Ask A Stupid question, Get A Stupid Answer! (Resi Edition)

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"BARS!"says the nemesis and drinks all there beer.

Why dont all the characters from resident evil play in a band together?
he'd sing songs from grease, and they'd all have a fantastic time.

what if nemesis story line coped star wars, and he turned out to be jills father, and they had a massive light sabre showdown..
Resident Evil would sue george lucas and then with that money create a real nemesis with a lightsaber and take over the world.:confused:

What if Leon was a chick?
He'd plant automated nukes on his nipples and declare a war on every country he'd then clone his nipple nukes and stash them on mars(nemesis can breath in space).

What does nemesis want in a woman/man?
He is about 50 and all his sidekicks are young sexy women so yes Wesker really just is a dirty old man.

What did saddler do to the ganado children?
outside of s.t.a.r.s barry works for subway which is why he cracks sandwhich jokes, and does abit of subliminal advertising.

can't think of a question 4.19am tireddd!! some take my question go.
Is this Reisdent Evil joke at all Funny? ...

"So a cerebus walks into a bar and the bartender goes "Why the long face". The dog proceeds to eat the bartender afterwards."