@tremor She's doing better today, thanks.
They've taken her off the ventilator again and she's awake, she just sacred me. I just have to remember that she's a lot tougher than I think she is.
@Angel I can't really say that I know what it's like dealing with autism but that's exactly how I felt when I came to see my mom today. She was awake and wanted to talk so badly but the ventilator was in and she couldn't say anything and so we're in this ****ed up gave of charades or something. I don't think we've ever been so frustrated with each other before.

@Angel I can't really say that I know what it's like dealing with autism but that's exactly how I felt when I came to see my mom today. She was awake and wanted to talk so badly but the ventilator was in and she couldn't say anything and so we're in this ****ed up gave of charades or something. I don't think we've ever been so frustrated with each other before.