What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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Airaku, I disagree with you on AoU, I think it's the best Avengers film we've had so far; that being said, Civil War is the better MCU film, overall.
Sadly, The Inhumans movie has had its release date removed completely for now, so things are up in the air concerning
a) when it's actually getting released and
b) how they're going to affect the MCU landscape outside of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
CW I'd say more than matches Daredevil in terms of the writing, characterisation and fight choreography.
And Meg, all I'll say about Panther and Spidey is, you won't be disappointed with either of them :)
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It's funny I just rewatched Age of Ultron today xD I always loved Quick Silver and Scarlett witch in it. One of the things that bug me about Age of Ultron is that the dialogue tells the audience what happens next. Which was redundant. It treated the audience dumb. On the other hand Ultron himself had some great dialogue, as did The Vision. I also liked Quick Silvers tongue. Over all it's a mediocre film, it's not as bad as I made it out to be. I'm just disappointed because I think Joss Whedon wrote one of the comic books and he wasn't able to adapt that. It would have been nice to see Ultron more menacing and he kills everyone, and The Vision goes back in time and he tells them how to beat him. It felt like there was so much potential lost.

I am sooo excited to see the Civil War. I want to go into hibernation for it xD jk. I still need to watch this weeks AoS first. It doesn't sound like it'll have as deep as a tie in, but the follow up episode will. I was reading an interview where it was stated that the Russo Bro's are a little disconnected from the rest of the MCU. Marvel lets them do this because they make the best movies for them. They still need to follow a guideline but they get more freedom and they to make them a little more personal. So in this sense, I don't think we'll be having a big tie in with this movie. Which it should.... the InHuman situation ridiculous atm, a global threat. Some of them are just so OP. Someone told me that The Vision DOES mention them a one point in the movie. I'll need to pay attention to that.

As for InHumans outside of AoS. Well, if I recall right. Quick Silver and Scarlet Witch are both InHumans. Didn't Dr. List get the crystals and experiment on them or something?? I can't remember atm.

The InHuman movie will likely be pushed into Phase 4. Which makes more sense. Marvel has Fantastic Four back, so they could do something cool with those. I think InHumans was pushed back because it's release slot was right next to Indiana Jones 5. With Marvel being part of Disney, it would be like competing with itself.

Sorry if I didn't make much sense or had a lot of errors. I took my sleeping pill not too long ago. So I should be getting to sleep soon here :P
Fair enough:) 1 correction, though: Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch aren't Inhumans, their powers were derived from the Mind Gem and Struckers experiments with it.
Good news about the FF, as well. It's good to have them back in the fold. Though if, when Marvel finally do a new FF movie, they don't put a shot in of Cap looking at the Human Torch like " Waittaminute, I know that guy..." I will be disappointed lol
Fair enough:) 1 correction, though: Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch aren't Inhumans, their powers were derived from the Mind Gem and Struckers experiments with it.
Good news about the FF, as well. It's good to have them back in the fold. Though if, when Marvel finally do a new FF movie, they don't put a shot in of Cap looking at the Human Torch like " Waittaminute, I know that guy..." I will be disappointed lol

That would be funny if they did that with the Human Torch and Captain America. Chris Evans said he still wants to do more Cap movies, even though he wants to move away from acting and get into directing. Of course it's up to Marvel and how far they are going to go with Bucky. I think Sebastian Stan has something like another 6 or 7 movies in his contract. That doesn't mean Marvel is going to use all of them, but they seem to have fairly long term plans for him.

I was thinking about the Mind Stone for Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch, you're right though. It's just silly because HYDRA was playing with the Terrigen crystals and we see both in the show and that Dr List was performing experiments with them fro Strucker. So that is a huge plot point that was followed up from the show to the movie where Dr List reports to Strucker in the opening scene. Coulson and Hill followed up and sent the Avengers in.
The problem is, with the movies, yes it seems to be the mind stone. I'm just curious if there was a combination. The only problem is, I don't think Strucker had the Terrigen crystals at that point. Perhaps that was the reason he said "they aren't ready yet". The other factor is what was the time gap between the post Winter Soldier scene, and the discovery of the crystals. Marvel lead a bit of a headache with this one.

Also Quicksilver and Scarlett Witch are referred to as the "Enhanced". Which would separate the Enhanced and the InHumans, until they decided to start revering to InHumans as "Enhanced". So it's a bit of a cluster ****. I haven't seen Civil War yet, and I will be as soon as it opens AKA Thursday, but people have stated that apparently The Vision mentions the InHumans in one scene. Without calling them InHumans, but it was a direct reference of them. Apparently he can sense them, but the rest of the Avengers are oblivious to what is going on. I want to reserve my judgement on this until I see the movie, some people made an interesting point regarding something :/ I think it'll pass down to how much of a threat Zemo is.
I think Marvel will keep the Enhanced and the Inhumans seperate, otherwise it'll just be confusing. Plus, technically, Cap, Ant-man, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Hulk, etc. would all be classified as Enhanced.
I want to talk about Vision, but I don't want to give even a minor spoiler away, even something as small as whether or not he mentions the Inhumans. I managed to go into the film, like with the Force Awakens, relatively spoiler-free, so I don't wanna be that guy who spoils the movie for someone who hasn't seen it yet. Same for Zemo.
There is literally nothing I can say that isn't gonna spoil the movie for you in some way. Every scene is crucial to the plot, there's no filler, not a single scene wasted.
THIS IS SEEEEW CEWT! :3 Happy May 1st xD

Time to say bye bye to having red hair :/ being a natural dark brunette and dying my hair lighter shades of red has damaged my precious locks :( ssoooo..it's time to go back to being a brunette again.

My happy medium is a shade called "Deep Cherry Brown". So I still have a bit of red :suggestive:

Also! I'm going to be trying out "liquid lipstick" soon, so that should be interesting. I'm excited. I picked out three sexy shades by NYX cosmetics, "Prague", "Copenhagen", & "Transylvania".

Blah blah blah girly stuff blah blah blah

The "Transylvania" one is the one I'm looking forward to the most. Now, I play the waiting game with the postal service lol.