What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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My mom and sister got a book for me for one dollar at a thrift store. A William G. Baker book about his life in Alcatraz, I find stuff like that fascinating, especially since he got there in the late fifties, and I find history fascinating. What they didn't realize, and clearly the thrift store didn't realize? His writing, his signature, is in it. That's so cool.
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No idea. I hear they're really into the show - which isn't that great to begin with. It doesn't even have Firefly and she was the best pony.

Yeah I tried watching a few episodes myself; these days they definitely don't make cartoons like they used to. Rescue at Midnight Castle is where it was at! Firefly and Applejack were cool. My two favorites were Bowtie and Twilight though- mostly because of their hair. Lol


I prefer the 80s and 90s design over the newer design any day. Back then they would actually fight against weird beings and now their biggest issue is how they're going to plan the next big party. Granted maybe I haven't seen enough of the newer episodes to say too much.

If I had a little girl though I would be all about making her into the biggest My Little Pony fan- both new and old.
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I don't think it can be done with movie maker. You need something like Sony Veges or After Effects

*Sighs* You'd be laughing so hard. Sad truth.... it would be an hour of torture to some over played 99 or 2000 song. It'd be a ****ing nightmare to do... But the lulz would be worth it. I heard it again last night... ****in hell. Like I said. Gayer than gay can be. I already have the perfect Wesker pictures too lmao

Something else odd, lately I've begun thinking about forming a cult and usurp the powers in some country. I have no idea which country it could be, but probably European.

I have been thinking it as a joke, but who knows. Maybe it's a serious plot brewing in my sub-consciousness. I'm not sure what this means, and I'm too afraid to ask...

Happy vacation! Would you like to have your next vacation a place where we make the laws?
can't you buy an island for like 30k? I don't see why we havent indoctrinated our own religion because we can literally do whatever we want as long as our religion states it

Why can't people just let me be antisocial? I hate being forced to talk to people.:angry::sleepy::unimpressed::eager:
I generally don't talk to people if I don't want to anymore lol if I don't I'll sometimes just smile and laugh every time they say something even if its a question.... They usually determine I'm really weird and go about their lives that I'm not in
Oh lawdy. I've not spoken to someone in person for so long I legit forgot how to speak properly. Like I know what I wanted to say. But I just didn't say it.

I meant to say to someone "You might want to be quiet." And for one reason or another. I went. "Make due like your ancestors and cease to speak. Permanently"
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I like how Facebook tells me who all my family members are like I don't already know. It's like "Really? That guy that has the same face as me and same last name is my father!? I had no idea!"
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I like how Facebook tells me who all my family members are like I don't already know. It's like "Really? That guy that has the same face as me and same last name is my father!? I had no idea!"
that feature would be nice for me since my family is REALLY big (like REALLY big) I can't remember some of my uncle's names... :P
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Yeah I tried watching a few episodes myself; these days they definitely don't make cartoons like they used to. Rescue at Midnight Castle is where it was at! Firefly and Applejack were cool. My two favorites were Bowtie and Twilight though- mostly because of their hair. Lol
Haha, yeah they've got great hair. I remember my mom telling me a few years ago that she had asked me why I liked Firefly better than the other ponies back when I was 5 or 6 and I said 'because all the other ponies do what she says'. :D

The older designs were great. I gotta admit I'm not a huge fan of the Power-Puffified ponies, aha.

OMFG!!!! Are you ****ing kidding me?

"“Bill Nye is as much a scientist as I am,” Palin said. “He’s a kids’ show actor, he’s not a scientist.”"

Sarah Palin said something stupid? Never. :P

Pretty sure I have the coolest Prime Minister ever. Most perfect man if there ever was one - calling it now.
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I used to be in favor of Norway joining the EU, but I have changed my mind. I'm glad we're not a EU member.

Maybe the few countries outside of the EU should form their own union?
The government are busy sending out plenty of pro EU propaganda, one of our most vociferous anti EU politicians has done a U-turn and America are threatening us with "serious repercussions" if we leave.

That said, the current government has pretty much taken us back to the stone age economically and people can't afford to live under current legislation. We pay lots to the EU for whatever clubhouse rates they have and the free-flowing borders mean we can't check who comes in and out from other EU countries so we have a diluted economy, reduction in housing and money for those in need and naturally rascial tensions are increasing exponentially.

I'm so not equipped to adult...
CT: I walked through my uni campus on my way home today. God, I miss student life...
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I'm thinking on how dumb some Mass Effect fans are. Is it really that difficult to comprehend parts of the story? Did the points all fly over their heads or are they just too close minded to "get it" *sighs* Some fans actually make me feel sick in the stomach. I mean sure, to their credit there is a lot of messages embedded in the game that'll pass you by if you're not paying attention, just like every other BioWare game. People really do get caught up in all that epic action... but still. It's a story based game and you miss that stuff? *sighs* I guess it is what it is.
can't you buy an island for like 30k? I don't see why we havent indoctrinated our own religion because we can literally do whatever we want as long as our religion states it
An island? Like one of the two major British Isles? Nah, too much rain there....
A small unpopulated island that money can buy would not work, it has to be a land with a big population. A place where the daughter of the US President would go on vacation. And there must be some big old castles.

The government are busy sending out plenty of pro EU propaganda, one of our most vociferous anti EU politicians has done a U-turn and America are threatening us with "serious repercussions" if we leave.

That said, the current government has pretty much taken us back to the stone age economically and people can't afford to live under current legislation. We pay lots to the EU for whatever clubhouse rates they have and the free-flowing borders mean we can't check who comes in and out from other EU countries so we have a diluted economy, reduction in housing and money for those in need and naturally rascial tensions are increasing exponentially.

I'm so not equipped to adult...
A "vociferous anti EU politician", would that be The Boris?

America threatening with repercussions?! If that is what it sounds like, and if I had not already made up my mind, it would push me over to the "anti" camp. But it's hard to believe it was a threat, more likely a friendly warning.

You can control your borders as a EU member. Sweden is a EU member and they do check everyone who attempts to enter Sweden from the EU. But they don't check people entering from Norway, which is not member of EU...
It's because of the huge migration from the south, and the Swedish border controls are temporary.
I playing through the Uncharted collection. Currently on my crushing play through on Drakes Fortune. It's not as hard as I thought it would be, but it's harder than 2 and 3. Those were quite easy on crushing. After that I'll have the plat for Drakes Fortune and then it's time to get Amongst Thieves and Drake's Deception platinum's once again :P I might go back in beat crushing on the PS3's version for Drakes Fortune. Then I will have every plat in the series until Uncharted 4 comes out. Then I will plat that and I will have all 7 plats :3

Uncharted games are pretty much the easiest plats out there.
So I just got the RE6 Remaster version.

Really thinking on it. Gameplay is pretty solid. The difficulty scaling feels significantly higher this time around though. First play through is on Veteran and it feels ten times harder than on PS3.
