What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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Yeah, you should at least try it out. This happen to me not too long ago, but it was awkward, the guy had completely changed. One thing iv'e noticed back in the day is that this guy was really easily influenced by others, to the point that he would even change the way he talked, it was ridiculous and i din't pay too much attention to it when i should had, since it was clearly a red flag. I shouldn't had tried to contact him again but i learned that some times is better to leave things as they are. Some friendships are just not meant to be. Your own brain can either help you out or screw yourself so i highly recommend trusting your guts more often.

Yup, I think you should try. If you were good friends, they'd probably love to hear from you again.
I should take my own advice.
The only thing I worry about is that he just won't be bothered about chatting to me anymore and I'll look like an idiot. The last time we talked we were fine with each other but I'm just worried it would be weird after so much time has passed. But I guess there's only one way to find out. Cheers, guys.

But the question is. what do you say to them? how do you start the conversation with them?
I'm just gonna go with the general hi-how-are-you-what-have-you-been-up-to and hope it picks up from there. :lol:
The only thing I worry about is that he just won't be bothered about chatting to me anymore and I'll look like an idiot. The last time we talked we were fine with each other but I'm just worried it would be weird after so much time has passed. But I guess there's only one way to find out. Cheers, guys.

I'm just gonna go with the general hi-how-are-you-what-have-you-been-up-to and hope it picks up from there. :lol:

Good luck. hope things go well. :smile:
It was really sad to see that I had passed away. :cry:

CT: There are famous people dying all the time, and many of them get a notice in this thread. Nothing wrong with that, but it makes this a depressing read, when half of the posts are "R.I.P" posts. So famous people, please stop dying OK???
I'm in the same shoes at you. Except different time periods with Hybrid Theory. I got into them a little later with the exception of Meteora. I'm really choked up this whole situation and the fact he's no longer here with us. Chester truly was a fighter and fought depression all his life and this can be heard in the echoes from even the earliest days of Hybrid Theory. It's more than just the drugs; but also believe that all of the fan hate toward the new album and the new sound (the people who he thought had his backs, the critics calling him sellouts when he states he wants to explore and evolve when Linkin Park has always done this. Even if to a lesser extent). The run in with peers like the guy from Stone Sour. Chester was outspoken and made it clear on how much this effected him from both his words and his actions. This really shows how people can affect one another without even being in their presence. Saying hateful things even on the internet about an artist with depression and calling them sellouts causes a lot more damage than one might imagine. Then there was also Chris Cornell's death which has also deeply affected Chester. Today was such a sad and tragic day and Chester will always be remembered for the kind and awesome soul he was.

I wanted to share one of my top 3 favorite songs by him. It's not a Linkin Park song but I feel that it's the most relevant at this time because it really shows the pain that Chester had and the love he wanted to share with his fans and millions, no billions of people around the world. I hope people take a moment to listen to it. We all miss you Chester Bennington and thank you everything you've given us and the strength you've given millions of fans to fight on in their times of need! Thank you, you're a hero through your art!

Oh, I've been following them from the very beginning. I remember their first pre-Hybrid Theory single, My December (I think it was on special editions of the album, I could be wrong, though). It was so good, Josh Groban actually covered it.

That song is living proof he could sing AND scream with the best of em, such a beautiful voice. They'll never be the same without Chester, just like Three Days Grace isn't Three Days without Adam Gontier. I've never even heard any of their latest material since he left. Sadly, I feel Linkin Park is similarly dead to me without Chester Bennington, whether they move on and try to get a new lead singer or not. He's just simply not replaceable.

Hell, I even remember one of their more obscure pre-HB singles, called High Voltage. This one's pure rap except for a couple Chester verses at the end. I even find myself liking this song (dem rhymes, man), and I generally don't even like rap save for select songs here and there.

Thanks for the memories, Chester.
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Life has a funny way of dealing its hand.

A few months ago I was the happiest I've ever been my entire life. But then after a certain instant. My entire life just came not crashing down, not falling part, straight up falling into another reality.

The amount of bad luck, VERY small decisions that have nearly cost me my life, a small accident that nearly landed me in a prison cell, and the very people I call friends and family with their very small remarks have driven me straight into one of the worst times in my short existence.

I'm not a happy person. I know that. And at this point I firmly believe I won't ever be happy.
I devoted my entire life to others, so they can be happy. But when every little thing in my life that has good intentions is manipulated into bad intentions?

I'm just too afraid to do anything anymore.

Not even 21 yet and I already gave up.

But to end this on a remotely positive note. It feels nice to let it out and I trust everyone here enough to do so. So while It is probably the wrong place to do it. I suppose I'll take solace in knowing some know what goes through my head every once in a while.
Life has a funny way of dealing its hand.

A few months ago I was the happiest I've ever been my entire life. But then after a certain instant. My entire life just came not crashing down, not falling part, straight up falling into another reality.

The amount of bad luck, VERY small decisions that have nearly cost me my life, a small accident that nearly landed me in a prison cell, and the very people I call friends and family with their very small remarks have driven me straight into one of the worst times in my short existence.

I'm not a happy person. I know that. And at this point I firmly believe I won't ever be happy.
I devoted my entire life to others, so they can be happy. But when every little thing in my life that has good intentions is manipulated into bad intentions?

I'm just too afraid to do anything anymore.

Not even 21 yet and I already gave up.

But to end this on a remotely positive note. It feels nice to let it out and I trust everyone here enough to do so. So while It is probably the wrong place to do it. I suppose I'll take solace in knowing some know what goes through my head every once in a while.

Just wait for all the bad to dissipate and start over.
Life has a funny way of dealing its hand.

A few months ago I was the happiest I've ever been my entire life. But then after a certain instant. My entire life just came not crashing down, not falling part, straight up falling into another reality.

The amount of bad luck, VERY small decisions that have nearly cost me my life, a small accident that nearly landed me in a prison cell, and the very people I call friends and family with their very small remarks have driven me straight into one of the worst times in my short existence.

I'm not a happy person. I know that. And at this point I firmly believe I won't ever be happy.
I devoted my entire life to others, so they can be happy. But when every little thing in my life that has good intentions is manipulated into bad intentions?

I'm just too afraid to do anything anymore.

Not even 21 yet and I already gave up.

But to end this on a remotely positive note. It feels nice to let it out and I trust everyone here enough to do so. So while It is probably the wrong place to do it. I suppose I'll take solace in knowing some know what goes through my head every once in a while.
I'm so sorry to hear that. I can kind of relate to some of the things you said. Things can always change though. I know I'm not much help, but you can always talk to me if you need to. We're all your friends here, and if your other "friends" and family don't realize how awesome you are, then they're idiots.
CT: There are famous people dying all the time, and many of them get a notice in this thread. Nothing wrong with that, but it makes this a depressing read, when half of the posts are "R.I.P" posts. So famous people, please stop dying OK???

Wouldn't it be an idea worth considering to make a separate thread for that? I've seen it on other forums, and they're frequently visited because people just keep dying.
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@Shinigami7724, I'm really sorry to hear things aren't going so great for you right now. If there's anything you need you know you can talk to all of us here. I hope you start getting some better luck and things get better for you. It's hard, I know, but try and stay positive, and maybe try and make some new friends if the current ones aren't treating you right.

CT: Anyone who knows me knows that I love dogs. In this instance I'm not blaming the dog for what happened, I'm blaming the idiots who took it out.

So we were walking on a pier on holiday and a man and woman had three dogs with them. They were from some animal charity and one of the dogs had a coat on that said 'Adopt me'. My family love animals, I used to work for an animal charity and all of us donate to animal charities so we went over to see if they were collecting. We started to talk to the lady and she told us that one of the dogs was a bit nervous due to what had happened in the past (this one had the jacket on), so naturally we didn't stroke or touch any of the dogs there and gave them space so that we didn't scare any of them.

We were literally just chatting with the lady when the dog with the 'Adopt me' coat on growled at my mother and snapped at her hand. She never even touched or spoke to the dog and it just went for her. It drew blood and has badly bruised her hand, which my mother went to a Minor Injuries clinic with and they prescribed antibiotics and dressed the wound in an antibiotic dressing because most dog bites get infected.

Here's the thing that I'm angry about: if that lady knew that the dog could turn so quickly, why the hell is that dog on a pier where there are arcades with children running around, wearing a coat that says he's up for adoption which will obviously make people want to come over and see him?! My mothers hand was at the same height as a child's face would have been, and children would have seen the 'Adopt me' jacket and obviously been curious. I don't blame the dog, because it's not his fault that he was treated badly and is nervous as a result, but the carers responsible for him should ensure that he's fully rehabilitated before even thinking of taking him out in public. Ultimately it's the dog that would suffer for a mistake like this. The downright stupidity of some people amazes me...
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Sigh, when even the retail jobs around here have ridiculous requirements.
And then people have the nerve to say my gen are lazy.

Ah well.


Thank you. I try as futile as it has shown to be, but eh. What else do I got going for me in this life? Not much I can tell you that.

And way ahead of you. More or less don't have friends anymore. But I lost the will to even try making any new ones. It's a lot of work for a "What If." People change and I always end up getting the ones who are great at first but then degrade with time.

I'd rather stay alone. At least it helps me numb the thoughts.

Ready Player One looks freaking awesome and I hope it can deliver. I've heard good things about the book it's based on and it's got a lot of potential. There's so many awesome easter eggs in this trailer I'm so freaking hyped to see the movie and see all the easter eggs this movie has. In this trailer alone we can see The Iron Giant, Arkham Harley Quinn and Deathstroke, Freddy Kruger, Akira, The DeLorean, Duke Nukem, The Halo MA5D Assult Rifle, and that was potentially Mad Max's car that wipes out at the end. ****ING AWESOME!!!!!

For those who want something a bit more horror vibe; we've finally got a first look and it's taking place 10 years after the 3rd and 4th film respectively. I'm not sure how I feel about the direction this is going in but I'll probably watch it anyways because I need to know the twist that is hyped up in the trailer and I quite like the main actress Laura Vandervoort which is getting me hyped with her getting a leading role in a film that needs no introduction.
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Last Saturday around 11:30 am UK time my friend has started a live stream charity for alzheimer. The goal was to raise £300 in two days. Today (Monday) at 4:00 am UK time the live stream has ended with £1204.
Nice, well done. People can be fairly generous when it comes to charity streams.

A bunch of Destiny streamers get together every year to raise money for charity and the goal this year was to raise $1 million. They ended up raising over $1.5 million. So fair play to them :)
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Last Saturday around 11:30 am UK time my friend has started a live stream charity for alzheimer. The goal was to raise £300 in two days. Today (Monday) at 4:00 am UK time the live stream has ended with £1204.
That's fantastic. Well done! :smile:
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Last Saturday around 11:30 am UK time my friend has started a live stream charity for alzheimer. The goal was to raise £300 in two days. Today (Monday) at 4:00 am UK time the live stream has ended with £1204.

God bless him for that. My grandmother died in 2012 of alzheimer. It was ****ing horrible bro, i'll never forget it. I remember when she didn't recognize me anymore, yet she still smiled at me. What hurts me the most about this dam disease is that it destroys something extraordinary valuable for elders, their memories, of you, of their spouses, husbands, children, good times etc.

When she had a few days left to live, i visited her. I went to her bedroom and there she was, laying on the bed in a cuddle position half naked. She looked exactly like a baby. I kneeled at her feet and i started crying my heart out. I told her that she'll see my grandfather soon, something i really regret, as she immediately started shaking her head, like saying "no"?. Maybe she was just scared?. To this day, her reaction still haunts me. This disease is so ****ed up is almost like the Devil himself created it to enjoy watching people suffer. In God i trust.
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