What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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So I think I did very well with my Portfolio interview. My heart was racing tho. They were both from BioWare. One of them was a lead level designer for Mass Effect, and the other is a writer.
I'm thinking.... WHAT THE ****?! Seriously... what the ****. I saw Civil War last night and I want to rant on and on about how awesome it is, everything about it but... as some may know... Today is technically the "official" American release date.

It's also the official reveal of the new man who donning the Iron-Man suit. Seriously... WTF?! His first comic book appearance, and he has this?! Also yes, Marvel DOES have a huge boner for this guy, and holds some favorism over his actor. Also this comic series IS influenced by the MCU.

Seriously... what do you think of this? Other than how amazing and glorious he is.

I'm thinking.... WHAT THE ****?! Seriously... what the ****. I saw Civil War last night and I want to rant on and on about how awesome it is, everything about it but... as some may know... Today is technically the "official" American release date.

It's also the official reveal of the new man who donning the Iron-Man suit. Seriously... WTF?! His first comic book appearance, and he has this?! Also yes, Marvel DOES have a huge boner for this guy, and holds some favorism over his actor. Also this comic series IS influenced by the MCU.

Seriously... what do you think of this? Other than how amazing and glorious he is.


Oops. I probably shouldn't have read your post. I'm going to see the movie tomorrow and I am extremely confused. :P
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Saw Captain America: Civil War Thursday night and I loved it. The year isn't even close to over and already we've gotten 2 of the most amazing comic book action sequences with the Trinity vs Doomsday in Batman v Superman and that big airport brawl in Civil War. Hopefully X-Men: Apocalypse can offer something just as amazing though I don't really have high hopes for that movie.

Something I do feel I must say though is I'm not too much of a fan of how Spider-Man was treated in this movie. I was never a fan of the casting for both Peter and Aunt May, though I really liked what they did with the suit (for the most part). I also really appreciate how much they want to capture his more comedic side but at the same time I'm just not feeling the delivery. He comes off too awkward and this kid just sounds too much like, well... a kid. I've never been a fan of Spider-Man being the kid Avenger either. I would have preferred him to be a stronger minded individual who has something to add to the conversation rather than being a blind follower. I want him to be an equal to the rest of the team and not just some punk kid.

Also, I hate these hypocritical Marvel fanboys who b*tched about Wonder Woman being shoehorned into Batman v Superman yet completely dick ride Spider-Man in this film even though he was literally introduced 2 scenes before the big fight with no prior build up and had no relevance after the fight. He was literally a pointless addition to the film yet it's totally okay to just be happy that he's there and in the MCU because it's Marvel but boo Wonder Woman and DC. Ugh, I hate people and their stupid logic.
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Oops. I probably shouldn't have read your post. I'm going to see the movie tomorrow and I am extremely confused. :P

He's not in the movie, don't worry. I didn't spoil anything :P You will LOVE the movie. I saw one of the first showings on Thursday :3

Btw you team cap (Anti-registration) or Iron-man (pro-registration)? And who's your favorite hero and who are looking forward to kick ass the most? :3

Something I do feel I must say though is I'm not too much of a fan of how Spider-Man was treated in this movie. I was never a fan of the casting for both Peter and Aunt May, though I really liked what they did with the suit (for the most part). I also really appreciate how much they want to capture his more comedic side but at the same time I'm just not feeling the delivery. He comes off too awkward and this kid just sounds too much like, well... a kid. I've never been a fan of Spider-Man being the kid Avenger either. I would have preferred him to be a stronger minded individual who has something to add to the conversation rather than being a blind follower. I want him to be an equal to the rest of the team and not just some punk kid.

Also, I hate these hypocritical Marvel fanboys who b*tched about Wonder Woman being shoehorned into Batman v Superman yet completely dick ride Spider-Man in this fill even though he was literally introduced 2 scenes before the big fight with no prior build up and had no relevance after the fight. He was literally a pointless addition to the film yet it's totally okay to just be happy that he's there and in the MCU because it's Marvel but boo Wonder Woman and DC. Ugh, I hate people and their stupid logic.

I'm not happy about Spider-Man being a kid either, but at least he pulled off the humor. He might be able to do it. He seems to be a good Spider-Man, but I like Andrew Garfield the most as Peter Parker. He felt the most right as to how I knew him growing up. Toby was a great Spider-Man, but a terrible Peter Parker imho.

As for aunt May? That's just messed up honestly... she's always old (original trilogy did her right, the Amazing Spider-man was acceptable)... this is ridiculous. She literally looks and acts so slutty....

I disagree about him being shoe horned in though. He made sense, and was established, not quite like Black Panther was, which they did very well. Though Spider-Man was still well done, he was spiderman and his jokes were great. I'm just glad they didn't do some stupid ass origin story again for him, which is why I liked it.
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Ever since The Amazing Spiderman was released, I've been unable to rewatch the original films because, compared to Andrew Garfield, Tobey Macguire's Peter is just plain creepy. He's like a stalker, following Mary-Jane everywhere, and the less said about the third film, the better.
I was a little sceptical about Tom Holland's casting initially, but having seen Civil War, I can honestly say that Marvel made a good choice. He brought some welcome humour to the film, as well, along with Ant-Man.
And I think the decision to make him a teenager was the right move. The Sam Raimi Spidey trilogy glossed over that time in his life, despite the fact that they were the years when he encountered most of his rogues gallery for the first time. They were the years when he made the mistakes that shaped who he became. I hope that those years are what they focus on in Spiderman: Homecoming, like The Amazing Spiderman films tried to, and not skip ahead to his adulthood, like Raimi did.
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@JHJ Third film?

I am thinking about watching the Japanese 70's spider-man. I don't know if its good or not but what i do know is that he has a giant Mech.

Spiderman 3? With Tobey Macguires terrible Dad Dancing, annoyingly floppy fringe and laughable attempt at looking tough making him look like a massive douchbag? Are you telling me you managed to avoid all that? Because that would make you incredibly lucky.

The whole film was a massive misfire. Too many bad guys, too many smug looks on people's faces (watch any scene where Peter's under the influence of the symbiote suit, or the diner scene between Peter and Harry, in particular), and the thing that really disappointed me with the film, THEY WASTED VENOM!!!!
(Sorry for the use of all capitals in that last bit, but it really was a waste of a great character, and it still annoys me to this day the way they treated him.)

I've heard the 70's Japanese Spidey is awful, but in a "so-bad-its-good" kinda way. Like the 90's Jean-Claude Van Damme Street Fighter movie (though I might be alone on that one).
That being said, the idea of Spidey having a Mech is no more ridiculous than the Spider-Car.
@JHJ Didn't know there is a third. and from what you just said It seems like its one of those things that should be flushed in the toilet.

As for the 90's Jean-Claude Van Damme Street Fighter movie it might be bad but, we can all go home.
He's not in the movie, don't worry. I didn't spoil anything :P You will LOVE the movie. I saw one of the first showings on Thursday :3

Btw you team cap (Anti-registration) or Iron-man (pro-registration)? And who's your favorite hero and who are looking forward to kick ass the most? :3

I don't really have any favourites. They're all just so cool... xD
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Spiderman 3? With Tobey Macguires terrible Dad Dancing, annoyingly floppy fringe and laughable attempt at looking tough making him look like a massive douchbag? Are you telling me you managed to avoid all that? Because that would make you incredibly lucky.

The whole film was a massive misfire. Too many bad guys, too many smug looks on people's faces (watch any scene where Peter's under the influence of the symbiote suit, or the diner scene between Peter and Harry, in particular), and the thing that really disappointed me with the film, THEY WASTED VENOM!!!!
(Sorry for the use of all capitals in that last bit, but it really was a waste of a great character, and it still annoys me to this day the way they treated him.)

I've heard the 70's Japanese Spidey is awful, but in a "so-bad-its-good" kinda way. Like the 90's Jean-Claude Van Damme Street Fighter movie (though I might be alone on that one).
That being said, the idea of Spidey having a Mech is no more ridiculous than the Spider-Car.

Actually, the funny thing is. Spider-Man 3 was a good movie. It's pretty much 65/35 bad. Then again I completely overlooked the dance scene stuff. Where I drew the line was how ****ty Venom was done. Venom is a favorite of mine and I was really let down by it. The real hate from the movie comes from the fans who were absolutely ****ed about Venom and looked for every fault to pick it apart. To be fair, a lot of people I've talked to that doesn't know the canon actually thought it was a great movie.

Sandman on the other hand.... really made the movie for me. His character development, the emotions, why he's doing what he's doing. He outshined some of the worst aspects of the film, and gave me a reason to like the movie. I also thought Harry's struggle was cool, even if he acted like a bitch. To be honest, it was mentally believable.

I also want to point out, having too many bad guys or too many heroes means nothing. Look at how Marvel is doing it, or X-men. As long as there is a shared motivation to drive the plot forward. It doesn't matter if you have 1 villain or 15 of them. That's why X-men works so well. The teams work together for a common shared cause. It's as soon as you have 3 with no common traits, it doesn't work. The only similarity Sandman, Harry, and Venom had was the take down Spider-Man. They had no real plot driving motivations to tell a story with their characters. The ONLY villain to have a real story in Spider-Man 3 was Sandman, and he was very well done imho. At least for it's time.
Loved the new Captain America. I got to see many attractive people in IMAX 3D! xD I honestly preferred the Spiderman in that movie as opposed to the other ones. He felt more... natural to me. Sure he was kind of rushed, but still.
Where I drew the line was how ****ty Venom was done. Venom is a favorite of mine and I was really let down by it. The real hate from the movie comes from the fans who were absolutely ****ed about Venom and looked for every fault to pick it apart.

It's like Venom was added in at the eleventh hour because of fan outcry or something.
It's like Venom was added in at the eleventh hour because of fan outcry or something.

That's exactly what it was. Sam Rami said he didn't even want to include him, nor even liked the character. He said the movie was meant to focus on The Vulture as the villain and the relationship between Peter and Dr. Connors. Both what never happened because Sony thought Vulture was too boring. Rami wanted it more 60/70's like