What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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CT: There's a new game coming out next week that is set in my realm. I'm not sure what to think about this. I hope it will feature a more accurate representation of Helheim than I've seen in other games to date.

If I manage to cast off the shackles of Mass Effect Andromeda anytime soon, I might give it a try.

Oh yea I remember seeing a trailer for that. Looks like my type of game :)
I know the feeling; I had it a couple of weeks ago myself and it really sucks. Hope you get well soon.
Sorry to hear that, I hope you're feeling better soon!

Thank you both for the kind words.
I'm just sipping my water and taking antibiotics hoping I can feel better soon.
CT: I just came home from work to find my house surrounded by police, dozens of officers with machine guns, the pedestrian area and the subway inaccessible, and none of those cuties want to tell me why. Lovely. I'm the goddess of the dead, where's my respect?
"As the dead heard that human voice, throughout the city they turned towards that sound, at once confused and excited."

"They started to groan hungrily, almost pleadingly. All over the city their voices rise."

"It came to the survivors as a massive wall of noise, the sound of hundreds of thousands of damned souls moaning on one solid voice. The sound of hell on earth."

George A Romero
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I'm still furious-but not the least bit surprised mind you, oh no-that Michelle Carter, the c*nt who sent all those disgusting text messages and calls to her suicidally-depressed boyfriend, got sentenced to all of 15 months in prison for basically ending a man's life. Yeah, good to know the female-to-male sentencing gap is still very much alive and well in the year 2017, give a goddamn break.

As MrRepizon pointed out, if it had been a man saying and texting those vile comments to his suicidal girlfriend (and thereby being complicit in her death), he would get 15-20 years, if not life in prison with no parole, but yet we let her off with a slap on the wrist while the guy who she was supposed to care for more than anything in the world rots in his grave, utter bullsh*t.

I've already ranted before about how women have it all too easy compared to men in the judicial system. An adult woman can get caught raping and exploiting a 13-year-old boy and get child support from him (and pretty much destroy the kid's life in the process 'cuz he can forget about going to college now) while serving little-to-no jailtime, but if a male teacher preys on a 15-year-old girl student, we literally nail him to the wall. Hell, I covered such a story last time around, go figure (which BTW, I still hope she rots)!

This sh*t needs to stop. The laws need to be applied equally. A man would get 15-20+ years for doing this to his suicidal girlfriend, that's what this vile cretin should get. He would still be alive right now if it wasn't for her abusing him, so for her to get <2 years for being responsible for his death is absolutely ludicrous. I've said before how those SJWs who bullied a Steven Universe fan over fan art (no, you're not misreading that last part) should've been charged with manslaughter or murder if the poor girl actually had killed herself, same concept applies here.
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I'm still furious-but not the least bit surprised mind you, oh no-that Michelle Carter, the c*nt who sent all those disgusting text messages and calls to her suicidally-depressed boyfriend, got sentenced to all of 15 months in prison for basically ending a man's life. Yeah, good to know the female-to-male sentencing gap is still very much alive and well in the year 2017, give a goddamn break.

As MrRepizon pointed out, if it had been a man saying and texting those vile comments to his suicidal girlfriend (and thereby being complicit in her death), he would get 15-20 years, if not life in prison with no parole, but yet we let her off with a slap on the wrist while the guy who she was supposed to care for more than anything in the world rots in his grave, utter bullsh*t.

I've already ranted before about how women have it all too easy compared to men in the judicial system. An adult woman can get caught raping and exploiting a 13-year-old boy and get child support from him (and pretty much destroy the kid's life in the process 'cuz he can forget about going to college now) while serving little-to-no jailtime, but if a male teacher preys on a 15-year-old girl student, we literally nail him to the wall. Hell, I covered such a story last time around, go figure (which BTW, I still hope she rots)!

This sh*t needs to stop. The laws need to be applied equally. A man would get 15-20+ years for doing this to his suicidal girlfriend, that's what this vile cretin should get. He would still be alive right now if it wasn't for her abusing him, so for her to get <2 years for being responsible for his death is absolutely ludicrous. I've said before how those SJWs who bullied a Steven Universe fan over fan art (no, you're not misreading that last part) should've been charged with manslaughter or murder if the poor girl actually had killed herself, same concept applies here.
Exactly. It's so stupid that the sentencing is different depending on the gender, age, or race. They call it the "justice system", but it isn't proper justice at all if people are getting off easier than others who committed the same crime because of their gender, age, or race.
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Yeah the justice system is very unfair not only when it comes to genders but to race too. There's a legitimate reason why people of color tend to not trust the police and I have seen it for myself it's not just some made up thing.
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Chronicle of the day. OMG what a day...

After hitting the gym, i took my bicycle and went to the beach to ride near the coast as usual. When i get there, i take my bike out of the car, started putting it toguether, take off my shirt, jacked up and good to go right?. Then i saw myself reflected on the car window and i thought to myself: " Dam!, i'm the ultimate bad ass, you do not want to fock with me" kind of mindset you know, totally Hudson style.

So i hit the road and in order to ride near the beach you first have to go through the main street which is full of pubs, reastaurants and stuff. Suddenly, i saw these super extremely hot pair of chicks, Miss Brunette & Miss Blonde. Brunette stares at me and starts hitting Miss Blonde on the arm with her hand cuz she was looking at her phone. Now the two of them are staring at me smiling and saying stuff to each other :cool:
When i saw this, i was like "oh my goodness, i want them both. I'm gonna talk to them and see what are they up to."

As i approached them, i thought "I'm gonna pop a wheelie to impress these two" (i'm good at it). The problem is that there was some gravel on the ground that made me lose control of the bike..............DUDE.............at that moment.........all that was in my brain was: "oh $hiiiiiit, oh foooooock, not nooooow!!!" LMFAO!!!.
I rolled on the ground and now not only the chicks where looking at me but the whole dam street....aaaall the people having dinner outdoors, aaaall the people hanging out, etc...My elbow was bleeeding, my back was scratched....My shoulder was grey cuz of the filth on the ground....Bro....it was the worst thing EVER!.
Voices laughing in the background.....the classic guy with his wifey "Hey you ok man?"........PRFRFRFRFFRFRFFRFFRFFRFFRFFRFFRF.......i checked to see where the chicks where at and they where walking away covering their eyes with their hands.... :cry:

After that, i was like "You know what?, fock it ima fix this $**** immediately". I got back on my bike and wheelied the whole street till the end no pause and as i was doing it people started screaming "Yeah!!" "Whoooa!!". Among those voices i recognized Corey, a black guy that works at the 7 Eleven there. He was screaming wildly "Dam right bro!!, Yeeeah!!" "Show those 8itches how it's done!!" xD That definately made me feel better. However, i aint showing up there in at least a month LOL
Can't answer to the Good Bye thread because i don't have enough priviledges, "privilege"...such a word.

@Romero: I wanted to avoid this at all costs but it has proven impossible. Martin may have been mean, but he seems to be "the only one" who figure out what exactly was going on and actually went on to say it. It's called "manipulation".
Martin, if you read this let me tell you one thing: You got brains, you got the attitude, you got my respect. No likeis and bull....Real Respect.

This whole thing has been hilarious tho, like a little piece of dirt became a mountain. Have you ever seen the movie "Lord of the flies"....
Can't answer to the Good Bye thread because i don't have enough priviledges, "privilege"...such a word.

@Romero: I wanted to avoid this at all costs but it has proven impossible. Martin may have been mean, but he seems to be "the only one" who figure out what exactly was going on and actually went on to say it. It's called "manipulation".
Martin, if you read this let me tell you one thing: You got brains, you got the attitude, you got my respect. No likeis and bull....Real Respect.

This whole thing has been hilarious tho, like a little piece of dirt became a mountain. Have you ever seen the movie "Lord of the flies"....
Oh for heaven's sake, get over it. YOU are the one making a mountain from a molehill by dragging this nonsense on.

A farewell thread isn't necessary each time someone has a tiff with someone else - it is annoying and I hear you there, but neither is behaving like a drama llama in response to it. The matter is closed, and a moderator has locked the thread. If you still have concerns, you are welcome to take them up privately with a staff member.

While you're at it, you probably should get acquainted with the forum rules - which you agreed to by virtue of your membership here. You broke two of them in one go. I'll let it go for now, but not the next time it happens.

Move on, everyone. Thank you.
Wouldn't it be an idea worth considering to make a separate thread for that? I've seen it on other forums, and they're frequently visited because people just keep dying.
That is an idea worth considering. I'll not start such a thread myself, but anyone can do it.

I didn't mean to forbid "R.I.P" posts in this thread, you are still free to post them here. But sometimes it can be a bit much of them, reading this thread is almost like reading through the recent death notes in a newspaper. That's how I felt it sometimes, when the R.I.P posts were extra numerous and there were not so many "normal" posts.

Do what's best for you guys. If you want all the R.I.P posts in this thread then it's ok. This thread was made for you after all.
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That is an idea worth considering. I'll not start such a thread myself, but anyone can do it.

I didn't mean to forbid "R.I.P" posts in this thread, you are still free to post them here. But sometimes it can be a bit much of them, reading this thread is almost like reading through the recent death notes in a newspaper. That's how I felt it sometimes, when the R.I.P posts were extra numerous and there were not so many "normal" posts.

Do what's best for you guys. If you want all the R.I.P posts in this thread then it's ok. This thread was made for you after all.
I stopped posting them after I read what you posted, because you're right. Too many people are dying.
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The words of Hurin and Morgoth.


Hurin Thalion was brought before Morgoth, for Morgoth knew by his arts and his spies that Hurin had the friendship of the King of Gondolin; and he sought to daunt him with his eyes. But Hurin could not yet be daunted, and he defied Morgoth. Therefore Morgoth had him chained and set in slow torment; but after a while he came to him,and offered him his choice to go free whither he would, or to receive power and rank as the greatest of Morgoth's captains, if he would but reveal where Turgon had his stronghold, and aught else that he knew of the King's counsels. But Hurin the Steadfast mocked him saying: "Blind you are Morgoth Bauglir, and blind shall ever be, seeing only the dark. You know not what rules the hearts of Men, and if you knew you could not give it. But a fool is he who accepts what Morgoth offers. You will take first the price and then withhold the promise; and I should get only death, if I told you what you ask."
Then Morgoth laughed, and he said: "Death you may yet crave from me as a boon." Then he took Hurin to the Haudh-en-Nirnaeth, and it was then new-built and the reek of death was upon it; and Morgoth set Hurin upon its top and bade him look west towards Hithlum, and think of his wife and his son and other kin. "For they dwell now in my realm," said Morgoth, "and they are at my mercy."
"You have none," answered Hurin. "But you will not come at Turgon through them; for they do not know his secrets."
Then wrath mastered Morgoth, and he said: "Yet I may come at you, and all your accursed house; and you shall be broken on my will, though you all be made of steel." And he took up a long sword that lay there and broke it before the eyes of Hurin, and a splinter wounded his face; but Hurin did not blench. Then Morgoth stretching out his long arm towards Dor-Lomin cursed Hurin and Morwen and their offspring, saying: "Behold! The shadow of my thought shall lie upon them wherever they go, and my hate shall pursue them to the ends of the world."
But Hurin said: "You speak in vain. For you cannot see them, nor govern them from afar: not while you keep this shape, and desire still to be a King visible upon earth."
Then Morgoth turned upon Hurin, and he said: "Fool, little among Men, and they are the least of all that speak! Have you seen the Valar, or measured the power of Manwe and Varda? Do you know the reach of their thought? Or do you think, perhaps, that their thought is upon you, and that they may shield you from afar?"
" I know not," said Hurin. "Yet so it might be, if they willed. For the Elder King shall not be dethroned while Arda endures."
You say it," said Morgoth. "I am the Elder King: Melkor, first and mightiest of the Valar, who was before the world, and made it. The shadow of my purpose lies upon Arda, and all that is in it bends slowly and surely to my will. But upon all whom you love my thought shall weigh as a cloud of Doom, and it shall bring them down into darkness and despair. Wherever they go, evil shall arise. Whenever they speak, their words shall bring ill counsel. Whatsoever they do shall turn against them. They shall die without hope, cursing both life and death."
But Hurin answered: "Do you forget to whom you speak? Such things you spoke long ago to our fathers; but we escaped from your shadow. And now we have knowledge of you, for we have looked upon the faces that have seen the light, and heard the voices that have spoken with Manwe. Before Arda you were, but others also; and you did not make it. Neither are you the most mighty; for you spent your strength upon yourself and wasted it in your own emptiness. No more are you now than an escaped thrall of the Valar. And their chain still awaits you."
"You have learned the lessons of your masters by rote," said Morgoth. "But such childish lore shall not help you, now they are all fled away."
"This last I say to you, thrall Morgoth," said Hurin, "and it comes not from the lore of the Eldar, but is put into my heart this hour. You are not the Lord of Men, and shall not be, though all Arda and Menel fall in your dominion. Beyond the Circles of the World you shall not pursue those who refuse you."
"Beyond the Circles of the World I will not pursue them," said Morgoth. "For beyond the Circles of the World there is Nothing. But within them they shall not escape me, until they enter into Nothing."
"You lie," said Hurin.
"You shall see and you shall confess that I do not lie," said Morgoth. And taking Hurin back to Angband he set him in a chair of stone upon a high place of Thangorodrim, from which he could see afar the land of Hithlum in the west and the lands of Beleriand to the south. There he was bound by the power of Morgoth; and Morgoth standing beside him cursed him again and set his power upon him, so that he could not move from that place, or die, until Morgoth should release him.
"Sit now there," said Morgoth,"and look out upon the lands where evil and despair shall come upon those whom you have delivered to me. For you have dared to mock me, and have questioned the power of Melkor, Master of the fates of Arda. Therefore with my eyes you shall see, and with my ears you shall hear, and nothing shall be hidden from you."
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