What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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I was very disappointed with Force Awakens. It didn't feel Star Wars at all and was missing the magic. Too much humor (I was laughing non-stop and that's good). BB-8, Finn, and Rheys were fantastic. Don't get me started on Kylo. He was not only a poor character but very poorly acted. Temper tantrum after temper tantrum.

Also Jar Jar Abrams has shown a lack of understanding on how the light and dark side of the force works. From what I've heard and understood. George Luca's scripts for the sequel trilogy were amazing. Very dark, but good. I honestly wished we got that instead.... :'(

Asides from that. There were some great things in the film. But I was never on the edge of my seat like I was on any of the other Star Wars films and was always waiting for something to happen. It seems to be either on peoples favorite list or on the most hated list.
CT: I've been wondering this for awhile now: when did Netflix and Chill start meaning "have Netflix on in the background while we f*ck"?
When irresponsible adults let teenagers on the Internet, Netflix & Chill, and many other crappy memes started to flood the internet. This was probably festering just after the year 2010. Roughly. Maybe. Im just being a grumpy guy assuming things.

What's scary is I almost asked my mate to come over to watch netflix and chill, now I'm questioning my own sexuality. xD Thanks internet... Jk. well actually.. ahh nevermind. I never did invite him over to "chill" lol I really hate internet memes pepe and all the other tasteless jokes floating around. It's all based on what kids do and they turn it into a motto because it's something everybody's doing.

Let's face it when you was young you musta had a girl round for a movie and ended up doing something with her... now it's just a thing everyone has turned into a damn fad. It's honestly a teenager thing. 13-19 I cant really describe it any better then that, if anyone wants to jump in and break it down better please do because Im failing hard right now haha. Far to old to understand what little children find amusing.

It's kids trying to be funny. But the harsh truth is that they probably shagging at a young age, It's literally the code for casual sex.
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Finally got around to finishing Golden Axe Beast Rider!! Not entirely sure why everyone hates it; it's a decent game that stays pretty true to the original Golden Axe titles.

  • Walk around and slash things. Check!
  • Jump on beasts and slash things. Check!
  • Slash people, steal their beast and slash at more things. Check!
  • Chat with Gilius and Ax Battler. Check!
  • Kick gnomes in the ass, making them drop their **** so you can steal it. Check!
  • Set things on fire with Tyris' magic mana. Check!
  • Defeat Death Adder. Check!
  • Get Golden Axe. Check!
I guess I don't understand the whole "omg co-op is gone!!" thing because I usually played it by myself; I don't like other folks hacking and slashing at my ****.
More of a Streets of Rage guy myself.. heh heh.
Familiar to Altered Beast. Golden Axe is pretty neat..

Can you jump on the Dinosaurs and spit flames and stuff? Or did I smoke some bad gear? Jk I didn't smoke anything I'm just a nutter. I do have memories on Golden Axe. Riding Dino's and killing lots of trolls and stuff.
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@echoey Actually some if the beasts do have the ability to split flames at people, just like in the older game, ha-ha.

Ah Altered Beast was pretty awesome back in the day; don't think I ever played Streets of Rage though.
So, my best friend's mother became a Canadian citizen today, and I went with my friend to the citizenship ceremony. One of the people taking the oath of citizenship, while swearing with his right hand, was filming on his cell phone with his left. Really dude? You can't put down your phone for two minutes to just enjoy the moment?
CT: IMAX 3D should become the default format for EVERY film. The Force Awakens, an already perfect film for me, is enhanced so much by IMAX!
I've been happy all week since I've been getting gifts for those special to me.

I like being nice on my own accord. I hate being forced to do something like this which was the case years ago.

Anyways. In a good mood, got to know a friend a bit better, got all my school work done. Christmas is around the corner.
Life has been good for once in my eternal darkness.
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My dad's trying to quit drinking, partially because he has liver problems, so what does his creepy friend that I hate get him for Christmas/his birthday? A 40 pound bottle of vodka. Really? How stupid can he be?
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