Lately in the UK there is a campaign to tax sugary products in order to have a healthier society. This may be partly why some are kicking up a fuss about the truck, because they say it's encouraging children to consume sugar and giving the opposite message. But I think that's entirely ridiculous. It's a Christmas tradition here and it's once a year, plus it's a bit of fun for people at Christmas.
It seems that "Its giving the opposite message" is becoming a recurring M.O
Isn't Coca Cola bad for your health primarily because of sugar?
Don't get me wrong, I think it's silly that people want to ban this truck. Speaking, though, as someone who has worked in politics, I've had a lot of people tell me that they'd like to see restrictions on the sugar industry and there have been hundreds of studies and documentaries released in the past decade or so which highlight how addictive and dangerous sugar is. The problem is that the sugar lobby is so exceptionally powerful... it's a sweetening agent in 99% of the foods on shelves and a lot of companies rely on it. It pays a lot of $$$ to networks to keep damaging documentaries and such off the television and out of the public eye. I would totally support taxing excessively sugary items in order to put subsidies on fruits and vegetables and other products who don't rely on sugar to keep people addicted.
Yeah it is. But banning something won't stop people from obtaining it through other channels because at the end of the day the choice is ours. Instead of trying to ban something why don't we try to find a replacement. I am a heavy coffee drinker (between 10-12 cups a day). in the past i used to put sugar to make it less bitter. until someone told me that coffee will taste better and sweeter with honey than with sugar. and you know i agree with that person.