Dragon Ball Xenoverse is really fun. BUT, some of the later PQs are really f*cking annoying. Like one that Kid Trunks gives you: You need to battle Yamcha, Tien, Piccolo, Krillin, 18, Hercule, Videl, Majin Buu, Vegeta, Kid Trunks, Future Trunks, Gohan, Goten and Goku, which the last three spam kamehameha waves every three seconds, in quick succession so they are constantly juggling you until you die. And you have to do it alone first, before you can bring AI to help.
I've played this one about 100 times, and I'm only able to defeat Goten before Goku and Gohan overwhelm me. *sigh*
I've played this one about 100 times, and I'm only able to defeat Goten before Goku and Gohan overwhelm me. *sigh*