What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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Wait where is this bad snow storm? Please excuse me for being out of the loop and kind of out of tune with world events (normally I'm not) I'm just so busy with school and chose to spend my time with awesome places like this!!!

I'm in Edmonton and our winters are SO COLD and I cannot handle the cold worth ****. My skin starts to crack and I.... I just can't do it!

The funny thing is.... our snow is hardly staying on the ground and it's not cold at all. It's pretty much as cold as a cold fall day would be. Which is a little chilly but it's not freezing and it's warm for a winter. Wearing a jacket for too long can make you feel hot as soon as you step inside. THIS is a rare anomaly and apparently we are going to have a warm winter. Something that never happens. Meanwhile down in the states they are getting cold weather. Winters have been getting colder over the last few years so this is a VERY welcomed changed. Plus I'm in school and I sleep A LOT in the winter with the cold and I have very low energy. This winter I'm not having that problem =) I'm really happy about it!!!!!!
There's apparently a strong El Nino weather system in the Pacific right now, so there's a likely chance we'll have a very mild winter here in Canada this year. Last time this happened was in 2010 which was also a snow-starved winter.
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Just woke up fifteen minutes ago and it's already been a horrible day.
First I found out my mom had to go to the hospital so my dad brought her, then the mailman came. I had to open the door and sign for a Christmas present I asked for that my mom ordered. I hate knowing what I'm getting for Christmas. :P I got confused writing my signature, apologized for being an idiot, and he said it's okay, it looked like I just woke up. -_- Then, I got a can of Coke, and spilled it all over my phone and our new furniture. Grr.
Just woke up fifteen minutes ago and it's already been a horrible day.
First I found out my mom had to go to the hospital so my dad brought her, then the mailman came. I had to open the door and sign for a Christmas present I asked for that my mom ordered. I hate knowing what I'm getting for Christmas. :P I got confused writing my signature, apologized for being an idiot, and he said it's okay, it looked like I just woke up. -_- Then, I got a can of Coke, and spilled it all over my phone and our new furniture. Grr.

Is your mom okay Maddy?
I'm not really sure what's going on just yet. I'll post again later once I find out. Thanks for the concern!

No problem doll :)

For some reason, I can't stop hearing Barry say "It's a weapon! It's reaally powerful...especially against living things! Better take it with you.." This has popped into my head several times throughout the day and it cracks me up every time.
There's apparently a strong El Nino weather system in the Pacific right now, so there's a likely chance we'll have a very mild winter here in Canada this year. Last time this happened was in 2010 which was also a snow-starved winter.

That's what I've been hearing for the past two months. A lot of my friends don't believe me on it though xD Apparently either Europe or Russia is going to have a very cold winter this year. "Supposedly"
CT: Tomorrow night I get to become one with my inner child and watch my favorite Christmas movie, "How the Grinch Stole Christmas". It's an absolute must that I watch it at least once every year....
CT: It actually relates to your post!

Tonight I started my favorite Christmas tradition. The 25 days of Christmas Specials/Movies. Every year starting December 1st I watch one Christmas movie/special a day. Started off the season with Christmas with the Kranks staring Tim Allen, Jamie Lee Curtis, and Dan Akroyd!
My mom is home now, but she has to go back to the hospital because they "think" she's bleeding internally since her hemoglobin count is really low and so they had to give her a blood transfusion. I'm not a doctor or anything, but I don't think they should've sent her home.
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My mom is home now, but she has to go back to the hospital because they "think" she's bleeding internally since her hemoglobin count is really low and so they had to give her a blood transfusion. I'm not a doctor or anything, but I don't think they should've sent her home.
hope she gets better soon...
it hurts to have a member of the family in the hospital.

Well i live in medium Polish city what is called in ENG Kholm, really peaceful place, there is rarely any criminal doings there.
So I assume you speak some Polish...
You sir are my hero! I love that language!
and I have heard it's pretty hard to learn...
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My mom is home now, but she has to go back to the hospital because they "think" she's bleeding internally since her hemoglobin count is really low and so they had to give her a blood transfusion. I'm not a doctor or anything, but I don't think they should've sent her home.

If they "think" she's bleeding internally, then they should have kept her to keep an eye on her. My mom was bleeding internally and she almost died. Keep an eye on her, okay? If she becomes confused or doesn't seem very alert then you might wanna take her back. Also watch out for nausea and cold clammy skin.
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CT: I got a job, yay! It's not exactly what I want to be doing but I think it'll be good for me until I figure out if I want to go back to uni eventually, and if not, choose which career path I want to go down... also money is nice.

Hmm... There's a job pretty close to me - Junior Game Designer. It's for someone with a degree and creative writing skills. I'm going to apply, but I'm so scared haha. :P

Go for it! :D Sounds like it would be pretty good, then you could work your way into Capcom and make the best RE game ever!! xD
CT: I got a job, yay! It's not exactly what I want to be doing but I think it'll be good for me until I figure out if I want to go back to uni eventually, and if not, choose which career path I want to go down... also money is nice.

Go for it! :D Sounds like it would be pretty good, then you could work your way into Capcom and make the best RE game ever!! xD
Congrats on the job! Yeah, I'm gonna go for it because it could be good, and the worst that can happen is I don't get it. But it seems like such a huge step. :P
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