What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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And they're everywhere.
Especially in grocery stores on double coupon day. People will YELL at you for READING the specifics and particulars of a coupon. I remember I was working double coupon day and a woman just immediately started yelling as soon as I started to read the coupon she gave me.

Like, excuse me, I get in trouble if you pass an OOD coupon so GTFO of here with your scheming, fraudulent ass. I know people want to save money but do it the legit way. You're not special.
Anyway, this just happened today. One of my constituents, who I was trying to help with a time-sensitive case right before my sick leave, came in the office super aggressive. I passed it off my co-worker, but she became swamped because the office was understaffed and couldn't get around to it in time. He just dresses me down that because I was on my 'tax-payer funded vacation' for a month he wasn't able to have his son come for Christmas (which really has nothing to do with us anyway but people like to have someone to blame). I tell him I'm sorry, but that I actually had surgery and was in fact, not on vacation - and instead of apologizing, like a decent person would do, he just leaves. No apologies, just leaves. It's like... okay.
Wow. I bet that that "hat" fits an ass somewhere.

Finally getting seen by a doctor for agonizing abdominal pains that I've had for years. Excited.
Crossed fingers.
The doctor has put me on 1500 MG antibiotics and a double dose of nexium for stomach ulcers. Fairly certain they are not the cause of the pain that I have, as I have had them for years. However, it will be nice to be rid of them. That being said though, the high dose of antibiotics causes severe nausea and fatigue and I have to take them for 2 weeks :( Not looking forward to that so much.
CT: I've been in London this weekend and I got back this evening. I'm starting my new job tomorrow and I haven't had time to worry about it... So now my mind is making up for it by worrying that I've not worried enough so that I'm mentally prepared for it.

What the hell, brain?
CT: I've been in London this weekend and I got back this evening. I'm starting my new job tomorrow and I haven't had time to worry about it... So now my mind is making up for it by worrying that I've not worried enough so that I'm mentally prepared for it.

What the hell, brain?
Thank God I'm not the only one who does that ****! Lol.
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I wondered if anyone would understand what I meant or if they'd just think I'm crazy, haha! It's an awful way to feel, but maybe it's better that I haven't had time to dwell too much on it. Guess we shall see. :P
If it helps any at all, I usually end up seeing that I was completely overreacting so, yeah. I know it's hard but try not to stress out about it too much.
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Just go in with an open mind and plenty of rest and you'll be just fine! They chose you for a reason after all!

That was one thing I needed to learn with my new job. When you make mistakes at a bank, its not hard to feel completely defeated and beat up on yourself but that negative attitude only makes things worse. Learn from your mistakes the best you can and move along with confidence.
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If it helps any at all, I usually end up seeing that I was completely overreacting so, yeah. I know it's hard but try not to stress out about it too much.

Just go in with an open mind and plenty of rest and you'll be just fine! They chose you for a reason after all!

That was one thing I needed to learn with my new job. When you make mistakes at a bank, its not hard to feel completely defeated and beat up on yourself but that negative attitude only makes things worse. Learn from your mistakes the best you can and move along with confidence.
Aww thanks guys. I'll try not to stress. :)
CT: @RHOBH WTF Dorit? I knew I couldn't stand you for a reason. :rolleyes:

And I would honestly love for someone to tell me why people hate on Kim Kardashian so much. I honestly feel like the people who dislike her have never seen Keeping Up and they only dislike her on the basis of her being a reality star who had a sex tape leak.

I can't lie, I had a certain perception of her before I actually watched the show but she's so sweet and patient and seems to be a genuine person. She never starts **** with people or talks about other people but she always defends her family and her husband.

People get an attitude about the sex tape; so that means no one has ever done something stupid in their youth? People say she doesn't do anything, that she doesn't work but she has her own beauty line and her own clothing line and before the sex tape, she was a stylist for Paris Hilton.

I don't like how people praise feminism and the ya-ya sisterhood, as my boyfriend likes to call it, but they talk **** and drag other women through the mud for no reason. Women who don't do anything to them or do anything against them in any way. That woman has done nothing to anyone and you can't blame her for being born into privelege.
Well, folks, this right here is a testament to the sad state the gaming industry is in. For years, we've dealt with gaming publishers testing the waters of what they can get away with in terms of shady monetization schemes (this year was a fine example of that thanks in no small part to EA w/Battlefront II and Bunglevision w/Destiny 2). It's now gotten to the point where companies are charging for f*cking character save slots in games!

Any wild guesses as to who the culprit is this time around?


Motherf*cking Konami with their generic survival zombie cash grab that nobody asked for! I'm, of course, referring to Metal Gear Survive. I know, what a "shocker".

*sigh* They never learn, do they? #F*cKonami til the end of times.

P.S. I love YongYea.
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I hate those irrational, female moments that you just can't control. Contrary to popular belief, they're not indicative of any particular time of the month or any other such nonsense. They simply appear when my emotions start to affect my brain and thought process and unfortunately my amazing, loving, patient boyfriend is more often than not the target of such moments.

I wish I was a better girlfriend.
CT: A while ago I talked to @Jen about how cool it would be if Revelations 3 featured Ada and a cat as her coop partner, similar to Haunting Ground with Fiona and Hewie, but with the cat actually being playable. And now this comes out:

Granted, it's not RE, and Ada is nowhere to be seen, but close enough! Cats fighting zombies does sound nice in any case. :biggrin:

Could Ellie be getting a doggo companion in TLoU 2? Would be awesome :smile:
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I say this every single winter on this forum and now we've been forecast a week of bad snow and a real feel temperature of minus 10 Celsius, I'm going to say it again.

Can I please, please just hibernate until winter is over?! :(
I say this every single winter on this forum and now we've been forecast a week of bad snow and a real feel temperature of minus 10 Celsius, I'm going to say it again.

Can I please, please just hibernate until winter is over?! :(

You're lucky you don't live in Satan's Armpit, otherwise known as Florida to the rest of the world. I would kill for some freezing weather.
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