What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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So tonight ended up being awesome night. Saw TeddyLoid live with live EDM afterwards and wasn't really sure what I was in for, but it was a blast. A fun concert but boy did I ever see some weird ****.

- A Twerking T-Rex. Yes you heard that right. A dude in the moshpit came dressed as a T-Rex and ****ing rocked the mosh and shook his repto booty.

- Shirtless guy dancing gets all the girls. Gotta give him credit for having a well built body but I don't think that was the reason this ****er stood out in the crowd. He had blue hair with ripped orange pants with blue underneath the orange and a very famous Kanji in a circle either tattooed or painted on his moob. This dude was a god amongst dancers. Well a Super Saiyan God Super Sayian amongst dancers. Who knew Goku knew how to shake it LMAO
Gotta give this guy credit it for actually pulling this off without looking like a ****ing weeb. The hair looked legit and didn't look like those ****ty Goku cosplay getups. He must have done some work with that wig. Dude was a legitimate badass mother****** in the pits.

- Some chicks fake boobs, or boob extension somehow fell the **** out and was all on the floor. What the actual ****'? Lmao! Some people made a bit of a deal over it and some guy looked for **** to pick it up and throw it under the stage because no one was touchin that ****.

- Some dude doing jerkin and spurtin motions with glow sticks on people in the crazy train as they pass him. Why tho?

- I went to the bath room and grabbed some toilet paper and totally didn't expect a beer bottle to be hidden inside there and come flying out, ****tering on the floor while I grab a piece.

It certainly was a unique experience. I'd go again xD
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Just a 'lil rant because I can't say it publicly. I'm on the board of directors for a network of homeless shelters in my region. On Friday, we had our flagship event - it's a 24 hour live-in-your-car-athon where participants... live out of their car for a full day and night to raise money for the shelter and raise awareness of hidden homelessness in general. It usually raises around $50k a year so it's super important for us. We have a mall that donates the parking lot, and a bunch of local businesses will supply food, entertainment for the kids, etc.

After the event, our local paper wrote an article on it and the Facebook comments were just repulsive. People were literally bitching that the participants 'didn't rummage through Tim Hortons garbages' or 'eat ketchup packets for energy' or that it wasn't in the dead of winter where we could freeze to death, etc etc.

WTF is wrong with people. It's a goddamn charity event. The purpose is to raise money. It's not a non-televised version of the Hunger Games. I want to know what all these losers did on Friday night to raise $50k for homelessness. It's super ****ing easy to sit at your laptop and b!tch and whine and complain on social media. It's not so easy actually doing something to make a difference.

Goodness, I am losing faith in humanity fast.
CT: Sims 4 Cats & Dogs has just been announced. The fandom has been asking for this for a long time, and I'm really excited, but... no horses? Too bad. I was so much looking forward to my evil unicorn.
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CT: Sims 4 Cats & Dogs has just been announced. The fandom has been asking for this for a long time, and I'm really excited, but... no horses? Too bad. I was so much looking forward to my evil unicorn.
Reading Hel's post on cats and dogs in Sims 4. Reading her comment about no horses and immediately thinking for myself... who cares about horzes I would have wanted UNICORNS... oh.... Unicorns were mentioned at last.

But evil unicorns? Is that a scandal? Like an evil angel would be a scandal. But what do I know. :razz:
The concept of evil angels is as old as religion itself, just that they aren't usually called angels, but demons. Lucifer himself is a fallen angel who turned against God because he was unsatisfied with his role as a servant. Also, angels are hot (there, I said it - you all can keep worshipping vampires, I'm more into angels! *ERROR: ANGEL SMILEY NOT FOUND*), but the "good" ones won't do anything unholy with you, so you have to go for their naughty brothers.

Unicorns, before being turned into living symbols of purity and innocence for modern children's tales, were described as the fiercest and most dangerous wild animals out there, using their horns to kill anything that wasn't a virginal young woman. Even with that said, it was only believed that young virgins were the only ones theoretically capable of taming a unicorn, not that they were necessarily save around them. You see, what you consider a scandal nowadays is actually how it all began.

Anyway: Been there, done that. Both evil angels and an evil unicorn exist in my novels, and I love bringing my characters to life on screen via The Sims. "Real" angels don't exist in the game, but they're basically just humans with wings, so all I had to do was download some custom content and put it on my sims. Unicorns will be more difficult without actual horses, and I'm not really into my sister's idea of transvestiting a big dog by putting a horn on its forehead.
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The concept of evil angels is as old as religion itself, just that they aren't usually called angels, but demons. Lucifer himself is a fallen angel who turned against God because he was unsatisfied with his role as a servant. Also, angels are hot (there, I said it - you all can keep worshipping vampires, I'm more into angels! *ERROR: ANGEL SMILEY NOT FOUND*), but the "good" ones won't do anything unholy with you, so you have to go for their naughty brothers.

Unicorns, before being turned into living symbols of purity and innocence for modern children's tales, were described as the fiercest and most dangerous wild animals out there, using their horns to kill anything that wasn't a virginal young woman. Even with that said, it was only believed that young virgins were the only ones theoretically capable of taming a unicorn, not that they were necessarily save around them. You see, what you consider a scandal nowadays is actually how it all began.

Anyway: Been there, done that. Both evil angels and an evil unicorn exist in my novels, and I love bringing my characters to life on screen via The Sims. "Real" angels don't exist in the game, but they're basically just humans with wings, so all I had to do was download some custom content and put it on my sims. Unicorns will be more difficult without actual horses, and I'm not really into my sister's idea of transvestiting a big dog by putting a horn on its forehead.

Angels are not meant to be worshiped. Actually, worshiping Angels is bad news. Also, they're not to be considered a race. When both good and fallen took human form it was merely to make the person feel more comfortable with their presence. Lucero did this and tried to make Jesus worship him. Samyaza and his 200 fallen brothers also did this because they wanted to have sex with the daughters of men, which they probably found really yummy. As a punishment, they were doomed to stay on earth and evolve as regular humans would for up to a million years, which means that to this day, their lineage is still among us. This explains the strong (yet not full) presence of evil and corruption on earth. If you think angels are hot you might have been seduced by the fallen or their lineage once or twice.
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