I'm in the same shoes at you. Except different time periods with Hybrid Theory. I got into them a little later with the exception of Meteora. I'm really choked up this whole situation and the fact he's no longer here with us. Chester truly was a fighter and fought depression all his life and this can be heard in the echoes from even the earliest days of Hybrid Theory. It's more than just the drugs; but also believe that all of the fan hate toward the new album and the new sound (the people who he thought had his backs, the critics calling him sellouts when he states he wants to explore and evolve when Linkin Park has always done this. Even if to a lesser extent). The run in with peers like the guy from Stone Sour. Chester was outspoken and made it clear on how much this effected him from both his words and his actions. This really shows how people can affect one another without even being in their presence. Saying hateful things even on the internet about an artist with depression and calling them sellouts causes a lot more damage than one might imagine. Then there was also Chris Cornell's death which has also deeply affected Chester. Today was such a sad and tragic day and Chester will always be remembered for the kind and awesome soul he was.
I wanted to share one of my top 3 favorite songs by him. It's not a Linkin Park song but I feel that it's the most relevant at this time because it really shows the pain that Chester had and the love he wanted to share with his fans and millions, no billions of people around the world. I hope people take a moment to listen to it. We all miss you Chester Bennington and thank you everything you've given us and the strength you've given millions of fans to fight on in their times of need! Thank you, you're a hero through your art!