I've seen it, why would I be ****ed off?
Well I know you're really political and I thought that the whole 9/11 joke would be really offensive. I don't find those jokes funny and I'm embarrassed to say that I listen to this song because it's catchy and I laughed so hard when I first heard it. Spat my drink all over the table.
Yea I read up about the movie the other day and it seems Sony have set the release date for summer 2017. Not sure how the movie will turn out seeing how many directors and writers that have come on board and then left. But I really want it to be good.
Last I heard was that Wahlberg was gonna be in the movie but he would not be playing Nate.Apparently Chris Pratt declined the role of Nate, which is a shame cause he would of been perfect for the part.
Yes I head about Chris Pratt declining the role. I like him a lot but I don't think he could do it. Also he plays Star Lord pretty well and the cockiness would be too similar.
I like Mark Wahlberg but he would be the worst Nathan Drake. He's great as a comedian but Mark is an entertainer, not an actor. Plus he wants to make Drake more spy like, more James Bond and less Nathan Drake. I'm pretty sure he's out now.
I think they they've narrowed it down to a couple of actors now. Hence why I want to make a post on it *sighs* soonish. I've been busy, but I saw some teasing last night about it again. I always thought Jeremy Renner would be the best Drake because he has the humor and the face, but not any more xD I really hope there is announcement soon on the matter. This whole hot potato on who will be Nathan is getting old. People will be disappointed if it's not who they want it to be. So I hope to god the teases are true. The success of the movie very well could hinge on the actor.