Damn ED was hot, I should play mass effect 3 again....This is my favourite post on the Citadel.
Asari or krogan?
Damn ED was hot, I should play mass effect 3 again....This is my favourite post on the Citadel.
Well, today was A Level results day. For the past twenty four hours, I'd been thinking of every possibility under the sun, ranging from getting the grades I needed to get into my firm choice university (the one I WANT to go to), missing them and going to my insurance choice, missing those grades too and going into what is called clearing, where you directly call the university and basically ask them to consider you.
I'm glad to say it went better than ok for myself! I needed to achieve AAB and I did just that! What's even better is if a politics paper gets remarked and I get ONE extra mark from it, I will end up with A*AB. Whilst not as prestigious as say AAA or A*AA, I'm over the moon!
From September, I will be attending my firm choice university, the University of Kent to study Law! To say I'm over the moon would be a gross understatement!!
I know exactly how you feel. I always believe myself to be the root of the problem and when I have a minute to rant, people have said "but you seem fine". There's more going on under the surface than we let on; allow me to clarify a couple of things:
1) People DO love you and DO care about you. We all do here!
2) You certainly don't seem selfish or mean.
I know your post was from Tuesday, but even so, I completely understand what you're going through.
Happy birthday!
(Yes this is a long ass hell post so I apologise!)
Well, today was A Level results day. For the past twenty four hours, I'd been thinking of every possibility under the sun, ranging from getting the grades I needed to get into my firm choice university (the one I WANT to go to), missing them and going to my insurance choice, missing those grades too and going into what is called clearing, where you directly call the university and basically ask them to consider you.
I'm glad to say it went better than ok for myself! I needed to achieve AAB and I did just that! What's even better is if a politics paper gets remarked and I get ONE extra mark from it, I will end up with A*AB. Whilst not as prestigious as say AAA or A*AA, I'm over the moon!
From September, I will be attending my firm choice university, the University of Kent to study Law! To say I'm over the moon would be a gross understatement!!
I agree, what is wrong with you?This is the first time ever I got up early to work out before 8am.
Especially on a Saturday. What's wrong with me.
If you were temporary banned you wouldn't be able to post.Wait I can't log Out if i was temporary band from this forum or the other forums that you see in the bottom of the page.
I know its easy for me to say, but - you will. You have lots of people lean on, love. And we'll be here.I feel like it won't be long now; I just hope I'm strong enough to get through this.
I feel like it won't be long now; I just hope I'm strong enough to get through this.
I feel like it won't be long now; I just hope I'm strong enough to get through this.
I'm not all that evil I swear! but all this joblessness is killing me... just finished Resident Evil 4 today for the 22nd time...wtf man.
Me too, since school has ended my eyes are wide open during the night and I'm unconscious during the day...Currently thinking: WHY AM I AWAKE?
Answer: Either minor insomnia or screwed up sleeping schedule.