Oops. I woke everybody in the house up because I walked into a shelf while half asleep.
I really need to figure out a good way to stop my sleeping adventures.
I really need to figure out a good way to stop my sleeping adventures.
He would not melee the opposition? Is he a pussy?People irritate the hell out of me. AS IF Trudeau is going to 'assault' an opposition party member AT ALL, let alone in the House of Commons.
I know right! I've seen a few 'best of' clips for the UK Parliament, and I can't remember which country it was but someone actually physically picked up the PM and like... threw him. Here in Canada ours are (usually) very civilized but this has been a stressful week and for some reason people are super ****ed off at what he did here.CT: For the first time in a few months I don't find a spambot when I come here. Usually they roll in as a horde of the undead. No reports. Clean filter. Newest member is living. Really?
He would not melee the opposition? Is he a pussy?
(I'm sure you have seen real politicians in other countries literally fight on TV lol)
No no no, these are the BAD santas - the ones who take absolutely everything away from you and keep it for themselves.Look, someone have discovered where Santa comes from! And all his brothers!!!! (I didn't know he had siblings.)
The UK Parliament?! Are you kidding me? I know, it's hard to believe. But this video proof looks real. Of course Santa could not live on the North Pole, his reindeers would get eaten by polar bears.
Look at his mother/wife(???), she looks like tha real boss. Makes me instinctively bow.
CT: So new FNAF confirmed. All I can say is poor MatPat has to do another theory video