Capcomplicated;87589 said:
First off i'd like to say if you're going to repeatedly belittle and abase the views of the other side of the arguement then i have no business being here because then it becomes much less a debate and more of a personal battle of wits and useless banter. However if you can handle it while being respectful to the other members and their views then we can continue this interesting dialogue. And that goes to anyone, dont go down that road it only makes you look bad
Ok so if you dont mind (i know your tired of repeating yourself, but if you'd humor me) I would like to know what your core argument is, Are you upset because people write off Resident Evil 4 because of the issues talked about. or because people say that its different. One can say that it is in fact different...and still love the game. But I think youre trying to say that the game itself hasnt changed the way resident evil is viewed as a survival horror genre. If that is the case then i'll say this. Survival horror is just that surviving horror, whether it be action oriented or not. But to say that RE4 didnt change the way you looked at survival horror (i'll give examples if needed) then i beleive that is denial.
I'd also like to point out that i like to consider the resident evil series in chronological order.
Fair enough, but allow me to explain that when someone comes off to me in a negative, derogatory, offensive or antagonistic manner, I then alter my replies a little to accomodate those, as seen earlier in the thread.
I felt as if you came off in a pretty respectful manner, and as such I made sure mine was too, if it came off in any other way, then that was not my intention, but if you would like to continue the debate, I would like a fresh person, who can at least properly give some good reasoning, and also take in a few good points.
So the "stupid" comments were not directed at you, or really anybody specific, but were just very general.
If you'd like to see what fuels my rants about RE4, just check out threads with titles like this one, missing the "old ways", "why did they ruin RE", and other nonsense like that.
I of course never said anything remotely close to RE4 is exactly the same as RE2 or any pre-RE4 game in the series, and I have always been arguing to point out the little things that people seem to be overlooking(or are too stupid to notice) that make RE4 just as much a part of the series as CVX or whatever. RE4 is part of the series, it's not a different genre, and if there were any major, hugely horrific changes made in the series, it wasn't with RE4, maybe RE5, but certainly not RE4.
The only thing I deny, is that RE4 is something other than just another game in the series. I have acknowledged the changes, and I weighed what I saw, the things that are similar, and the things that are different, and I think it is totally unfair, the negative comments that RE4 gets, the undeserving comments. RE4 had it's overpopularity run, it ushered in a new bunch of fans, as it was possibly easier to play, the Camera Angles were difficult at first(of course when you get used to them, there is no problem, aiming was my only issue), while playing OTS didn't have so much of a learning curve, perhaps that being why it was such a hit with people that weren't RE fans.
Now I'm not naively defending RE4 like a fanboy, I have not only acknowledged certain changes, but I also dislike many things about RE4, as I also dislike many things about RE3, or UC, or whatever. Should I also mention, that I never really had any major complaints about the series, until Umbrella Chronicles came out, that is when the series really went downhill, certain voices being changed, and many other things that I could go into, but as this reply is pretty long, and if you want me to tediously point out tons of similarities, then there's no room for UC talk, in this reply.
Now as I said before, I have had this same stupid debate, perhaps stupid in how many times I have had it, and stupid in how I argue against the same limp responses each time. Here before, I will make it in italics, is just a copy/paste of a few points I made on another forum, same discussion though.
I loved the RE games before it switched to over-the-shoulder, and I loved the games post OTS. Changing the camera, wasn't, and isn't a big deal, at all, in the least.
It still has the same controls, does that not count for anything at all? People sit and complain about this and that, let us not only highlight the negative stuff(which doesn't include an OTS camera), but the positive too.
In the world of RE, the way a parasite works is that it allows for more controlled and intelligent hosts. i.e. Nemesis in RE3. According to you RE3 was a flawless game, although I would definately disagree with that. The gameplay added in some features that were unnecessary, kind of lame really, and were probably just there to make sure people knew it wasn't the same game from the year prior. Of course my evidence of these features that were unnecessary is that they didn't return in their sequel, Code Veronica, which I noticed you neglected to mention, is that because you also don't think fondly of CVX?
Back to the point I was making, Nemesis was a Tyrant, with a parasite used with it, thus making it more intelligent, "more human like", which is exactly what Umbrella was trying to create, mostly. The ultimate BOW was definately close with the Tyrant, and making them pass as human was a nice feature that Spencer and those guys didn't overlook. Mr. X, Ivan, etc, wore trenchcoats, and could even pass for human, especially Ivan, as the glasses covered it's stone face.
The ganados in RE4 are humans that are infected with a parasite, kind of like the humans infected with the T-virus in RE1, or the Tyrant with a parasite in RE3. We have parasite infectees rather than T-virus ones, and Capcom didn't just pull that out of their ass, obviously with parasites showing up earlier in the series, it was only a matter of time before they showed up again.
Not that having parasites is a problem. T-virus, G-virus, T-Veronica, T/G, Las Plagas, Type 2, Uroboros, NE-Alpha, it's all the same thing. Now let us realize that the original zombies in film weren't the flesh eating variety, they were actually almost exactly like what you see of the ganados & majini, so that also puts us in a state of normality, when playing against Las Plagas infectees.
Now this discussion versus the other one I had are going over slightly different things, gameplay, and story, yet there are some similarities that are usually overlooked.
My goal, is not for somebody to say, "You're right Spike", but to at least acknowledge how RE4 isn't so different, that they shouldn't make stupid topics about how RE4 ruined the entire series, and other such stuff. I've had this discussion many times before(feel like I've said that a lot), and I've had totally devoted to anything prior to RE4 fans, who have gone back and replayed RE4, being able to see the good stuff they may have missed out on because they were filled with anger based on a few minor changes here & there. I also find it necessary to smoke out the lame, nobodies who don't have an opinion, and are simply basing their RE4 hate, on some thread they read on a forum, or on a Youtube comment they saw, rather than actually playing and coming up with their own opinions. If you go into a game only looking for the bad(which a lot of people do, they come to a hate-rally for RE4(like a thread such as this one, or it's equivilant)), and then go play RE4 and see all the negative, completely oblivious to all the greatness that does exist, all the stuff that makes it an RE game, not some 3rd Person Shooter.
RE has allowed action to become a bigger part of the series and not starting with RE4, as action became a bigger part in RE3, CVX, perhaps the Survivor series, defiantely Dead Aim, and of course RE4.
Anyway, this is long enough, and I guess I'll just check back later, to hopefully make a less lenghty reply.