On a scale of uno to diez, how creepy would it be to add my Spanish professor on Facebook? :suggestive:
LOL is he a hottie? :suggestive:
On a scale of uno to diez, how creepy would it be to add my Spanish professor on Facebook? :suggestive:
Don't see it being creepy at all. Professors and students are allowed to have different types of relationships than teachers and students. (And if he's a hottie, I say go for it.On a scale of uno to diez, how creepy would it be to add my Spanish professor on Facebook? :suggestive:
Really? Garfield came off more like a emo/modern day cool kid than a nerd as Peter Parker. For a lot of people, including myself, it's the other way around. Spider-Man is supposed to be wise cracking and Toby Maguire's Spider-Man didn't really do that. As for Tom Holland, I'm just not feeling it. Yeah, it's one thing when you see him in costume but then he's got that kid voice and when you combine that with everything else I don't like about this iteration it just falls apart for me. I guess I'm spoiled by the cartoons and video games though as I still feel nobody has done the perfect Spider-Man yet despite enjoying all the films.
He was definitely shoehorned in. He was only there because Tony Stark somehow knew about him and only now decides to recruit him so that he can participate in a battle he has no stake in. There was no subplot connecting him and Tony or anything, just a scene moments before a fight only for him to disappear after the fight. I enjoyed his appearance and presence in the fight but yeah, he was only there because they finally had the rights and they wanted to throw him into this universe as quick as possible.
I don't see the emo connection with Andrew Garfield at all... not even once, nor do I see the comparison. Then again I wouldn't even call Peter in Spider-Man 3 emo. I've met emo people back when it was apparently "cool" and they are nothing like that, in many cases I would wish they were xD The way the ****ted on Punk Rock music ****ed me off to no end.
I can see what you mean when you put it that way about him being in the Civil War. I felt like it worked out pretty well and he technically should have been in there in the first place. What is interesting is that it was Black Panther that really filled his role. Realising he was fighting on the wrong side and then switched. So in many ways, Black Panther served Spider-Man's purpose and Spider-Man was only in there to be cool and funny. I do feel like he contributed a lot to the fight. The bug on bug battle was one of the highlights, Ant-Man verse Spidey. Easily one of my favorite scenes xD
People only called Spider-Man emo in Spider-Man 3 because of the hair which is pretty stupid, but then again, everything about symbiote Spider-Man was stupid. He's supposed to be an asshole not a dancing nerd. I only make the connection to Andrew Garfield because of the first Amazing Spider-Man movie for his brooding and moodiness. Yeah whatever he's a teenager but that's just not Peter Parker.
Exactly and oh yeah, definitely. I don't think the fight would have been anywhere near as good as it was if it weren't for Spider-Man and Ant-Man. Which is pretty funny considering both characters were suddenly introduced right before the fight.
Finally my name was changed :happy:
LOL is he a hottie? :suggestive:
Don't see it being creepy at all. Professors and students are allowed to have different types of relationships than teachers and students. (And if he's a hottie, I say go for it.)
I'm like a ninja. I disappear into the darkness and come back out of nowhereYou're back! =O
Thank you for the ninja smiley! It's not like you gave it to me, but you looked another way and let me steal it.
lol.....really?Wait there is an Escape from New Jersey.