What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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You, actually. It sounded like you need to vent some frustration, so I thought I'd offer a friendly ear (metaphorically speaking). I understand if you don't want to, I mean, we haven't spoken much on here before now, but the offer's there if you need it. If not, fair enough :)
Oh thank you! I enjoy talking with people here (even though I don't come out of my shell as often as like when it comes to stuff other than vg) Its just I felt upset and useless when talking with him, cuz he's clearly being sexist but I didn't have the facts to shut him down completely. Not to mention how often my friend talks about this guy and how close they are.
No problem :) I know how you feel when it comes to opening up to people. I find it a bit easier in this format, strangely. Face to face, I clam up.
This guy you mentioned sounds like a complete toolbag. Has your friend had ever had a word with him about his attitude?
I know how you feel when it comes to opening up to people. I find it a bit easier in this format, strangely. Face to face, I clam up.

I find this way easier too. I can't talk to people face to face either. I have social anxiety and speech impediments so I can be hard to understand, which just makes talking to people even worse.
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Same here its alot easier getting my thoughts together. This is the first time i've ever met him and i havent talked with my friend at all since then tho the next we hang out i'll probably bring it up somehow. There were a couple times where my friend tried to jokingly counter argue but he just kept going.
Wow, Maddy, that must suck. I don't have it that bad, I'm just shy. It takes a while for me to relax enough around new people to get involved in conversations.

Meg, at least your friend seems to be aware of his mate's attitude, even if he hasn't pulled him up on it properly yet. Most people I know with similar kinds of friends don't even realise their mates are a-holes.

Ok, it's just gone 2:30am here in the UK, and as much as I've enjoyed chatting, I gotta get some sleep. I don't know what time it is in your neck of the woods, I can only assume it's mid morning, start of a new day and all that, so I shall return in about 6-7 hours or so. Good night :)

Soulmates are likely assholes to each other in a soulmate kind of way. In other words they wouldn't be assholes like that with other people :3
And I'm back! Later than I thought I'd be, though. Ended up having a bit of a lazy morning. I think I needed a lie-in, though :)
Just seen the new Captain America movie. My opinion? Holy ****, this movie is AWESOME!!!!!!

Lucky. I'm so jealous that you guys get it first :/ I heard it's Marvel's best movie to date. Can it really touch The Winter Soldier tho?
It actually outdoes TWS, IMO. The Russo brothers knocked it outta the park, which is a good sign for the Infinity War films. When does the film get released in your neck of the woods?
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So you've got a couple more days to wait. Trust me, it is worth it. It's Marvel at their best. And I can't say anything else about it without giving away any spoilers :/

It'll be out this coming Thursday. I can't wait to see it! I'm a HUGE fan of the MCU :3 and I know that the Russo Bro's Avenger films will be much better than the ones we currently got. Age of Ultron dropped the ball with making Ultron a weak ass bitch. He's so OP in the comics and he's a joke in the movie. He could remotely control anything from anywhere, transfer his consciousness into anything.... and he fly's a jet plane? LMAO!!! Sorry, but the movie had no logic to his character. I think I'm going to rewatch it tonight xD I just remember thinking it was pathetic that they didn't let all the Avengers take him on at once, it was all 1 v 1 for the most part and Thor didn't even try :/ I felt like that the Avengers had no challenge set out upon them in Age of Ultron.... So I was really disappointed with that.

Putting 2 and 2 together with the events of the civil war and the InHumans... The MCU is pretty much getting changed forever now. Also don't really spoil it but... I heard people claiming that
Baron Zemo isn't actually Hydra.
If that's true then that means
Gideon Malick really did deal the last blow.
It would take them a while to recover from that.

Don't spoil anything, but does it seriously stomp Daredevil? Season 1 is perfection. The dialogue, the acting, the character relationships. It's all there. Agent's of S.H.I.E.L.D. is also finally catching up to be one of the highlights of the MCU. I've never been a fan of TV shows, but Marvel is killing it on both the big and little screen.