Going on hour #12 in five minutes. 7 am to 7 pm and I have runs in my panty hose. I want to go home.
So ashamed of my mom. She just said Brady is better looking than Paul. No, mom. The best looking guys on Days of Our Lives are Paul and Sonny. Gah.
I get similar abuse about being ginger. Only problem is, my Scandinavian ancestry is far enough back to be declared pointless. Plus, we gingers are not as fierce as we once were.There have been so many rude comments to me because I'm Scandinavian. I respond with my death stares. And they hurt.
Your hard work gave results around the world. Because now I learned what a panty hose is, and what a "run" in it means.Going on hour #12 in five minutes. 7 am to 7 pm and I have runs in my panty hose. I want to go home.
How rude of them. I wonder if they would have abused someone for being black? "No I can't abuse a black person because that would be racism"?I get similar abuse about being ginger. Only problem is, my Scandinavian ancestry is far enough back to be declared pointless. Plus, we gingers are not as fierce as we once were.
Okay. Stress levels have reached maximum. I've already had one mental breakdown which took place yesterday morning. There hasn't been one today but my body just doesn't feel well. I'm losing my voice and I'm not even sick. I'm perpetually exhausted. I'm not sleeping well. Ha, as if I was actually sleeping well in the first place.
Something needs to give. We need one of those things we humans like to call miracles. I will never understand why this kind of bs always happens to my family..
It's really unfair how some families get all the bad things happening to them, and some get perfect lives. It makes me mad.
I'm very sorry for the bad things you have to endure. But I feel a little better now when you feel a little better. xxWe'll be okay. We have a couple of plans to try and get through what's going on. We've made it through everything that's been thrown at us so far lol. I feel a little better than I did earlier. The next several days are just going to be pretty hectic.
It sucks, not having a plan, doesn't it? Hopefully inspiration will come from somewhere for both of us.I understand, Jen. It's the same here. I always thought that, by 25, I'd be doing something awesome. Well 25 is only a year away with nothing spectacular in sight.
Aww thank you.Eh maybe you. I'm sure I'll be working blue collar for the rest of my life but you are destined for great things, Jen. I know it; you're too smart for anything less.
Thank youjust scared a poor woman into putting me through to her supervisor.
Hopefully will he worth it as I may receive the refund I have been entitled to foe the past 3 months.
Fingers crossed they don't screw it up this time (5th time)
And @Jen don't worry about your future
Once you finish your uni you can think about it then, no point stressing yourself out with not knowing where you will be. I know people who havnt done a thing with their life and are not in a good position becsuse they didn't do any uni courses.
You have done things right and I'm confident that you will find the doorways you need at some point near or far
Thanks tremor.@Jen Yes you'll do just fine darlin'. People seem to think that you're supposed to have things figured out by the time you're in uni and that isn't the case. I'll be 26 this year and I JUST figured out what I want to do lol. And I haven't even attended uni and I doubt I will. I might change my mind but as of right now, I don't plan on it. My family is too important to me and I'm not going away to uni and leave them while they need my help.
Don't worry about it too much honey, you'll be just fine.