What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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Beware of rant.

I don't get it. RON PLANCHE. Really? Why in the world would people vote for some old geezer who looks like he might keel over and die before we even get to Election Day? Really - you're expecting Ron Planche to unseat an incumbent MINISTER?

Niagara Falls' main problem is that all the young adults move away to Toronto and other big cities because there's no jobs for people who've sought any other degree apart from hospitality. How the hell is Ron Planche going to keep young people from moving away from the Falls? I don't believe for a second that this guy can represent me. Why would I waste my time? Show me something different. Or is a rich old white man all you got, Libs?

And someone who is apparently a communications expert should damn well know to whiten his teeth for promotional photos.

Another four years of conservatives for Niagara Falls. Yay.
Well, today was A Level results day. For the past twenty four hours, I'd been thinking of every possibility under the sun, ranging from getting the grades I needed to get into my firm choice university (the one I WANT to go to), missing them and going to my insurance choice, missing those grades too and going into what is called clearing, where you directly call the university and basically ask them to consider you.

I'm glad to say it went better than ok for myself! I needed to achieve AAB and I did just that! What's even better is if a politics paper gets remarked and I get ONE extra mark from it, I will end up with A*AB. Whilst not as prestigious as say AAA or A*AA, I'm over the moon!

From September, I will be attending my firm choice university, the University of Kent to study Law! To say I'm over the moon would be a gross understatement!!

I know exactly how you feel. I always believe myself to be the root of the problem and when I have a minute to rant, people have said "but you seem fine". There's more going on under the surface than we let on; allow me to clarify a couple of things:
1) People DO love you and DO care about you. We all do here!
2) You certainly don't seem selfish or mean.

I know your post was from Tuesday, but even so, I completely understand what you're going through.

Happy birthday!

(Yes this is a long ass hell post so I apologise!)


I've seen longer posts, don't worry. :P
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Well, today was A Level results day. For the past twenty four hours, I'd been thinking of every possibility under the sun, ranging from getting the grades I needed to get into my firm choice university (the one I WANT to go to), missing them and going to my insurance choice, missing those grades too and going into what is called clearing, where you directly call the university and basically ask them to consider you.

I'm glad to say it went better than ok for myself! I needed to achieve AAB and I did just that! What's even better is if a politics paper gets remarked and I get ONE extra mark from it, I will end up with A*AB. Whilst not as prestigious as say AAA or A*AA, I'm over the moon!

From September, I will be attending my firm choice university, the University of Kent to study Law! To say I'm over the moon would be a gross understatement!!

Congratulations!! Those are awesome results, I'm glad you got into your uni of choice. I know someone who went to Kent who had a great time there :)

I can remember my A-level results day being really hectic. I got one grade below my insurance choice but it wasn't declined so I spent most of the day phoning them and my place there wasn't confirmed until late in the evening. I'm glad I'll never have to go through that again xD
So today I caught a movie on TV, in which a scantily clad, over-powered, hyper-confident cardboard cut-out of a character played by Milla Jovovich easily overpowered hordes of opponents and slow motion back flipped over trip wires. What confused me at first was that it was a goddamn Three Musketeers movie.

But then I saw who the director was and everything clicked...
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I sometimes wish I had a magnum revolver and put it's muzzle in my mouth, and an Anti material un-suppressed sniper rifle under my throat and then pull the magnum trigger with my hand and at the same time that I pull the sniper trigger with my toe and blow my brain in two directions...
the funny part is some stupid people think I'm a psychopath...
they have some sort of mental disorder right?they'r the crazy one, No? hahaha tell me, tell me,TELL MEEEEEE!!! o..0