Yeah, she certainly likes Becca. I was never a fan, but having her shown under that light, from the novels, her bigger role in RE1, as well as her role in the originals, Caliban Cove & Underworld were nice too.
I think we see enough of Becca in RE1, and/or the REmake to justify calling her a rookie. She was totally green. Even with all that said, the fact that she was so new, to the point where she was meeting members for the first time, like Chris, she obviously was a rookie within STARS. As far as combat experience, at 18, I doubt she really had any. No experience as a police officer, Air Force, SWAT, Delta, just using a few other like Chris & Jill & Barry's experiences as examples.
Oh don't take it the wrong way...I technically agree with you...I'm trying to make excuses for Capcom but to no avail...
She was a rookie, no doubt. I was just pointing out the inconsistency, in how she shouldn't have been so green, so innocent in RE1, with her experiences in RE0. It wasn't a big deal, just a lack of continuity, which is what started this, when you wanted an example, and Becca in RE0/RE1 is a prime example.