Yeah, it starts getting light a lot earlier. I have a friend in Sweden and he too has constant daylight. It's crazy when he posts a picture of midnight and it's not even dark. I couldn't imagine not having at least some darkness at night.England is almost half way to Sahara from where I am, and I didn't know you got light that early that far south. Come to the north, here we don't have night time from early May to late August, so we don't have the problem with no sleep at nights.
But this summer we have other problems... like sh!tty weather week after week.It's one of the coldest summers in memory, so even though summer started early in May (green grass), some large trees at one of my neighbors are still bare and have just begun to grow leaves.
We didn't have much snow here in northern Norway this winter so it melted early. But in the southern half of Norway, the AVERAGE snow depth one week ago was THREE meters. Most of the country are mountains, but it's still much more snow than normal this time of the year. The satellite photos are unbelievable, almost all the country shows as white from space.
I've been thinking about replacing my snowman avatar for some time, but I think I can keep it a bit longer.![]()

I hate snow in general, but snow in June would be the worst thing ever.