I've often thought we should make something awesome together that isn't an elaborate inside joke! One day, it will happen. I guarantee it!We.should.make.this.a.thing. We both write songs/music...! -lightbulb turns on for a moment- This could work! PS- Glad ya had a goodish week!
I agree, I expect people to use proper English if they are able to. I know my own English is pretty bad at times, and I wish people would correct me. How else am I gonna learn? Especially since half of the Internet population (who may influence me) sucks at correct writing....I've also come to really detest those that don't 'an' in the relevant manner. It's "an attack", not "a attack". Not only is it incorrect but it disrupts the flow of a sentence! Here endeth my rant!
In plain language, you either thought about doing mischief, or you think we are bad company...Hehehehe
All I can tell you, sweetie is to just take it one day at a time. (Which is all any of us can do, really.)I am actually afraid of the future. I've never been afraid of the future up until this point because I've always said, "I'll let future me worry about that." Well, now I'm future me.
First dates kick ASS...Remember, confidence is KEY...first date with new girl friday. nervous![]()