But yeah, let's criminalise abortion, and while we're at it, why don't we also ban condoms, male masturbation, and any kind of sex that doesn't involve the train entering the correct station? Because if an unborn fetus is a life, then so is a sperm cell, and the things I've mentioned stop a sperm cell from getting to a place where it can continue its so-called "life". It's not like the world already has a problem with overpopulation or anything, so let's keep the unwanted children as well.
Outlaw sex! Sex, not my old smoking car is the reason for global warming. But the climate is already in change, so what do the politicians do? They raise the fuel taxes instead of outlawing sex.
My above statement is made crazy on purpose, but there is sense under the nonsense. The big elephant in the room that is mostly being ignored in environmental policy, is overpopulation.
Back to abortion:
I support the right to abortion, for any reason the mother might have. And maybe the father should have an equal right to choose abortion? Because the child will become his responsibility as well.
In most of those cases of unwanted pregnancy it was poor planning and irresponsibility, but done is done so let the Dr fix it. Is this heartless? I don't know, maybe, it depends on how you look at it. Many kids grow up in homes where they are neglected, and they would have been better off never born. I don't know, but my guess is that if a baby is born after unwanted pregnancy, it is a higher risk that the parents aren't ready for it.
Is abortion morally wrong? I'm sure it can be argued both ways, but I see it as morally OK. But please don't use religion as an argument. In religion you can find support for almost any thinkable view, and the same religion can teach contradicting views. Remember that thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, have been killed by the Church in "the name of God". I believe they all read the same Bible.
Speaking of pedophilia, I just saw something that sickened me beyond belief: a "support" group called Heart Progress listing pedophilia as just another sexual orientation (they literally refer to them as pedosexuals FFS, talk about sugarcoating a mental disorder)
Them living out their sexuality is sickening, but can we say that
any sexuality is a mental disorder? Some years ago everything except heterosexuality was seen as a disorder. Sexuality is sexuality, whether you are attracted to the opposite sex, same sex, or a wheelbarrow. When can we call it a mental disorder? What is a disorder? If a condition/trait/orientation is uncommon enough, or jut too immoral to most of us, is that enough to call something a mental disorder? Morale is fluid and change over time, so should it have any influence on the answer of what is or is not a disorder?
It happens many times that I change my mind on subjects, but right now I'm thinking that you can either call a lot of sexual orientations for disorders, or you can't call any a disorder at all. I do not talk in defense for pedophiles and their sickening form of sexuality, I just point out that it can perhaps be problematic to call it a mental disorder. I don't believe that morale and feelings should have a place in medical science.
In my opinion someone who's committed sexual crimes against a child should be imprisoned for life, or surgically or chemically castrated. I have no mercy on this.