What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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I was happily seduced! :wink:

(I don't worship anything, by the way. Just saying I prefer angels over the much more popular vampires.)

Good, stick to your bros, or maybe not so much your bros after all :wink:
The concept of evil angels is as old as religion itself, just that they aren't usually called angels, but demons. Lucifer himself is a fallen angel who turned against God because he was unsatisfied with his role as a servant. Also, angels are hot (there, I said it - you all can keep worshipping vampires, I'm more into angels! *ERROR: ANGEL SMILEY NOT FOUND*), but the "good" ones won't do anything unholy with you, so you have to go for their naughty brothers.

Unicorns, before being turned into living symbols of purity and innocence for modern children's tales, were described as the fiercest and most dangerous wild animals out there, using their horns to kill anything that wasn't a virginal young woman. Even with that said, it was only believed that young virgins were the only ones theoretically capable of taming a unicorn, not that they were necessarily save around them. You see, what you consider a scandal nowadays is actually how it all began.

Anyway: Been there, done that. Both evil angels and an evil unicorn exist in my novels, and I love bringing my characters to life on screen via The Sims. "Real" angels don't exist in the game, but they're basically just humans with wings, so all I had to do was download some custom content and put it on my sims. Unicorns will be more difficult without actual horses, and I'm not really into my sister's idea of transvestiting a big dog by putting a horn on its forehead.
I know about evil angels, they are scandalous and I would think the same about evil unicorns. But I don't know so much about unicorns and I've never heard about evil ones before.
In the realms of magic, unicorns are Law (good, as opposed to Chaos) aligned. An example of other Law creatures are elves.

I like a good scandal so I have nothing against evil unicorns though. :p

Angels are not meant to be worshiped. Actually, worshiping Angels is bad news. Also, they're not to be considered a race. When both good and fallen took human form it was merely to make the person feel more comfortable with their presence. Lucero did this and tried to make Jesus worship him. Samyaza and his 200 fallen brothers also did this because they wanted to have sex with the daughters of men, which they probably found really yummy. As a punishment, they were doomed to stay on earth and evolve as regular humans would for up to a million years, which means that to this day, their lineage is still among us. This explains the strong (yet not full) presence of evil and corruption on earth. If you think angels are hot you might have been seduced by the fallen or their lineage once or twice.
I didn't know it's bad to worship angels, is this from the Bible? The same Bible that says it's ok to worship saints? (Or does the Bible actually say anything about worshiping saints? I have no idea. But worshiping saints are widespread in Christianity.)
I wouldn't call angels a race, they belong to the spirit world. I would rather call them a species, but that doesn't sound quite right to me either.

I was happily seduced! :wink:

(I don't worship anything, by the way. Just saying I prefer angels over the much more popular vampires.)
What's wrong with vampires? I'm personally offended. :(

Wait aren't Vampires considered as demons? since they are cursed
No, vampires are humans raised from the dead. Or were they vampires before they were buried? It's so long since I watched Buffy I don't remember. But from my memory most vampires dug their way out of their graves. But they are not demons, demons are something different. Vampires are undeads, and a demon is not an undead. Vampires have more in common with other types of undeads like werewolves and zombies.
I didn't know it's bad to worship angels, is this from the Bible? The same Bible that says it's ok to worship saints? (Or does the Bible actually say anything about worshiping saints? I have no idea. But worshiping saints are widespread in Christianity.)
I wouldn't call angels a race, they belong to the spirit world. I would rather call them a species, but that doesn't sound quite right to me either.

Islamically speaking, god created angels to worship him and do certain task. for example: angel Gabriel is tasked to send god's word to his messengers. Israfil (or Mikael, I forgot which) is the one who will blow on the trumpet on the day of judgment. the angel of death is... well... you know...

also, Lucifer, Islamically speaking, is a creature called djinn. they coexisted with angels but was created from smokeless fire. Lucifer was punished for his arrogance for not bowing down to Adam after god created him and told to all creation to bow to him, saying:" why should I bow down to someone who is created from clay while I'm created from fire, I'm clearly superior"
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@Romero ¨I didn't know it's bad to worship angels, is this from the Bible? The same Bible that says it's ok to worship saints? (Or does the Bible actually say anything about worshiping saints? I have no idea. But worshiping saints are widespread in Christianity.)
I wouldn't call angels a race, they belong to the spirit world. I would rather call them a species, but that doesn't sound quite right to me either.¨

Angels are agents, nothing more. However, they where conceived with free will, so they can rebel. In the case of the watchers, they wanted to delight themselves with the pleasures of humanity. When God saw this he probably went ¨Oh so you guys want to enjoy human leisure even tho you were forbidden to do so?. Fine, now you´re gonna see what is like to live the flesh and all that comes with it...¨

Catholics claim that when they worship saints, they worship God ¨through them¨...The bible is a blend of truths and lies. Catholicism is the umbrella corporation of cristianity, yet infinitely more powerful and the Vatican is a den of monsters. Do you see any of the so called ¨terrorist attacks¨ happening there?...hmmm. Just look at them, look at where and how they live and most importantly, their wonderful deeds. During the inquisition in Spain, there were times when they burned over a hundred innocent people in plazas at the same time, with multitudes watching. Close your eyes and hear the blaze together with the choir of screams of men, women, elders and children. There goes Catholicism for you, as far away from God as it can get. And they are no different today, just more ¨underground¨. And they have allies, powerful allies, the elites. Years ago, they got exposed. Young girls and children were going missing in many different countries throughout Europe, it was all connected. Many of the kidnapped were taken to Belgium, where they were set free only to be hunted down inside huge private properties including castles and the like. The ones that weren´t hunted down, were raped and sacrificed indoors and their blood was being drinked. Guess who were they paying tribute to?...Guess who owned the properties where this was taking place?...Guess who was attending this events?... Vatican members, Europe´s high society with connections to all royal families including England´s, members of the CIA and other american government agencies...to name a few...Witnesses claim to have seeing little severed penises (from children) displayed in glass cabinets inside one of the castles where this took place. Lets talk about witnesses. Detectives, law enforcement and high rank members of the military who were either involved or found out about it where eliminated along with their relatives. That shows you just how much power they have. People like to think of the resident evil games as being all about fighting bioweapons and stuff but for the most part, the real message completely flies over their heads. I don´t know about other countries but in the case of Spain, i can tell you that the country is owned by 27 families, not the government, not the people, not the joke of a king they have there.
Wait aren't Vampires considered as demons? since they are cursed

It really depends on what show/movie/book/game you're looking at, they're different in every work of fiction, and so far I haven't met a real living (or undead) counterpart to compare. But no, they really shouldn't be considered demons because they're not fallen angels, they're undead humans as Romero pointed out, it's just that nowadays the word "demon" is slapped on pretty much every evil creature in fiction.

I like a good scandal so I have nothing against evil unicorns though. :p

Good to know! :wink:

I didn't know it's bad to worship angels, is this from the Bible? The same Bible that says it's ok to worship saints? (Or does the Bible actually say anything about worshiping saints? I have no idea. But worshiping saints are widespread in Christianity.)

I don't remember what the Bible says about it, but as with everything in that book, opinions on and interpretations of what is written in it vary. From my time in a Christian cell group, I know that Catholics apparently believe in saints and can even pray to them, while Protestants know those same characters, but don't call them saints, as to them only God is holy. Not sure about Orthodox churches.

What's wrong with vampires? I'm personally offended. :(

Nothing's wrong with them. Why are you offended? Are you a vampire?

the angel of death is... well... you know...

... my loyal servant. :wink:
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An elderly couple with a little, yappy dog.
It's really not that bad. They never bother you unless you're outside at the same time as their yappy dog but how long does it honestly take someone to get in their house?

I love living beside old people... Except when they leave their porch light on all night and it shines in your window. All. Night.
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Nothing's wrong with them. Why are you offended? Are you a vampire?
Between you and me, I might be a vampire. There was a time I thought I was cannibal but I'm not, it turned out to just be a problem with my diet.

YESSSSSS, some of my neighbours are moving! If somebody else moves in, please be elderly, please please please be elderly.
Hope for Hel. :razz:
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Oh, they tell me I'm a vampire too because I'm apparently very pale and always sneeze whenever I see the sun, like I'm allergic to it. If only they knew... I didn't even like human blood that much the last time I tasted it, I think it's severely overrated.

Besides, what makes you think I'm quiet enough for Maddy to accept me as a neighbour? Or elderly?? The only thing you can be sure about is that there will never be any noisy children at my house.
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Chances are pretty high that the mythical vampire is based on the earliest sightings of Porphyria, which is a rare disease that causes sunlight to literally burn the skin of the afflicted and causes their gums to recede exposing more of their teeth to make them look like fangs, among other things.

It's most likely caused by the absence of healthy heme in the blood, so what is suggested they do? To be injected with or ingest healthy blood.
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CT: As someone who never finished Death Note, I find the Netflix movie to be really bad. Like Dragon Ball Evolution bad. But there is one thing it did right: it has made me want to rewatch the anime from the beginning and actually finish it.
CT: As someone who never finished Death Note, I find the Netflix movie to be really bad. Like Dragon Ball Evolution bad. But there is one thing it did right: it has made me want to rewatch the anime from the beginning and actually finish it.

Just a quick heads up: The anime gets a little bumpy with the introduction of Near.
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Oh, they tell me I'm a vampire too because I'm apparently very pale and always sneeze whenever I see the sun, like I'm allergic to it. If only they knew... I didn't even like human blood that much the last time I tasted it, I think it's severely overrated.

Besides, what makes you think I'm quiet enough for Maddy to accept me as a neighbour? Or elderly?? The only thing you can be sure about is that there will never be any noisy children at my house.
Because you are older than the Earth, and I have no reason to doubt what you've told us. :)

And all vampires are old aren't they? I have never heard about one that was not at least a few hundred years old.
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CT: As someone who never finished Death Note, I find the Netflix movie to be really bad. Like Dragon Ball Evolution bad. But there is one thing it did right: it has made me want to rewatch the anime from the beginning and actually finish it.

Yeah... no. Nothing can be compared to the **** that is Dragon Ball Evolution. It could have been so much better and the they could have picked a much better actor to play Light; but you can't seriously be legitimately comparing it to Dragon Ball Evolution which had zero redeeming qualities or even one factor that was good about it (other than Chow Yun Fat who still couldn't save that ****fest). Death Note had some good things about it and was okay as if viewed as completely separate from the Manga unlike Dragon Ball Evolution which is **** regardless of perception. It was a bad movie period. Death Note at least gave us a solid performance from William Dafoe's as the voice of Ryuk and also Light's father was very good in the film imho. Beyond that... well... It has problems.

The movie was a way too whitewashed and it didn't need to be. I feel that if they really wanted to go with the Seattle setting they should have had the story be focused on a completely new character who received the Death Note. New names and all. Mia and L were quite different from the characters they were based on but with the same motivations which fundamentally worked and I actually found myself enjoying this take on their characters but they could have and should have been totally new characters based on the concepts of the characters they were based on to support these new spins and takes on them respectively. The movie was way to short and needed to more time to develop and flesh a lot of things out. Originality would have gone a long way as would the benefit of the characters being "original" to make the film feel more distant but also another chapter in the Death Note IP with Ryuk and the Death Note being what tied it all together. This movie had all the fundamentals of making a good adaptation based on Death Note but unfortunately they played things a little too safe by not getting creative and creating new characters that may or may not have had parallels with the originals.

Read the Manga over the Anime. It's the true original.
CT: Ever since I changed my wall clock's battery, the damn thing stops every day at 4 o'clock. I'm beginning to think it's trying to tell me something.