Sleep is like an unconscious orgasm.
In other words: sleep=best thing ever.
You're missing out if you're not getting any.
I mean what's better than an orgasm you don't have to work for? Nothing, that's what.
even better if you wake up to an orgasm from a spectacular dream *COUGH* nothing to see here people.
CT: I did one hundred push ups today. The male kind too. Who's boss? I'm boss.
*Sigh* I wish women didn't want me only for my astounding looks. I'm not a sex object for Christ's sake
Congratz on new car! Hmm this is a dilemma. Perhaps you could let someone you know steal the car before a real thief does?Bought a new Honda Accord (who hoo!) ... didn't realize until today it's the #1 most stolen car in North America. This is trouble.
Well, was a superhuman... I very rarely see 2am anymore. Thankfully.
That moment when you realize that someone is just butthurt because they're no longer one of the popular kids, even though the fall was their own fault.
Kinda makes you sad because, at this point, acting out is just so juvenile.