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What are you thinking? (Part 2)


Sexually Active Member
You're right about cops being pepper sprayed. Do you know if they get sprayed in the face, or just on their arm? I've always been curious about this. You wouldn't need much. Just give him a light tap and he'll likely run like a bitch.

I meant to answer this but forgot-

I know for both the police academy and then in the beginning of training at his department they sprayed his forehead. He was also in the Navy too so he's gone through it quite a few times lol.


Stray Jedi
I meant to answer this but forgot-

I know for both the police academy and then in the beginning of training at his department they sprayed a little on his forehead. He was also in the Navy too so he's gone through it quite a few times lol.

Ouch, that wouldn't be fun. I got sprayed once as well. A good full second all over my face and in my eyes. Luckily I closed them in time, but I'll tell you that it's not fun.


Sexually Active Member
Ouch, that wouldn't be fun. I got sprayed once as well. A good full second all over my face and in my eyes. Luckily I closed them in time, but I'll tell you that it's not fun.

Hahaha do I dare ask why you were sprayed?

I can imagine how bad it sucks though. I've thought about going into one of those fields of work and have to say I would not be looking forwards to that part of training.


Stray Jedi
Hahaha do I dare ask why you were sprayed?

I can imagine how bad it sucks though. I've thought about going into one of those fields of work and have to say I would not be looking forwards to that part of training.

It's a really long story. I could share it another night though. I've thought about being a cop a few times on and off as well. I don't know if I want to go that route though.

Either way, out of getting kicked in the balls or getting pepper sprayed. Sometimes 1 minute of extraordinary pain is better than 5 hours of it, and it burned more when you tried to shower it off. I had to go to the hospital to have them help because it was sprayed that bad. So NOPE! xD I had both done, and I'm perfectly fine from getting kicked, no damage or anything. Like I said, it hurts like hell, but there were no effects xD Asides from being dropped on the ground and rolling around like a little bitch.

PS. I'd never do anything that those guys in the youtube video did. I might actually rather get sprayed all over than that ****. The **** is wrong with people?


Her royal court joker
Ahhh my termite-V37 Serum is working BWAHHHHAAHAHAAA (coughs up blood). I mean...how strange.

Vacation day 3 success...I officially did no work today

Something else odd, lately I've begun thinking about forming a cult and usurp the powers in some country. I have no idea which country it could be, but probably European.

I have been thinking it as a joke, but who knows. Maybe it's a serious plot brewing in my sub-consciousness. I'm not sure what this means, and I'm too afraid to ask...

Happy vacation! Would you like to have your next vacation a place where we make the laws?


Kamen Rider
Why do people sit in the back seat of a taxi? I mean the seat next to the driver is called a passinger seat.


Girly Gamer
Premium Elite
Gotta stop sweating the small things and living in the past. People clearly don't appreciate what I do for them and I'm not gonna get the same consideration back, so it's time to look after myself. I've been screwed over so many times by people who are supposed to be my closest friends and family and I'm sick of it. Time for change.


Her royal court joker
Stay in the EU?

Leave the EU?

Got no idea.
I used to be in favor of Norway joining the EU, but I have changed my mind. I'm glad we're not a EU member.

Maybe the few countries outside of the EU should form their own union?


How is Dark Souls popular? I tried playing Dark Souls 2 and gave up rather quickly. I like my rpgs with easily identifiable quests. Like what the hell was I supposed to be doing? Where was I supposed to be going? Just wander about and die every so often?


Kamen Rider
I am in bed, just starting to fall asleep when all of a sudden my half-baked bunny popped in whispering "i got a marvelous idea" and now i am wide awake. :angry:


Stray Jedi
Anyone know how to past faces over a video where it the face will move with the body? I'm not sure how to do this. I'm so ashamed to make this video and it's a ****ty song I haven't heard in a LONG time.

But... I will may the biggest, gayest, dynamic gay duo video ever :3


Kamen Rider
Anyone know how to past faces over a video where it the face will move with the body? I'm not sure how to do this. I'm so ashamed to make this video and it's a ****ty song I haven't heard in a LONG time.

But... I will may the biggest, gayest, dynamic gay duo video ever :3

What program are you using for the videos?


Kamen Rider
I use windows movie maker for my music videos I make. But this is different. I'm copy pasting character's heads on the singers. It's going to be some hot dynamic gay duo bull****

I don't think it can be done with movie maker. You need something like Sony Veges or After Effects
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