What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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Absolutely terrible what happened in Manchester yesterday with that suicide bomber. What's even worse is that the people who got killed were so young :(

I'm not a fan of Trump's but I agree with what he said about these terrorists, they are losers. Lowest of the low.
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I think that movie Logan might be popular. Just a hunch.

CT1: I go on holiday in seven weeks, and the warm weather we're having at the minute is really making me wish we were going sooner. I'm more excited than usual this year; we've had a tough year so far and it's going to be so nice for all the family to (hopefully) have two sunny weeks away. :)


CT2: Huh. You learn something new everyday. I never knew that the weather could cause my piano keys to stick.
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Yup. Logan is indeed a great movie. Alien: Covenant is also a good one but it's just not really that scary tho.

But was it really meant to be scary? I feel like these new movies are meant to be more interesting than they are scary, because alien itself isn't exactly scary anymore. We know what they look like, we know what they can do, so there really isn't any point in dragging on with them as if audiences are suddenly going to be shocked by them all over again.
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Well, here's some rather discerning news I was "blessed" with today... Square-Enix talking about possibly going episodic with each of their upcoming releases.

As somebody who adores a lot of SE's IPs... please no episodic KH3 or Avengers game, that's all I ask (because it worked sooooooooooo well for Hitman like Ashley said). Release a full Avengers game on disc and then we'll talk about updating it with DLC expansions, mmkay?

If you really must go the DLC route, a story expansion with a second Avengers squad led by Captain Marvel (and of course, new villains) after beating the game with the "main" team (Cap, Iron Man, Hulk, Hawkeye, Thor, Black Widow) is something I think people could sink their teeth into.
Well, isn't this magical? I just got back from a long day at work and came across this in my YouTube subscriptions:

No, you're not mishearing the news clip, it actually f**king happened: a guy getting bit in the mouth while attempting to kiss a diamondback rattlesnake, you can't make this sh!t up.

I don't know what's making my head hurt more: the pain this guy's enduring or the stupidity that led to it.

Let this be a daily reminder to all:


That's pretty bad but check this one out!
Sometimes I can't believe the **** people do on this planet that we all share.


"According to a report in the Phoenix New Times, 31-year-old Matthew Sterling told police he was targeting “bad police officers” because he was the real-life version of The Punisher, Marvel’s uncompromising vigilante. Sterling told police he was aware that real weapons were banned from the con, but said the rule didn’t apply to him because, as he previously claimed, he was the Punisher."

I mean what? The fake Punisher is getting Punished? I'm just glad no one was hurt because I'm trying so hard not laugh at this dumb ass mofo.
CT: After reading about a company that sells its products in 130 countries, I started listing all the countries I know, just out of curiosity. But I could only compile roughly 120 without help from Google, and now I feel uneducated.

But hey, I know all the nine worlds in Norse mythology!
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CT: After reading about a company that sells its products in 130 countries, I started listing all the countries I know, just out of curiosity. But I could only compile roughly 120 without help from Google, and now I feel uneducated.

But hey, I know all the nine worlds in Norse mythology!

(Not completely accurate, but it's how I remember them haha)
The awkward moment when you're having a dramatic moment, thinking deeply while standing on the deck looking up at the stars, then all of a sudden you hear the toaster go off inside the house.
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So, I just remembered the reason why I hate both neighbors and dogs. Especially neighbor's dogs.
Not only do they often bark their goddamn heads off all day, they do it well into the night as well, even so late as midnight. Some times even later. I mean, who the hell keeps their dogs outside for hours on end, letting them bark to the wee hours of the morning. WTF.

It gets even better. The neighbors next door have a coonhound. And it is scared. Of. It's. Own. Shadow. And you know what it does when it's scared? It howls. In the most annoying way possible. If you even step out of your door into your yard, it howls. Start driving out of your yard? Howls. Take a walk down the street? You guessed it, more howling.

And the best part? Today, I was trying to mow my yard. When I start to get near their yard, they let the damn dog out. So it runs up to me, howling and snarling. Like FFS you know your dog is scared of every thing. So you let your dog out when you can clearly see people doing yard work in the next yard over? What do you think is going to happen? That he's going to magically shut up for once? Pretty likely.
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So, I just remembered the reason why I hate both neighbors and dogs.

Finally someone else said it! I actually like dogs as long as they're well-behaved and quiet. But many are not.

One of my two hypersensitive senses is my sense of hearing, and any loud noise (whether it's caused by dogs, children, construction, or just people chewing too loudly) hurts my ears. So you can imagine I don't take kindly to randomly being barked at by dogs for no reason, it nearly gives me a heart attack every time. Oh, and if you move too fast for their liking, chances are they'll chase after you. Lovely.

Other people's dogs are like other people's children: They can be nice, but if they pester you, you just have to put up with it and aren't allowed to discipline them because they're not yours. So all you can do is either go away or hope for the owner/parent to do something about it.

As for neighbours... Well, I have to say I've been rather lucky in that regard. There are no little children or pets in my building, or at least I haven't seen any, and even my younger neighbours are usually so quiet that most of the time I don't even realise they're there. Two exceptions include one of the ladies next door who likes slamming her door shut and stomping through the hallway in her high heels like there's no tomorrow, and another who feels the need to live out her unholy fantasies at the unholiest times of the day, sometimes waking me up in the middle of the night. But that's nothing compared to the neighbour feuds my sister has to face, so I'm not complaining.