What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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I'm so mad I could spit fire. The cancer doctor that tended to my mother while she was in the hospital told hospice that she needs to be on hospice care. Today I find out that the nurse found in her notes that my mother is" precancerous" which is true; now they are saying that she might come off of hospice because of that. I have news for these asshats....if they take her off of hospice, we won't be able to get her medicine which will leave her open to God knows what. She'll most likely end up back in the hospital.

So thank you, you f'ing genius for coming into our home to tell my mother that.
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I just noticed I was so flustered I made a spelling error before! NOOO!
What do you mean?

I'm so mad I could spit fire. The cancer doctor that tended to my mother while she was in the hospital told hospice that she needs to be on hospice care. Today I find out that the nurse found in her notes that my mother is" precancerous" which is true; now they are saying that she might come off of hospice because of that. I have news for these asshats....if they take her off of hospice, we won't be able to get her medicine which will leave her open to God knows what. She'll most likely end up back in the hospital.

So thank you, you f'ing genius for coming into our home to tell my mother that.
I don't think I understand. Are they not doing what's best for her?
I'm so sorry about her being precancerous. :( The only good thing is (I guess), that they can follow her up and detect it early if it becomes cancer.

I have a language question. Why is it bad English to say you're sorry for something? Isn't that what we usually say? If not, what should we say?

It's says here in this dictionary about apologizing:

"Don't say that you are 'sorry for' something."
It's under "Regret - be sorry" (about on the 5th screen when you scroll down).
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I have a language question. Why is it bad English to say you're sorry for something? Isn't that what we usually say? If not, what should we say?

It's says here in this dictionary about apologizing:

"Don't say that you are 'sorry for' something."
It's under "Regret - be sorry" (about on the 5th screen when you scroll down).
As a native English speaker and native of England itself, I can honestly say nobody cares. Everyone says "sorry for" or else "sorry about" and the grammar police haven't rounded us up and shot us yet.

I personally wouldn't worry about it - the only people who would care are those whose job it is to care, such as people involved in English language stuff.
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I don't think I understand. Are they not doing what's best for her?
I'm so sorry about her being precancerous. :( The only good thing is (I guess), that they can follow her up and detect it early if it becomes cancer.

We knew she was precancerous when she was still in the hospital. Yes an oncologist (cancer doctor) will need to keep an eye on her to make sure that it doesn't become cancer. I'm not sure if Norway has anything like hospice care or not but they typically deal with patients who are (and this is me putting it bluntly) going to die from their condition. My mom isn't necessarily going to die, but she will have to deal with what she has for the rest of her life. Hospice is saying they may have to drop her because of her "precancerous) condition. I don't understand why they would do that, after one of the hospice doctors and the oncologist both said that they recommend that hospice get involved.

The thing is, we can't afford everything she needs (most especially her medication). Since what she has cannot be cured, the only thing that can be done is pain management. She has to take some pretty heavy duty drugs just to be comfortable. Anyway, when she was in the hospital, we were struggling to figure out how we could afford to take care of her once she was home; the caseworkers at the hospital were doing their best to push her out of the hospital. Luckily this lady from hospice came in and talked to us and she had one of their doctors talk to my mom's oncologist and he said that he recommended that hospice get involved. So three days a week, a nurse and a CNA (nurse's tech) come out and check on her. Hospice also pays for her meds and they supplied us with a hospital bed because she is bedridden.

My mom will never walk again. Her bladder will not function by itself anymore because of what her legs have done so she also has to have a catheter for the rest of her life. There have been some very big changes in my family's lives in just two and a half months. It's still really difficult to get used to.

I'm hoping that hospice will just leave everything alone because if she loses hospice, we won't be able to afford anything. Which means she will be in a lot of pain again and will most likely end up in the hospital again. That also means more bills.

I'm just confused. I'm sick of people telling us one thing and then telling us another. I feel like we're caught in a whirlwind or on a rollercoaster that never ends.
As a native English speaker and native of England itself, I can honestly say nobody cares. Everyone says "sorry for" or else "sorry about" and the grammar police haven't rounded us up and shot us yet.

I personally wouldn't worry about it - the only people who would care are those whose job it is to care, such as people involved in English language stuff.
I'm in the grammar police but I haven't got a gun yet, presumably because I don't know the first thing about grammar. :P

No seriously, I worry a little bit because I want to know. It's okay to not use correct language at all times, but I think at least one should know the correct language for formal occasions.

I've fixed it now, but I accidentally spelled "something" as "sonething". xD
Ah, I see. The grammar police feels sorry because you got away unpunished this time. ;)

Her bladder will not function by itself anymore because of what her legs have done so she also has to have a catheter for the rest of her life.
Because of what her legs have done? What do you mean?
I'm so very sorry about all this. Your mother don't deserve it, you and your family don't deserve it.
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Because of what her legs have done? What do you mean?
I'm so very sorry about all this. Your mother don't deserve it, you and your family don't deserve it.

Remember when I told you that she was diagnosed with that myeloma stuff? She produces too much bone marrow and the excess seeps into her body and messes everything up. That and the bone lesions have messed her legs up to the point that she can't walk. Because of this, her bladder muscles will not function like a normal person's will. So she has to use a catheter for the rest of her life. She can't urinate on her own.

We'll be okay. If there's one thing my family knows how to do, it's to do what we can with what is given to us. We did get excellent news yesterday. Remember me explaining to you what "disability benefits" are? Well she has been approved :) This will make things easier for us.

On a much lighter note, this lady braided her hair all by herself today lol. My mom usually did it for me because I sucked at it. Not anymore :p
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Remember when I told you that she was diagnosed with that myeloma stuff? She produces too much bone marrow and the excess seeps into her body and messes everything up. That and the bone lesions have messed her legs up to the point that she can't walk. Because of this, her bladder muscles will not function like a normal person's will. So she has to use a catheter for the rest of her life. She can't urinate on her own.

We'll be okay. If there's one thing my family knows how to do, it's to do what we can with what is given to us. We did get excellent news yesterday. Remember me explaining to you what "disability benefits" are? Well she has been approved :) This will make things easier for us.

On a much lighter note, this lady braided her hair all by herself today lol. My mom usually did it for me because I sucked at it. Not anymore :p
I'm glad you got the good news about the disability benefit. You all seem like a very strong family. :)
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I see. So the bladder problem is a result of not walking. I knew that not walking will have bad effects on the body, but I would never have guessed it would affect the bladder too. It's strange how everything in the body is connected, isn't it?

It's so good to hear the disability benefits are approved! This is meant to compensate for the loss of income, and has nothing to do with medicine expenses?

Braid? Haha that sounded like bride in my ears lol. I googled it and found out what it is. Braided hair is pretty. :)
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I'm so mad I could spit fire. The cancer doctor that tended to my mother while she was in the hospital told hospice that she needs to be on hospice care. Today I find out that the nurse found in her notes that my mother is" precancerous" which is true; now they are saying that she might come off of hospice because of that. I have news for these asshats....if they take her off of hospice, we won't be able to get her medicine which will leave her open to God knows what. She'll most likely end up back in the hospital.

So thank you, you f'ing genius for coming into our home to tell my mother that.
I really hate that all this is happening to you, sweetie. If they do take her off hospice help, I would look into charity care. It's what my mom has and it helps with hospital bills, expenses, etc.
After completing the Kidman DLC for The Evil Within, I now retract most of my feelings about the story. I also hope a sequel will come out, answering the rest of the questions.

On another note, I kinda like FN@F4. Sure, we've been over-saturated with sequels and clones (just like the Slender craze a few years ago), but this one does not pull any punches. Nor does it have a Phone Guy to hold your hand. Plus the horrific animatronics are even more horrific, with all those teeth.
Been playing Rocket League on PS4 and it's so much fun! If you have PS plus it's free right now so definitely get it.
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I admit I just came back from a 5 Seconds of Summer concert. They're amazing. So was the opening band, Hey Violet. Casey Moreta should marry me, I don't know how old he is, but I don't care. He's adorable.
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