What are you thinking? (Part 2)

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Haha, it took me a good minute or two to figure out who you were talking about.

The reason we didn't see Bran this season is because his storyline was ahead of all the other characters - it makes sense that he was given a season off to provide for everyone else to catch up. I wouldn't say it's a fault of the show runners to not tell us what happened to Rickon or Gendry yet - they have 10 hours to cover around 30+ characters with far more relevance to the storyline right now.
From what I've heard, the series has completely caught up to thr current state of the books. Including Mr snow.
But the Sansa story has surpassed the books since she wasn't present in them, nor was Brienne of tarth (spelling, Sue me)
Arya does my head in, glad she's blind. Although she's the only story which is behind the books current state I think.
And there is Yara Greyjoy. I mean last time i saw her she went to rescue her brother but after confronting Ramsey she ran away. And we never heard of her again.
I think that's because she pretty much gave up on him. Maybe now he's snapping out of it the storyline might switch up a bit
Ever feel like you're just totally weird and see things way differently than everyone else?

Prime example: I went to the beach with a friend of mine who's a good deal older than me. She's 30 and she had never seen Rambo. Well there's a Rambo marathon while we're at the beach and I love me some Rambo so we're watching it and, at the end, I start crying. Rambo has always been, bar none, one of the saddest movies I've ever seen and I'm not ashamed to admit it. She just looks at me like: wtf are you so sad about?

I feel so alone sometimes. :(
Ever feel like you're just totally weird and see things way differently than everyone else?

Prime example: I went to the beach with a friend of mine who's a good deal older than me. She's 30 and she had never seen Rambo. Well there's a Rambo marathon while we're at the beach and I love me some Rambo so we're watching it and, at the end, I start crying. Rambo has always been, bar none, one of the saddest movies I've ever seen and I'm not ashamed to admit it. She just looks at me like: wtf are you so sad about?

I feel so alone sometimes. :(
If I may: (Speaking from my own experience) being weird is nothing to be ashamed about. The world would be boring if everyone were normal :P Not saying that you're weird or anything, though.
Ever feel like you're just totally weird and see things way differently than everyone else?

Prime example: I went to the beach with a friend of mine who's a good deal older than me. She's 30 and she had never seen Rambo. Well there's a Rambo marathon while we're at the beach and I love me some Rambo so we're watching it and, at the end, I start crying. Rambo has always been, bar none, one of the saddest movies I've ever seen and I'm not ashamed to admit it. She just looks at me like: wtf are you so sad about?

I feel so alone sometimes. :(

Yeah something like that happened to me. but i won't talk about it in this thread. And the ending of the first movie and the speech Rambo gave THAT was one of the saddest things i ever saw.
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Yeah something like that happened to me. but i won't talk about it in this thread. And the ending of the first movie and the speech Rambo gave THAT was one of the saddest things i ever saw.
That and his speech at the end of First Blood part 2 when Trautmen tells him not to hate his country for what happened in the war. It kills me that Vietnam soldiers were actually treated like that. I mean Rambo, like most media, is an extreme case but they were actually treated like ****, protested and spit on.

You may disagree with the president, the congress or even the direction our country is headed in but you never protest our soldiers. They're the reason you can sit back on your couch in the air conditioning, feeling like you can pass judgement over everyone else.
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That and his speech at the end of First Blood part 2 when Trautmen tells him not to hate his country for what happened in the war. It kills me that Vietnam soldiers were actually treated like that. I mean Rambo, like most media, is an extreme case but they were actually treated like ****, protested and spit on.

You may disagree with the president, the congress or even the direction our country is headed in but you never protest our soldiers. They're the reason you can sit back on your couch in the air conditioning, feeling like you can pass judgement over everyone else.

Yeah and let's not forget that they couldn't get any jobs to live normally. i mean at the end of the day all what they want is a place to belong in.
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Ever feel like you're just totally weird and see things way differently than everyone else?

Prime example: I went to the beach with a friend of mine who's a good deal older than me. She's 30 and she had never seen Rambo. Well there's a Rambo marathon while we're at the beach and I love me some Rambo so we're watching it and, at the end, I start crying. Rambo has always been, bar none, one of the saddest movies I've ever seen and I'm not ashamed to admit it. She just looks at me like: wtf are you so sad about?

I feel so alone sometimes. :(

Everybody in my family makes fun of me for crying at some video game scenes, while they cry at movies, but in games you actually interact with the characters and you are the character so it makes more sense to me, but apparently I'm weird. xD
CT: currently in between my apartment and the house so I've been a busy gal. Thanks to everyone who wished me well by the way. I'm doing way better! House chores can be a little... bit much especially with my pug. I love it when she decides to poo and do a dance in it for me to clean up. AWESOME!
I've just seen Jurassic World, and it was so kick ass! I was expecting a bad movie, but damn, was I proven wrong. I thought it was immensely better than Jurassic Park 2 and 3. As for the first movie, I'd say it's a tie.

I wrote a review about Jurassic World on one of my blogs.
Summer confuses the hell out of my brain when I randomly wake up in the early hours of the morning. It's starting to get light and the birds are singing. Then I check the time and it's 3.30am. My sleep deprived brain can't comprehend it.
Summer confuses the hell out of my brain when I randomly wake up in the early hours of the morning. It's starting to get light and the birds are singing. Then I check the time and it's 3.30am. My sleep deprived brain can't comprehend it.
England is almost half way to Sahara from where I am, and I didn't know you got light that early that far south. Come to the north, here we don't have night time from early May to late August, so we don't have the problem with no sleep at nights. :p

But this summer we have other problems... like sh!tty weather week after week. :( It's one of the coldest summers in memory, so even though summer started early in May (green grass), some large trees at one of my neighbors are still bare and have just begun to grow leaves.
We didn't have much snow here in northern Norway this winter so it melted early. But in the southern half of Norway, the AVERAGE snow depth one week ago was THREE meters. Most of the country are mountains, but it's still much more snow than normal this time of the year. The satellite photos are unbelievable, almost all the country shows as white from space.
I've been thinking about replacing my snowman avatar for some time, but I think I can keep it a bit longer. :p