Writer's dilemma: You have a great idea (or just any idea, it doesn't even have to be great), incorporate it into your story, and tell the people close to you about it. Suddenly someone says: "That's cool! Were you inspired by [insert name of any book/film/show/game]?" You're like, "No, I've never even heard of it", but you can't help looking up the work of fiction that yours was compared to, and you see the exact same idea implemented in the exact same way. Your first thought might be: "They stole it from me!" Then common sense kicks in and you realise they can't have stolen it, either because their work of fiction predates yours by a few years, or yours isn't even public in any way, or both. But that doesn't change the fact that they're using the same idea, and once your story does go public, it will seem like you stole it from them! So you think about things you could change to make the unintended similarities less obvious, but you don't really want to do that because it's still your idea, even if someone else had it before you, and if you change it, chances are you might accidentally make it resemble something else that has already been done before. In the end I usually decide to stick with what I have and hope for the best, but this keeps happening to me, and it's so frustrating!