What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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@Airaku It isn't so much that I have anything against others singing with the band, just that none so far have the draw for me that Scott Weiland did, and that's what I need for STP to click. What it boils down to is that everyone's sense of melody is wholly their own. While I won't argue against the fact that Toryn Green can definitely do already existing songs justice, I also haven't liked anything he's made/been involved in creatively. His own melodic sense doesn't appeal to me, so future STP stuff with him will likely fall in the same category as the Chester Bennington stuff. So, though he'd definitely be better than Bennington for a sort of 'Greatest Hits' tour, eventually there's going to have to be new music, and I just can't get on board for that because I don't like his songs.

As for John Borja, he sounds more to me like Trey Parker than Scott Weiland. That isn't necessarily an insult, by default, but it kind of is in this sense. Trey Parker himself is actually a capable enough singer, but he really hams it up to sound really unprofessional on South Park, and that's the feeling I get from Borja. He doesn't feel earnest to me, which betrays the songs. He's rough in all the wrong ways. Scott Weiland's roughness (baring, of course, the tour that killed him) was calculated in a way that accentuated the harsh tones of the songs as they needed it, where as Borja's roughness feels more like he's trying to be something he's not, if that makes sense. Basically, he doesn't seem to be able to turn his off.

Again, this is all just my personal opinion and, like I said, I don't wish ill on anyone involved, nor will I begrudge anyone their enjoyment of whatever becomes of the band. I just don't see these guys bringing anything to the mix I would find special or unique in the right way, and that's what STP need. They need someone who can justly deliver the songs the band made with Scott, but also can bring something to the table to elevate any new material. I just don't see either of the guys doing that.
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@Daburcor I can understand your points and they are quite fair. Chester really molded it into a halfway point from his style and the STP. Actually it was it's own thing. It was nothing like STP. The song "Same on the Inside" was brilliant and had fantastic lyrics. The rest were decent, but not entirely amazing.

I'm not entirely sure about Borja or what to think about him. I really wished I had a bit more of an opinon on him, but I really don't.

Which leaves me to lean on Toryn Green. He has an exceptional history of fitting into bands and following their style. I agree that Brett Scalions voice cannot be replicated as he has an odd voice. Contary to that, I thought over all "Angels and Demons" was a more consitant and better Fuel album. Nothing compared to Shimmer or Hemorrhage, but a lot of the past albums had filler tracks, where that album felt like it had one or two filler tracks. Which made it become a hit or miss album with fans. Some loved it, others hated it. I loved it and honestly, it was Carl who was the brains behind the band. Brett was just a singer and didn't have creative control. Toryn got to write one song on the album if I am correct, and that was "Halos of the Sun". Which I would argue is the best song on the album. I am a little surprised you don't like anything he did with Fuel or even Emphatic. I think the following are brilliant songs, but maybe that's just me.

CT: About three weeks ago I continued working on my Tomb Raider project which I originally started years ago, but abandoned because that stupid, buggy level editor nearly drove me insane. Now it's close to being finished, but I have to play through it myself to make sure everything works as it should. And... F***, did I make those two last levels hard! I totally hate myself now. :D

I'm so nervous about sending a message that I'm shaking.
You can do it, Maddy. Just click send. He's shy too. If you don't do this now, you might never talk again. Do it...
I sent it.
I did it.
I can't believe I just did that.

Story of my life. Except, I never managed to send any message to my crush (I'm assuming you were nervous about messaging a crush)
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@Airaku Sorry for the late response! I haven't had much internet time. Anyway, what it eventually boils down to is the old saying 'There is no accounting for taste." And while most people who say that use it as a way to put down someone else's taste, I am using it as literally as possible. At the end of the day, there's something about those musicians I can't quite pinpoint that turns me off, whether I recognize their skill or not. I think that's about the best way I can leave it for now.

CT: That feeling when you thought you were telling a 250 page story, but hit that mark and still have half the story left to write: