We'll see haha. I could always ask to not be on the TV part I guess...
Does anyone else suffer from deja vu?
Every so often I get Big gaps of time that have or feel like they have happened before.
I woke up this morning and things have felt similar, like the situation I had yesterday, some forum posts this morning and some things at work today.
A few years ago I had some moments where I swear I kept seeing the same people in multiple locations
Mm...not sure how I feel about this...
CT: Have you ever had a mood drop for absolutely no reason? What the flip is this.
Wut? :O But I "made your week" a couple of years ago when I for the first time called you Veronica Mars. And you didn't know about her? She's a badass awesome detective character.No, I actually didn't know lol.
Aww and I wuv you as much as I wuv Brendan Fraser in a loin cloth in 1997!!!That I wuv you as much as I wuv Charlie Hunnam's hiney. And that's a lot of love right there. Jiggly jiggly love. I haven't had much sleep....
I know it's old news now, but I just recently got around to playing Pokemon Omega Ruby, and I want to say that they succeeded in making Wally a likable character with a personality. He is just so adorable, I kinda wanted to lose to him to keep him from being sad.
Aww and I wuv you as much as I wuv Brendan Fraser in a loin cloth in 1997!!!
And that's a lot of love.