What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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Really? Garfield came off more like a emo/modern day cool kid than a nerd as Peter Parker. For a lot of people, including myself, it's the other way around. Spider-Man is supposed to be wise cracking and Toby Maguire's Spider-Man didn't really do that. As for Tom Holland, I'm just not feeling it. Yeah, it's one thing when you see him in costume but then he's got that kid voice and when you combine that with everything else I don't like about this iteration it just falls apart for me. I guess I'm spoiled by the cartoons and video games though as I still feel nobody has done the perfect Spider-Man yet despite enjoying all the films.

He was definitely shoehorned in. He was only there because Tony Stark somehow knew about him and only now decides to recruit him so that he can participate in a battle he has no stake in. There was no subplot connecting him and Tony or anything, just a scene moments before a fight only for him to disappear after the fight. I enjoyed his appearance and presence in the fight but yeah, he was only there because they finally had the rights and they wanted to throw him into this universe as quick as possible.

I don't see the emo connection with Andrew Garfield at all... not even once, nor do I see the comparison. Then again I wouldn't even call Peter in Spider-Man 3 emo. I've met emo people back when it was apparently "cool" and they are nothing like that, in many cases I would wish they were xD The way the ****ted on Punk Rock music ****ed me off to no end.

I can see what you mean when you put it that way about him being in the Civil War. I felt like it worked out pretty well and he technically should have been in there in the first place. What is interesting is that it was Black Panther that really filled his role. Realising he was fighting on the wrong side and then switched. So in many ways, Black Panther served Spider-Man's purpose and Spider-Man was only in there to be cool and funny. I do feel like he contributed a lot to the fight. The bug on bug battle was one of the highlights, Ant-Man verse Spidey. Easily one of my favorite scenes xD
I don't see the emo connection with Andrew Garfield at all... not even once, nor do I see the comparison. Then again I wouldn't even call Peter in Spider-Man 3 emo. I've met emo people back when it was apparently "cool" and they are nothing like that, in many cases I would wish they were xD The way the ****ted on Punk Rock music ****ed me off to no end.

I can see what you mean when you put it that way about him being in the Civil War. I felt like it worked out pretty well and he technically should have been in there in the first place. What is interesting is that it was Black Panther that really filled his role. Realising he was fighting on the wrong side and then switched. So in many ways, Black Panther served Spider-Man's purpose and Spider-Man was only in there to be cool and funny. I do feel like he contributed a lot to the fight. The bug on bug battle was one of the highlights, Ant-Man verse Spidey. Easily one of my favorite scenes xD

People only called Spider-Man emo in Spider-Man 3 because of the hair which is pretty stupid, but then again, everything about symbiote Spider-Man was stupid. He's supposed to be an asshole not a dancing nerd. I only make the connection to Andrew Garfield because of the first Amazing Spider-Man movie for his brooding and moodiness. Yeah whatever he's a teenager but that's just not Peter Parker.

Exactly and oh yeah, definitely. I don't think the fight would have been anywhere near as good as it was if it weren't for Spider-Man and Ant-Man. Which is pretty funny considering both characters were suddenly introduced right before the fight.
People only called Spider-Man emo in Spider-Man 3 because of the hair which is pretty stupid, but then again, everything about symbiote Spider-Man was stupid. He's supposed to be an asshole not a dancing nerd. I only make the connection to Andrew Garfield because of the first Amazing Spider-Man movie for his brooding and moodiness. Yeah whatever he's a teenager but that's just not Peter Parker.

Exactly and oh yeah, definitely. I don't think the fight would have been anywhere near as good as it was if it weren't for Spider-Man and Ant-Man. Which is pretty funny considering both characters were suddenly introduced right before the fight.

And the paler skin and didn't he have make up on? It's still stupid and the hair is anything but. Well... okay kindish. I have long hair and it looks nothing like that xD nor have I ever been called emo for it. I'd say Peter was an asshole with it, just... an asshole for that xD

I thought Andrew Garfield was the best Peter Parker to date. I didn't like the way the Lizard looked in the Amazing Spiderman, but I gotta say, it's probably my favorite movie in the series along with Spider-Man 2. While the Amazing Spiderman 2 was weaker, I won't lie. It was pretty cool in many ways and Marc Webb really knows his Spiderman, despite popular belief. I think he should still direct the films, or at least write them WITH oversight from Marvel. I mean that movie had a lot of future characters. Black Cat, Alistair Smythe aka the Spider Slayer, the Venom symbiote, the sinister six gear at the end, in the deleted scene in the Amazing Spider-Man one there was a reference to Mobius FREAKING MOBIUS, he was also named dropped in the Amazing Spider-Man 2 on that holographic table. I honestly believe that the future of the Amazing Spider-Man films were going to be freaking amazing. I viewed AS2 to be nothing more than a bridge to something greater for a long term universe. Plus Harry Osborn's story was good. The alt ending (which I believe was originally the real ending) changes everything for the movie. It made the movie go from okayish to good! The ending we got with the Rhino was so corny and stupid. The other ending had the revelation that
Peter's Dad is still alive and in hiding.

The series had so much potential and it's a shame it's getting another reboot. The movie really did feel like a bridge for something greater imho. Even though Spider-Man is getting rebooted AGAIN, Sony MIGHT still be going ahead with the Sinister Six film. http://www.hypable.com/sinister-six-spider-man-marvel/ and both Sony and Marvel will have their own Spider-Man series, hopefully they will remain connected and share Tom Holland. While Marvel has creative control over Spider-Man: Homecoming. The deal is more complicated than we know, but Sony and Marvel ARE working together. So we can likely expect a lot more Spider-Man movies than we may be anticipating http://collider.com/spider-man-reboot-marvel-sony-kevin-feige/ We are also still getting a Venom franchise, which I am stoked for. I really hope they get him right this time around. http://www.slashfilm.com/venom-movie/ and it will be his OWN film, and likely a franchise. It's NOT a Spider-Man spin off. They will likely meet each other in a solo film. I really hope that the movie takes the R-rated route like Deadpool did, or at least explores more mature themes.
LOL is he a hottie? :suggestive:

Yes he is muy caliente. Jajaja

Don't see it being creepy at all. Professors and students are allowed to have different types of relationships than teachers and students. (And if he's a hottie, I say go for it. ;) )

Tis true, I haven't really had too many conversations with the guy but he is absolutely adorable and seems like a sweetie. I followed him on Google Plus but not sure if he is gonna follow back. Can't blame a girl for trying though!
So I ordered some fashion jewelry off eBay back in February. The arrival dates were late March/early April. I complained around late April that my products still were not in yet and got a refund for most of the products. Today 4 packages showed up at my door with all the stuff I'd been missing.

Nothing is super expensive as it's just costume jewelry, but I feel bad now that I pretty much got all these items for free. I'm wondering if I should advise them to charge my card again... But then when I think about it that's too nice!
You're back! =O
I'm like a ninja. I disappear into the darkness and come back out of nowhere

Nah just kidding. 'Sup Airaku, everything allright? ;)
CT: I watched a playthrough of Uncharted 4 yesterday and there's something weird I noticed about the reactions of people who know/play both Uncharted and Tomb Raider. I've put everything that wasn't known about the games beforehand in spoiler tags, but in case you don't wish to know anything at all about them before playing them yourself, better skip this post entirely.

The story of Tomb Raider - Underworld:
Lara Croft is looking for several artefacts around the world to save her mother from the Norse underworld Helheim, and is helped by the villain who wants to get there too for her very own reasons. It's basically a scavenger hunt from one clue to the puzzle to the next with some personal drama mixed in.

Then comes the twist:
The mother has been dead all along, there never was a chance to save her to begin with, and the villain reveals that she only helped Lara find Helheim because she wanted to get her hands on the planet-destroying device down there. Lara's original quest is no longer of any concern, but at least she can stop the villain from achieving her goal and reconcile with an old friend as they escape the collapsing remains of Helheim together. By saying good-bye to her mother, Lara decides to finally close this chapter of her life and open a new one.

The fans' verdict: "Booo! What a lame story!"

The story of Uncharted - A Thief's End:
Nathan Drake is looking for a pirate treasure around the world to save his brother from a man who threatens to kill him unless he brings him said treasure, and therefore Nate's help is required. It's basically a scavenger hunt from one clue to the puzzle to the next with some personal drama mixed in.

Then comes the twist:
The brother has been lying all along, he was never really in danger to begin with, and he reveals that he only asked for Nate's help because he wanted to find the treasure for himself. Nate's original quest is no longer of any concern, but at least he can stop the villain from achieving his goal and reconcile with his treacherous brother as they escape the collapsing pirate ship together. After walking out of the adventure empty-handed, Nate decides that his days as a thief are over and settles for a (relatively) normal life with his wife.

The fans' verdict: "Wow! What an amazing story!"

Fans these days... It's hopeless.
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I just finished reading that an ancestor of mine was responsible for digging up Ivar the Boneless and burning his body on a pyre before the battle of Hastings, according to an Icelandic saga, Ragnars saga Loðbrókar.

The whole reason I was reading all of this is because Ivar the Boneless is becoming the lead character in the show Vikings so I was reading up on the history of the real Ivar and what's been said about him in the Norse sagas and whatnot. If he truly was crippled and achieved what it says he achieved then he was a badass.
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