Resident Evil 5 Sheva or Ashley... who's the WORST sidekick?

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Romero;91513 said:

Typical AI. I think it must be difficult to code sensible resource management into AI. In most games I've played this is more or less a problem - the AI spend large resources to combat a small problem. Example from a RPG: The enemy AI uses an unnecessary powerful spell to kill a small creature like that bat I sent to him. The spell the AI used to kill my bat costs five times more than the spell I use to summon a new bat. This only happens if the AI has lots of mana, but a human wouldn't waste resources (mana) that way.

I can imagine the problem with Sheva is the same; she uses a HG to kill one enemy that could have been killed with a couple bullets?

They say that coding AI is more complex and difficult than what we think, I think they are right. :ermm:
Y'know - I never thought Sheva's AI was as bad as people make it out to be. Yes, there are a bit of difficulties with the cover vs attack modes - mainy being that if she's on cover she'll use the least powerful weapon whereas on attack she'll use the most powerful so there's no kind of middle ground there, but other than that I haven't had a problem with it using too many bullets or not aiming accurately. Sometimes I swear the AI is better than at least half the people online I've played with. :lol:
^ Well, as a matter of fact there is an option: Give the AI just a sniper on cover mode! ;)

As for the rest, I have to add as well that the AI's reflexes are faaaar better than mine.
As annoying as Ashley was, she wasn't around for a deceptively large part of the game. The only times you get away from Sheva are when you boost her somewhere and then she always forgets the items. You may not have to protect Sheva as much but she wastes your ammo and healing items but most of all she ruins the mood. Not that she's a bad character, she was just unnecessary, the whole game would have been better if Chris had to face the hordes and monsters alone, not to mention the significant cut scenes which Sheva had no business being part of. I certainly hope Wesker is still alive because I don't think I'm the only one who's been waiting for a final showdown between Wesker and Chris (alone) with no interference.
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McCasper;95926 said:
As annoying as Ashley was, she wasn't around for a deceptively large part of the game. The only times you get away from Sheva are when you boost her somewhere and then she always forgets the items. You may not have to protect Sheva as much but she wastes your ammo and healing items but most of all she ruins the mood. Not that she's a bad character, she was just unnecessary, the whole game would have been better if Chris had to face the hordes and monsters alone, not to mention the significant cut scenes which Sheva had no business being part of.

I couldnt agree with you more!!!!!
I don't even know how my reaction is to this question :I

Anyhow, I think Ashley's worst, I mean she practically does nothing. Except maybe that part in the game where you control her a bit. But overall, Sheva vs Ashley? Imo, I don't think they should even be compared :I

Damsel in distress vs BSAA member who can fight? :X

And personally, I don't think Sheva is THAT bad, especially when you're using a *good* real life partner with you. I also happen to use Sheva when playing with my partner xD;

I rarely play alone (lol), but when I see my friend does, all I could see is that she has pretty good accuracy XD

From the complaints I hear, I will, however, again, say, that she is much better when played by a real person :/

*hugs sheva tightly*
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In the past I may have been rather harsh on Sheva, but in truth (and I'm kinda teary about admitting it) when playing the game of lesser evils, Sheva is pretty good. Ok, so it's not even really a lesser evil. She's better than most AI partners out there. Yes, sometimes she acts like she doesn't like me; ignoring my plight and letting me get slaughtered, but I realize two things: 1) she's probably just getting even with me for all those times I let her die. 2) You can't spell slaughter without laughter, and I dig anyone with a decent sense of humor.

Right about now is when a thoughtful montage of Sheva kicking ass would be played.

Indeed, she saved my butt a few times - even after I intentionally dropped her in that pit. Whenever I said that I needed help - she was almost always right there to pull that Licker's tongue out of my chest. She's a crack shot when I give her a chance, even though she goes through healing items if I so much as stub my toe.

Sheva Alomar makes a decent partner. Ashley? Well... here's what I think:
More annoying between Ashley and Sheva? Ashley BY FAR!

*Ashley is helpless and can die from a single accidental knife slash from you. Sheva kicks major ace. :)
*Ashley does nothing but whine and cry "Ahh! Help me, Leon...because I'm a worthless, dumb bimbo!"
*Ashley's outfit is UGLY. Her face is ugly and she has big ears. Sheva's cute and sexy. :D
*Ashley has no game. She offered herself to Leon at the end and she was re-jec-ted! Haha!
But Ashely added to the game what Sheva didnt if you ask me...and thats a purpose...the purpose of the game was to find/protect the preisdents daughter while finding out info on the new virus. Sheva, on the other hand, had no purpose. She couldnt help Chris with anything that either A. He couldnt do himself. or B. A veteran character from RE couldnt have done, such as Barry, Jill, or Claire. Not only that, but Chris had no emotional ties to Sheva, making him weary about having another partner...hed lost Jill, his partner for years, and now the BSAA is just gonna throw him in there with someone random when hes already stressing about having a partner?
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If it was left up to me, I would give Ashley to the Ganados, tied with a pretty bow. I would then ride off into the sunset.

That would leave Sheva, and I'm alright with that.
I dunno.. In terms of worst sidekick in game, it just feels like ashley's the worst out of those 2, I mean, she practically does *almost* nothing to help leon advance (in a combat way) in the story ;~;
At least sheva does something >_>;

I don't even feel like ashley is a 'sidekick' ._.;

Plot wise is a different thing for me :/
Ashley didn't seem much to me like a sidekick. She was 100% victim. Part of why she was such a major inconvenience. Sheva, however, was awesome. I absolutely love sheva. Best female RE character yet. Although, when she's being controlled by the computer, she wastes supplies and is dumber than a sack full of hammers, but that's easily avoidable with xbox live. <3 coop.

Is it only between these two, because I think Sherry in RE2 is a tough competitor there too.

Probably Sheva, just because you actually have to rely on her more, with Ashley, it was more of a protect an annoying screaming girl, who sounded like Sandy from Spongebob, with Sheva, you are forced to rely on her, and work with her, the entire time. If you are out of range and take too much damage, you are screwed...just really annoying.

So yeah, Sheva.
Really? Ashley is bar far the worse one! Sheva can shoot and help you out! Even though she doesn't like to give over her ammo >.<
Really? Ashley is bar far the worse one! Sheva can shoot and help you out! Even though she doesn't like to give over her ammo >.<

That's the thing though. Ashley is an 18(is that right) year old college girl, who nobody would expect to help much, and Sheva was a BSAA member, who did have a gun, and we were forced to rely on and work with, not forced to protect, which in a sense, made her more annoying.