What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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It's a really good Visual Novel series, with really well written characters and scenes. If you don't enjoy VNs/stories, I wouldn't pick up the game. Sure, there are puzzle rooms, but that's not the main point of the series. (As I was making my way through the second game, I was starting to get annoyed with the puzzles. I just wanted to get on with the story lol) Also, do not look up ANYTHING. at all.

The third game is a hot mess tbh. It throws out the VN part for "Cinema Scenes" which are garbage. Plus, the story portion is so jumbled up, it gets annoying, but I guess that's apart of the plot :/.
VNs are my jam, and I live for good characterization tbh. Thanks for the input!
Also, there's a button that you have to press to bring up the descriptions for everything. For some reason, they split it into separate "parts". On the PC, I think the button is in the top right of the screen. Def use it (The diffanitve version of the game is the DS version, btw, but the Nonerary games comes with both the first and second games in one. TBH it doesn't matter which you choose.)

EDIT: Not like you press a button and it describes the thing you are looking at, I mean that it goes into more detail about what the characters look like and the environment around them. REALLY vivid descriptions, btw.

The game(s) is/are pretty much written in a way to just keep giving you a "Fridge Brilliance" moments.
One more thing: Don't just get one ending in the first game and move on to the second. There is a "true ending" and you will know it when you come to it.
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These MLB '17 graphical glitches look very freaky.

CT: It's interesting how some people feel the need to constantly post links, quote statistics and back up their opinions with stuff other people said. If you need such validation to "prove" that your opinion is the right one, the only thing that proves is that you're not really sure yourself.

I hear you, but let me tell you why you're wrong. You see, according to a post made by Xx_BigDaddyPimpin_xX of the Star Trek Forums on February 5th of 2002, he clearly states:

"Links and quotes of outdated opinions from anywhere on the internet is relevant to modern discussions between completely different people who may or may not agree with said opinions. By bringing to light these opinions, your point receives a credibility multiplier of x2 because it shows you've done your research, and now you have the facts and numbers to demolish the enemies. As always friends, live long and prosper."
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Ugh. I was looking forward to a long weekend but looks like it's not going to happen now. I'm expecting a call and so assumed it was that person who was calling me and didn't look at the number properly when my phone rang. Turns out it was work and I didn't have a ready excuse for why I can't work tomorrow. Sigh.
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My roommate is leaving for the weekend, which means I feel a heightened sense of freedom despite the fact that a) he doesn't actually prevent me from doing anything while he's here and b) I don't do anything differently when he's gone.
Ugh. I was looking forward to a long weekend but looks like it's not going to happen now. I'm expecting a call and so assumed it was that person who was calling me and didn't look at the number properly when my phone rang. Turns out it was work and I didn't have a ready excuse for why I can't work tomorrow. Sigh.
Always give work a separate ringtone so you don't have to look at the number.:wink: Something that scares the **** out of you like a siren should do the trick.
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CT: It's interesting how some people feel the need to constantly post links, quote statistics and back up their opinions with stuff other people said. If you need such validation to "prove" that your opinion is the right one, the only thing that proves is that you're not really sure yourself.
Hel you are mistaken! You don't see it? If you need proof, just give me time to find back to the article, I seems to have lost the link. :razz:
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CT: I have that one friend on Facebook who only comes on in the evening and does everything that needs to be done in one go, which then results in every single one of the 7 million pictures she likes appearing on my news feed all at once. Does Facebook think that just because I have less than 3,000 friends, it needs to spice up my news feed by showing me every little thing my few friends do (thereby actually hiding the posts of the pages I'm deliberately following)? It hasn't always been like that, and it's annoying.
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CT: I have that one friend on Facebook who only comes on in the evening and does everything that needs to be done in one go, which then results in every single one of the 7 million pictures she likes appearing on my news feed all at once. Does Facebook think that just because I have less than 3,000 friends, it needs to spice up my news feed by showing me every little thing my few friends do (thereby actually hiding the posts of the pages I'm deliberately following)? It hasn't always been like that, and it's annoying.
As a proud owner of myself I have not agreed to Facebook's terms of service, so I don't really know how FB works. But aren't there some settings that let you control what is fed to your page?
Several actually, they just don't work properly.

Besides, I am also an owner of myself and having a Facebook account does not contradict that. It's just that some people are too immature for social media, constantly posting things about themselves they really shouldn't, and then wondering how all of their secrets got out. However, don't fool yourself believing that you're not being spied on just because you don't use Facebook. :wink:
I love Neverwinter Nights and I hateNeverwinter Nights 2 and its cartoonishness with a passion. Seeing how hard it is to find people to play NWN with compared to the second one makes me hate it even more.

Also, more RPGs nowadays should look up to NWN's spells' variety, animations and effects. Replaying it recently made me realize how boring magic is in RPGs nowadays.
So I have something that I just need to get off my chest, it's been bugging me for a while. Despite the topic matter, this is in no way shape or form political, as anyone who knows me at all knows that I stay out of that hornet's nest because no one ever wins, and is NOT supposed to start any sort of politically charged, **** you to the opposite party of your choosing.

I'm a little sick of the flack that Ivanka Trump is getting for... Just about everything, from the fact that she is supporting her father to how she wears her hair and all in the name of feminism.

I understand that it must be difficult being the offspring of the president and anyone that has been in the public eye as long as she has should be used to silly little criticisms but to be perfectly honest, I feel like this is getting a little ridiculous.

Feminism is about empowering other women and raising awareness to women's rights and equality and shouldn't be used as a cheap tactic to be mean girls and cut each other down in the name of the cause!

She's being criticized for her beauty.

I say: "So. Many women are beautiful."

She's criticized because she can afford a nanny.

So. Many people can afford nannies and don't receive criticism. We are not in her home and we do not know how involved she is or isn't and what role a nanny plays in her children's lives.

She's criticized because she's successful and has her own clothing line, has a brand new book out and has a position with her father in the White House.

So. There are many successful people out there with their hands in many pots.

Her father's money is in large part why she's so successful.

So. How many people are out there riding mommy and daddy's coattails, using mommy and daddy's name and spending mommy and daddy's money? Only every daughter of a celebrity turned model or every son of a NASCAR driver turned professional racer.

She's publicly stated that her biggest influence in the White House will more than likely be behind the scenes and that she's okay with that.

So. Feminism is supposed to allow women to see their full potential and make it okay for women to take charge... But that doesn't mean that every woman has to stand up and take charge and obviously she does realize her full potential or else she wouldn't have her hands in so many different pots and she wouldn't be making the money that she makes on her own, minus daddy.

Feminism shows that it's okay for women to be more than just the good woman behind the good man but it's not supposed to shame women who are okay with that.

I know from my own personal experiences that I am a strong woman who can take care of herself and can be just as take charge and headstrong as the next person but I also have a good man and I will gladly be the good woman behind him and can be totally content to be just that.

My mother was the amazing stay at home mother behind my father for years and, even though he wasn't necessarily the best man, she was content to be that good woman as long as he was doing what he was supposed to and it was only when he stopped being the good man that she had to step out from behind the man and take charge.

Every man and woman is different but we shouldn't use feminism as an excuse to put other women down. We can't stand united when we're so busy tearing each other to pieces.
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I refuse to call myself a feminist nowadays, not because I don't believe in the cause, but because "feminism" has become a synonym for "sexism", even if many of those so-called feminists don't realise that. They don't want equality, they want women to be better than men, discriminating against every man just because he's a man, and against every woman who doesn't meet their standards of a "better" woman. Replacing the old perception of what makes a good woman with a new one isn't helping, though, in fact it doesn't change anything at all.

As an author who spends most of her free time in front of a PC writing novels, the idea of being a stay-at-home wife is actually pretty appealing to me. My hobby could be my job, which I would do just as my husband does his, but from home, and I wouldn't mind doing most of the cooking and cleaning on the side - at least in theory. The reality is that I don't have a husband (at least not in the traditional sense, see below), suck at cooking and hate cleaning, but if I had all day to do those things and not just the few hours after work, I suppose it wouldn't interfere with my free time and therefore not bother me as much. And I see absolutely nothing wrong with that, whether you're a woman or a man or anything in between.

CT: I didn't realise I've apparently been married for the last six years. Does it come with being a fag hag that my male gay friends like to call me their "wifey"? This is already my second marriage with a gay man in the last few years, and it has been a good one.
I don't normally like to talk about things like this but something great happened whilst I was out clothes shopping. I found lots of things I liked, and everything was a size smaller than what I usually have! And I almost fit into the size below too. Trying hard to lose weight is paying off. Still got a long ways to go, but this is positive proof that it's working. :D