in the act. The question should be if both (or all three, or four, or however many) people involved are okay with it. My conclusion is that this simply cannot involve children because children are basically programs that are still being written, and while they may figure out early on who or what they're attracted to, and even fantasise about having relationships with other people (I know I did), they don't usually receive the physical sexuality update until a certain age (which may vary).

Speaking of age, it seems that the age of consent in most countries is between 16 and 18 (actually 14 where I live, but showing yourself in public as an adult with a 14-year-old lover still isn't advisable). I'd say the best way to avoid problems is to use your common sense: If you have a hot 16-year-old who totally wants you, and you want him too, then go for it! (Unless you're his teacher - even though I'm totally into student/teacher romances, they're actually forbidden by law.) If you have a mentally disabled 25-year old who is technically old enough in any country, but doesn't understand the concept of sexuality, then hands off, no matter how attractive she is! Rape should not be condoned under any circumstances, no matter the age, gender, or sexuality of the rapist or the victim, and if the other person doesn't like or understand what you're doing to them, then it's rape in my view.
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Many kids grow up in homes where they are neglected, and they would have been better off never born. I don't know, but my guess is that if a baby is born after unwanted pregnancy, it is a higher risk that the parents aren't ready for it.

I got tripped up on this part. To say that someone should have never been born because their parents can’t step up to the plate and be decent human beings is kind of faulty thinking. There are people who don’t deserve to have kids, yes absolutely, but imagine saying to an abused kid that they would have been better off if their parents had an abortion because their parents are assholes. :p
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I got tripped up on this part. To say that someone should have never been born because their parents can’t step up to the plate and be decent human beings is kind of faulty thinking. There are people who don’t deserve to have kids, yes absolutely, but imagine saying to an abused kid that they would have been better off if their parents had an abortion because their parents are assholes. :p
Perhaps that was badly worded of me, what I mean is that there are a lot of miserable lives, people who for many different reasons suffer through their lives instead of living a normal life. I don't want anyone to suffer, it would have been better if they weren't born. This is not the same as wanting to give them a suicide pill. And it doesn't help anything to tell someone that they should not have been born, it would only add to their burden.
Life should be worth living, not a life long suffering. That is the main point. Life hasn't always been so kind to me, not so bad that I wish I had never been born, but if it had been a lot worse then it would have been better if another sperm cell had reached the egg first, or an abortion.

tripped up
I don't know what this means, I looked it up but the definitions are just too many. :p
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Perhaps that was badly worded of me, what I mean is that there are a lot of miserable lives, people who for many different reasons suffer through their lives instead of living a normal life. I don't want anyone to suffer, it would have been better if they weren't born. This is not the same as wanting to give them a suicide pill. And it doesn't help anything to tell someone that they should not have been born, it would only add to their burden.
Life should be worth living, not a life long suffering. That is the main point. Life hasn't always been so kind to me, not so bad that I wish I had never been born, but if it had been a lot worse then it would have been better if another sperm cell had reached the egg first, or an abortion.

I don't know what this means, I looked it up but the definitions are just too many. :p

I meant that part of your post left me thinking “wait what?” Lol.

It’s pretty upsetting to think that someone would even feel that way about themselves no matter how hard life gets for them. For the most part, life is what you make it and sometimes you have great situations and opportunities handed to you and other times you don’t... It depends on where you put yourself that really determines if more bad things are going to continue to happen to you or not... but a healthy life at home plays a big part in developing someone and setting them on the right track. I know my family didn’t have an easy start but now I’d say we are very fortunate considering. This may be going off on a completely different subject from abortion all together though.
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I found it to be quite the disappointment. It's a nice movie to look at, but ultimately, it delivers a whole lot of nothing.

Ah jeez, Turo. Does this mean we have to fight to the death now because we have differing opinions on a Star Wars film?? :surprised:

No but seriously. I respect that. I had a good time with it. My mom and brother had issues. I'm the odd one out it seems :razz:
Ah jeez, Turo. Does this mean we have to fight to the death now because we have differing opinions on a Star Wars film?? :surprised:

No but seriously. I respect that. I had a good time with it. My mom and brother had issues. I'm the odd one out it seems :razz:

Well clearly, only one of us is right. If you don't think Empire Strikes Back is the Citizen Kane of our generation, or that the prequels are awful and George Lucas ruined your childhood, and that Disney is the devil and George Lucas should take back Star Wars despite having supposedly ruined your childhood, then you're obviously not a real Star Wars fan.

But for real, I didn't think it was a bad film, it was just very disappointing in how it handled certain things. Though in a sense, I guess that's true of the previous trilogies as well.

I enjoyed The Force Awakens, but after The Last Jedi, I can't help but feel like they blew it big time with this trilogy. They completely disregarded and ignored everything the last one set up and none of the characters really feel like they grew. I also feel like they dropped the ball big time with the older characters and missed great opportunities to do some amazing things with them before handing the reins over to the new characters.